Personal awakenings often come through unexpected occurrences in the form of illnesses or accidents. It is one way we get our own attention and focus on changes.
For example, in 1984, I went through an awakening that changed my life. I fell from a horse and broke my back. I knew immediately that I was "different" and I felt an inner joy in that revelation.
From that point on, my intuition and psychic awareness opened and grew. I had many visions and encounters with Angels, Ascended Masters and Guides. They were my teachers patiently and creatively guiding me. It was exciting, perplexing, unusual and fulfilling.
I questioned all my beliefs and values. It has been a remarkable journey that led me along a path of constantly choosing to trust and follow my inner guidance.
I share this because humanity is going through an accelerated shift in awareness, which opens our intuitive/psychic part of us. Humanity is going to new levels of intuitive perception. This shift encourages an inner questioning and examination of personal beliefs and values. Questioning is healthy and empowering.
This can be an exciting and deeply revealing time. The realms of the invisible become more available to us. The teachings and guidance of our Angels and Guides is more easily accessed. Listen and Trust.
Your own awakening process can be dynamic and insightful. It is helpful to relax and open to the expansion that is taking place. Listen and Trust.
Your Guardian Angel will inspire and nurture you. Your new awareness will provide more insight and information to make new and better choices. In a world that is quickly changing, this inner guidance is incredibly valuable.
Our world is in constant relationship with the invisible and the time is NOW for remembering the power of this truth.
If you are willing to say "Yes" to your personal expansion and the flow of insight, unique experiences await you. Remembering our connectivity with the invisible is part of our awakening to our power.
A couple inspiring movies that are fun reminders of this message are: "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield and "Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman. They are both excellent books and movies designed to stimulate our minds and intuition.