It is my Intention to deliver the Highest Truth for your Empowerment and Enjoyment.
You are here on purpose
To be the Peace when others forget.
To be the Light when Others see darkness.
To be the Love when others fear.
As you align with the vastness of Peace, Light and Love,
You join a mighty force that is the Truth of your Being.
Astara E. Edmonds
"Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit" Edward Abbey
" The earth is what we all have in common." Wendell Berry
AFFIRMATION |  I am in the process of positive change. I am unfolding in fulfilling ways. Only good can come to me. I now express health, happiness, prosperity and peace of mind.
"Healing for the Earth and the Waters of the World" by Laurelle Shanti Gaia with "Honoring Mother Earth" by Astara E. Edmonds
HEALING CIRCLE | You are invited to join my
Healing Circle
to offer your healing intention and vibration to others and to receive healing for yourself.
Our collective focus of loving, healing intention creates a unified field of energy. We are all capable of joining and influencing this energy field.
You can participate through meditation, visualization, sound therapies, Reiki or your method of healing.
It can be helpful to write your intentions and focus on them with desire from the heart then "let go" for the highest good.
Every NEW MOON and
healing energy will be sent to personal and planetary intentions.
To participate in this healing circle, please sign up here:
Include your healing request or your intent to join the transmission of healing energy.
The planetary focus will include the increase in:
|  Body, Mind, Spirit Expo, Tampa, Florida July 31 & Aug 1 see details at: Astara will be offering Psychic/Clairvoyant Readings in booth 7. Please join Astara for her message "Awakening Intuition" on Sunday at 11:00 a.m.
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Astara Visions Newsletter is a monthly email publication by
Astara E.
To Sign Up, click the link below.
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Stewards of the Earth

"This land is the mother of us all." Kikuyu Proverb
Our human destiny relies on our stewardship of the Earth. The legacy of our stewardship rests in our hands. How we conduct ourselves through our belief systems and actions, effects all of life. We all exist within nature. While we respond to nature, so does nature respond to us.We are living at a time of global transformation, a shift in our personal and collective awareness. We are living within a dynamic energy field of awakening. This means expansion in our abilities to perceive and know higher truth. It means expansion in our ability to recognize what is false and detrimental to our well being.As our awareness expands, our creativity increases allowing a greater understanding of how to apply new ideas in meaningful and practical ways. As we become more creatively empowered, we can interact with nature in ways that support our integrity as stewards of this planet.The purpose of this increased awareness is to bring a higher level of wisdom and unity to humanity and remind us that we are ONE. We are each a bridge to each other and to life around us. What we contribute to life around us matters.Let's have a conversation with ourselves regarding our relationship with Mother Earth. Let's examine our individual integrity in how we interact with nature. Are our actions life sustaining or destructive? Remember, you are an important bridge and your contribution is significant.During times of catastrophes such as earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, floods, fires and oil spills, let's remember the power of our unified focus to restore balance. Working through our emotional upset is part of the process. Let's focus with honorable intention on a desired positive result. Our individual focus is amplified when joined with others of similar intent. The forces of nature feel our intentions and respond to our input. The collective focus has the creative power to influence a positive effect.We are here to offer our visions of harmony and cooperation to our home, our society and our world. We are here to create through our heart's desire, a safe, consciously inspired world. We are here to create peace and dignity within the human race, so we must value our homeland of Earth.As humans, we have a great capacity through our heart center to LOVE. With love, we can create a space for safe, joyful, uplifting changes to occur. This is our moment to choose wisely.
- "...All things share the same breath - the beast, the tree, the man...the air shares it's spirit with all the life it supports." Chief Seattle, Duwamish
- "What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within us out into the world, miracles happen." Henry David Thoreau
- " Each day affirm that here is nothing in this world that can stop you from transforming your life, opening your heart, loving yourself and sharing your love with everyone you encounter." Yogi Amrit Desai
- "I thank you God for this most amazing day: for the leaping green spirits of trees and for the blue dream of sky; and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes." E.E. Cummings
Meditation by Astara
|  Rainbow Healing Meditation
"NATURE ALWAYS WEARS THE COLOR OF THE SPIRIT." Ralph Waldo EmersonIn this moment, let us join together with a unified focus to bring healing and balance to the Gulf of Mexico and all life connected to the air, water and land.
Allow yourself to breathe full, deep breaths, relaxing and calming your body and mind.
Imagine yourself linked to a network of healing vibrations supported by your global family of Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters. Feel the presence of this unified field of energy.
Imagine yourself bathed in the soft rosy-pink hue of Divine Love. Breathe it in fully, allowing this light to fill your being completely then send it out to all who need it.
Now see yourself bathed in shimmering blue, showering yourself with comfort and peace. Send this comfort and peace to all who need it.
Like a dial on a color wheel, allow this color to shift from blue to aqua to green and bathe yourself with these hues. Breathe in the colors saturating yourself with healing vibrations the send them out to all who need it.
Now breathe in the golden ray of wisdom and understanding to guide you and send this golden ray of guidance to all who need it.
Imagine yourself showered in the purity of white and send it out to all who need it.
Allow your visions, prayers and colors to be lifted on the wings of Angels assisting you with your holy intentions.
Breathe deeply and return to outer alertness knowing that your contribution is significant.
Re-visit this meditation often. |
Let Your Light Shine |
Astara is a gifted Psychic/Clairvoyant, an Usui/Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Munay-Ki Mentor and Writer.
Astara is available for Private Readings by phone.
A One Hour Reading for $100
A Half Hour Reading for $60. Tape available, MC/VISA accepted
Contact Astara for all levels of Reiki Training.
Contact Astara at (352) 447- 4104 or
Astara E. Edmonds
Additional information is available at
Astara Visions is located in Inglis/Crystal River, Florida
Photo of Buddha by Susan V. Frohnmayer c 2008 web site:
All featured articles copyright by Astara E. Edmonds
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Reiki Trainings by Astara
For past issues, click here
"Our task must be to free widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty."
Albert Einstein
I walk the path of the Ancient Ones remembering the sacredness of Life, Love and Compassion.........Astara
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