
   AstaraVisions Newsletter                      2012  

"Lady Rainbow"

 It is my Intention to deliver the Highest Truth for your Empowerment and Enjoyment.   

Astara headshot


"You are here on purpose.
To be the Peace
when others forget.
To be the Light when
Others see darkness.
To be the Love when others fear.
As you align with the vastness of Peace, Light and Love,
You join a mighty force that is the Truth of your Being."
 Astara E. Edmonds  




"The spider web catches the morning dew."


The Mayan Temple Reiki  transmissions are supported by the following Light Workers and Healers.  Please visit their web sites as they serve us well.    



  healing Hands 2

You are invited to join my

Healing Circle
to offer your healing intention and vibration to others and to
receive healing for yourself.
Our collective focus of loving, healing intention creates a unified field of energy.  We are all capable of joining and influencing this energy field. 
You can participate through meditation, visualization, sound therapies, Reiki or your method of healing.   
 It can be helpful to write your intentions and focus on them with desire from the heart then    "let go" for the highest good.
healing energy will be sent to personal and planetary intentions.


To participate in this healing circle, please sign up here:
Include your healing request or your intent to join the transmission of healing energy.
The planetary focus will include the increase in:




Additional link for  

Global Healing:

Global Coherence Initiative  

Kuan Yin bronze



Astara Visions Newsletter is a monthly emai
l publication by
 Astara E. Edmonds.

To Sign Up, click the link below. 
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Feel free to share this newsletter and forward to a friend.

Issue: #40                 March 2012   
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  • SPIRIT SPEAKS by Astara E. Edmonds


"Lady Rainbow"



Mayan Goddess  

Of the Moon, Weaving and Childbirth.  Great Water Goddess.   

Goddess of Medicine.    




As a Reiki Master, I understand the value and power of distant healing.  Energy is fluid and available for positive use through a variety of healing techniques such as Reiki.  When we are aligned with Universal Life Force, intention and compassionate giving, we become, in effect, conduits for the flow of energy.  The receiver simply receives and allows the energy to serve in the highest good.


There are a variety of power places on the planet that enhance the transmission of healing energies.  The Mayan Ruins in Mexico are ancient sacred sites with history of ceremony and pilgrimages to honor the deities.  These Gods and Goddesses represent a variety of qualities to support and enhance life.     


This message is an invitation to you and anyone wanting to receive personal healing through Reiki distant healing transmissions by me from Cozumel and Costa Maya, Mexico. 


These transmissions will be in alignment with dolphin energy as I swim with them as well as the Goddess IXCHEL (pronounced ee shell) as I visit her temples.  I will be transmitting Reiki on 2/29/2012 and 3/1/2012 (no set time).  The energy is available to you by just saying "yes" within yourself and allowing it to work for you.  


IXCHEL has many qualities and one of them is creation or creativity.  She is a Moon Goddess and Great Water Goddess.  The moon represents our emotional body and our ability to flow.  In a year of personal and planetary change, flow is necessary.  


If you simply enter into meditation and ask to be imbued with creativity and courage for your life, it will flow to you.  It is a moment to allow the Universe to support you in your highest good.  Breathe it in and allow it to flow.  Feel your feet connected to this great Mother Earth for grounding and supporting your path.  Trust yourself in this process of empowerment.


During this transmission of Reiki distant healing, I will also be focused on the healing of our Earthly waters - the oceans, rivers, lakes and springs.  Water is essential to life and blessing the waters blesses all of life.  Feel free to join me in your meditations for the Earth.  


As a point of Light on this planet, you are significant as a weaver of your Light for the benefit of all.  Remembering our personal value and how we creatively contribute to the awakening of humanity is important.  Every meditation, visualization, invocation and dream contributes to our collective awakening.  Let's remember to weave with Love and Compassion.      



single candle 
May your light shine bright. 

From "Hello 2012"
(see archive) 
Many messages have been written by our Elders, The Hopi's, The Maya, The Profits, Sages and Seers throughout time about the change of Ages and cycles on this planet.  We are now at the turning of an Age as a 5115 year cycle ends 12/21/2012 and a new Age begins.  This cycle as measured by the Mayan calendar is an end point and a beginning point.  During this changing of Ages, we are drawn inward to personal reflection of what needs to be released and discarded and what needs to be owned and embraced.  This is a time to let go of our fears and allows our spirit to express freely.
  dolphin close up




For addition reading, see Astara Visions archived articles.

Graphics by Astara    

                             Let Your Light Shine

Astara is a gifted Psychic/Clairvoyant, an Usui/Karuna Reiki Master Teacher and Writer.   

Astara is available for Private Readings in person or by phone.  Please see the web site for prices and details.  MC/Visa accepted.

New for 2012:
Astara now offers Astrology natal, transit and progression charts.  Contact her for details. 
  • Contact Astara for all levels of Reiki Training.
  •  Newsletters may be forwarded and shared.  
Astara E. Edmonds
Additional information is available at:
or contact Astara at 352-447-4104
or email astaravisions1@yahoo.com  

Astara Visions is located in Inglis, Florida
Photo of Silhouette by Susan V. Frohnmayer  c 2008  web site: SusanPhotos.com
All featured articles copyright by Astara E. Edmonds.  Articles may be shared with authorship named.      

Gold Reiki Symbol
 Reiki Trainings by Astara 

For past issues, click here 

Astara's Readings offer you insight and guidance to bring

clarity and empowerment to your life.

Contact Astara to schedule your Reading at:




I walk the path of the Ancient Ones remembering the sacredness of Life, Love and Compassion.........Astara

"Our task must be to free ourselves...by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty."

Albert Einstein