Kranzo is HOME again...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I literally JUST got home from being on the road for almost a month. It was long and waaaay to much driving. I did have a blast with some of my friends and made some new ones. In a couple of days I'll recap some of the highlights for you and even share with you a few performing tips.
I was on the road and driving so much I was able to capture quite a bit of information on my voice recorder. I've been using the recorder for years as an audio notebook and it really comes in handy. There have been so many times I have had great ideas and I will never remember them because I didn't record them. And if I don't record them....I usually forget them.
Well for some reason this trip inspired me more than usual. I had a very productive trip and my creative juices were sparked by running into great minds. I recorded a ton of thoughts. One day I'll have to sift through all these thoughts.
If you don't keep a notebook of some sort I highly recommend it. Some of my best ideas were created in a moment and spewed out onto that audio recorder.
I actually recorded the Moving Tanline idea years before I ever tried doing it. I had totally forgotten about it and then went through some old tapes one day and stumbled upon the idea. When reminded of it I thought "forgot about that idea...I should try and prepare the effect and test it...".
I'm glad I did! Do you have a voice recoreder? IF so, go back and listen to those old tapes for some inspiration! If not, go to Best Buy or some other tech store and get one. They are cheap! You will use it more than you would write in a notebook and you never know when it might come in handy for a little secret recording or blackmale.
As an example I created a GREAT idea for my effect PIMPIN' that I would not have it it weren't for the recorder. Sometimes inspiration hits you while your driving at 3 am.
; )
P.S. I'll share with you this great idea that can be added to Pimpin'. Look for it in just a few days.