Howdy Folks!
I had a blast in The Winter Carnival of Magic in Pigeon Forge, TN over the weekend! I got to hang out with one of my good old friends Eric Buss and ran into Steve Bargatze, Steve Beam, Tim Felix and others. I had no idea that Pigeon Forge was sorta like a little mini Vegas thrown right in the middle of Tennessee. Cool place and thanks to all who attended my lecture there!
While I was lectureing in Virgina I got to meet the great Ed "Carlyle" Fowler. You may know him from his Mentalism DVD The Carlyle Touch. Ed was a super nice guy and was very generous by sharing with me some incredible mentalism ideas. I've used Ed's little pocket dictionary for years for pre-show work and probably what got me thinking about DICTION. Ed loved DICTION and asked that I send him one. You got one? Click HERE for DICTION.
SPEAKING of incredible Mentalism. Another highlight of my trip was spending time with my good friend Alain Nu. Alain is one of the top Mystery Entertainers in the world and we spent most of our time listening to live music and eating great food. Alain lives outside Washington D.C. and sitting in Adams Morgan with Alain discussing the finer points of performance over falafel is one of my favorite things. Alain handed me a little booklet before I left his place. It rocks! With Alain's permission I think I'll soon let you all in on what it is.
Keep a look out very soon for a special little side project that Alain and I are working on. : )
Well....thats all for now. I've got a private party this weekend and then off to the UK to perform at the Northern Magic Circle Convention. CLICK HERE for more info. This will be a blast! Kostya Kimlat, Marc Paul, Chris Priest and many ME!!! : )
Have a great week everyone!!!!
I have NINE black Conradi Revelation packages left over from this little lecture tour. First come first serve!
Also I have about 30 pocket writers left. If you attended my lecture at the Winter Carnival of Magic you saw the look on everyone's face when he pulled the card from my wallet and it said "Freddy". I often use this WITH DICTION.
This is something I only teach in my lecture. If your interested just order one and then drop me an email and i'll PERSONALLY email you the routine I use it for. Its killer!!!!
Pocket Writers
Have you seen all the newest stuff?
I send out bonus wisdom, randomness and foolishness!!!
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