headshot2pixels400   Astara Visions

"Heart Opening"

 It is my Intention to deliver the Highest Truth for your Empowerment and Enjoyment.   

You are here on purpose
To be the Peace when others forget.
To be the Light when others see darkness.
To be the Love when others fear.
As you align with the vastness of Peace, Light and Love,
You join a mighty force that is the Truth of your Being.
 Astara E. Edmonds  


Quote from "A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles."  
 By Marianne Williamson. 
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. 
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
I am in the process of positive change.  I am unfolding in fullfilling ways.  Only good can come to me.  I now express health, happiness, prosperity and peace of mind.


Here is an excellent web site for understanding the importance of Organic foods. 
Click on the link to read about the importance of chemical free foods.  This site is a wealth of information with the focus on health and wellness.


  Healing Hands
You are invited to join my
  Healing Circle
  to offer your healing intention and vibration to others and to receive healing for yourself.
 Our collective focus of loving, healing intention creates a unified field of energy.  We are all capable of joining and influencing this energy field. 
You can participate through meditation, visualization, sound therapies, Reiki or your method of healing. 
It can be helpful to write your intentions and focus on them with desire from the heart then
"let go" for the
highest good.
Every NEW MOON and
healing energy will be sent to personal and planetary intentions.
To participate in this healing circle, please sign up here:
Include your healing request or your intent to join the transmission of healing energy.
 The planetary focus will include the increase in:
Issue: #17 July/2009


  • SPIRIT SPEAKS by Astara E. Edmonds
Heart Opening
Our heart center is a magnificent place of transformation for our growth in consciousness.  Through our heart center, we feel and process the emotions that move through us.  Although emotions vary, the highest guiding light is Love.
The challenge for the evolution of humanity is to move from fear based emotions to love based emotions.  Many authors deliver essential messages reminding us of the power and value of Love.
When we are triggered to feel intense emotions, an opening is created for the flow of feelings.  When we experience loss through the death of a loved one, a friend, a family member, a pet, a national leader or a celebrity, there is an opening of the heart center.  The emotion of grief washes and cleanses our hearts while the remembrance of love and appreciation expands the heart.
When many people collectively focus in one direction, the opportunity for significant heart opening is multiplied.  For example, when Lady Diana, Mother Theresa and John Denver all passed away within a week, the collective grieving created a collective shift in heart opening.  With the recent passing of Michael Jackson, the magnitude of collective focus also created a significant shift in heart opening.  These events create shifts in our awareness and advance us collectively in our awakening.
With an expanded heart, we can look within ourselves and define with clarity what we want to create.  The importance of what we focus on is significant.  Thoughts and feelings are powerful creative forces.
Let's say you want an increase in prosperity.  When your thoughts and feelings focus on not having enough, "not enough" is what you will manifest.  When you think and feel from a place of worry, doubt and fear, the results will be more of what you don't really want.  When you think and feel from a place of faith and trust in what you desire, you will manifest more of what you really want.  If you trust your connection to prosperity as a force in the Universe that supports you, manifesting what you desire will occur.
We can apply this to global issues as well.  Placing our focus on prosperity, wellness, safety, peace and more, aligns us with the power of attraction to manifest these desires.
The world we live in is continually changing and transforming. The themes for 2009 are on balancing issues of power, authority, integrity, responsibility and communication. Although circumstances may be challenging, the opportunity to increase our gratitude, compassion, honesty, creativity and love is great.
Change and transformation is not always a comfortable process but it can be an empowering process.  It is a time of renewal, creative inspiration, letting go of old ways and attitudes while deepening our sense of inner trust and wisdom.
Let's remember the value of our gifts, the techniques of healing and meditation, the significance of a grateful heart, and our compassion for others.
 We have the power
 to create a better world.
 The time is Now to manifest it.

                             Let Your Light Shine
Astara is a gifted Psychic/Clairvoyant and an Usui/Karuna Reiki Master Teacher.
Astara is available for Private Readings by phone.  
A One Hour Reading regularly $100 is on special for $90.  
A Half Hour Reading for $60. 
Tape included,  MC/VISA accepted
Contact Astara at (352) 447- 4104 or astaravisions1@yahoo.com
Astara E. Edmonds
Additional information is available at
Photo of Buddha by Susan V. Frohnmayer  c 2008  web site: SusanPhotos.com
All featured articles copyright by Astara E. Edmonds 

 Reiki Trainings by Astara 
For past issues, click here 
                         June, 2009 "Our Divinity"
                         May, 2009  "Believing Beyond the Visible" 
                         Apr. 2009   "Your Inner Oasis II"
                         Mar. 2009  "The Calm of Creativity"
                         Feb. 2009  "Communion In Community"
                         Jan. 2009   "A Fearless Year"
                         Dec. 2008   "2008 Retrospective" 
                         Nov.  2008   "The Light Shift"
                         Oct.  2008   "Your Inner Oasis"
                         Sept. 2008   "Healing Hands"
                         Aug. 2008   "The Gem of Courage"
                         July  2008   "Mystical Dreaming"
                         June 2008   "Awakening Intuition"
                         May 2008    "The Flow of Grace"
                        April 2008     "Nature's Value"
                        March 2008  "The Path of Honor"


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Astara Visions Newsletter is a monthly email publication by
 Astara E. Edmonds.
"Our task must be to free ourselves...by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty."
                                                               Albert Einstein