Astara Visions Newsletter
"The Path of Honor"
Astara headshot
Psychic Readings by Astara
at the
Florida State Fairgrounds, Tampa, Florida 
May 17 & 18, 2008.
"The butterfly counts not months but the moments, and still has time enough."
                  Rabindranath Tagore
"From Caring Comes Courage"
                               Lao Tzu
T i d b i t s
Natural Inspect Repellent
For a healthy way to repel insects like mosquitoes, gnats and no-see-ums, try these essential oils:
  • Geranium Oil
  • Rosewood Oil
  • Citronella Oil
  • Lemon Grass Oil
  • Peppermint Oil
  • Cedarwood Oil
  • Wintergreen Oil

Experiment with variations of these oils in soybean oil and purified water.  They are safe and smell good too!

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Issue: #1 March/2008


Inspiration is the energy that moves me to create this Newsletter for you.  It is my Intention to deliver the Highest Truth for your Empowerment and Enjoyment. 
                                                                 Namaste', Astara    

      SPIRIT SPEAKS     by Astara E. Edmonds

 "The Path of Honor"   Astara

The path of honor resides deep within us finding expression in a variety of ways. One place this honor is given opportunity to be expressed is with family. Often, we are born into families that give us a chance to grow through the challenge of personality conflicts, power issues, and abuse along with various levels of love, compassion, respect and appreciation.

A simple yet powerful TRUTH is helpful to know regarding families. You choose them before birth. You are part of the organizing, planning intelligence that chooses your parents, siblings, time and place of birth. It is a co-creation with purpose.

While we have a limited capacity to see the Big picture regarding the choices we make before incarnation, it is helpful to know that a higher power and higher intelligence is working. Your Soul is gathering information through experience. Sometimes the experience is challenging while at the same time enriching to the Soul.

With this in mind, look to your biological family and ask yourself what you have learned about yourself. How has any conflict strengthened and empowered you? Look for the gift even in the darkest place. Your Soul is learning through experience. All experience.

Recently during a Reading with a client regarding the passing of her father, a profound comment was made. Her departed father said, "I am sorry for teaching you how to be treated so badly". Her life has been a path of learning to respect and honor herself. Although her relationship with her father was challenging, he was her teacher contributing to this valuable lesson.

In a different session with a client, the question came up regarding what health issues to take care of for an elderly parent when they didn't know how long the parent would live. Spirit simply said, love your parent as though she is living. Focus on the living aspect as this honors the parent and you.

Returning to the simplicity of the child often accompanies aging in parents. I personally have elderly parents at the ripe age of 93. While my father is clear and aware, my mother has dementia. She continues to teach me the value of simplicity and Spirit reminds me of the innocence of this childlike side of life. Honoring the innocence brings grace to the experience.

Honor may sometimes require forgiveness. Forgiveness brings freedom. When you hold on to resentment, anger and critical thoughts, you hold yourself prisoner to the pain. Forgiveness is the key to your liberation.

When forgiveness seems too large a task, start with the art of allowing. Allow everything that has happened in your past to be exactly the way it was. Acknowledge the choices you made without judging them good or bad, right or wrong. This acknowledgment helps embrace all that has contributed to making you who you are. This step of allowing moves you closer to being forgiving.

The path of honor starts within and expresses through you. How will you contribute to life around you? May Your Honor Shine in Your Life and the World Around You.

Astara is a Psychic/Clairvoyant and Reiki Master Teacher.
Private Phone Readings are available.
Contact Astara at (352) 212-4499 or
Astara E. Edmonds
Additional information is available at
Astara's Web Site


This coupon entitles you to a One Hour Phone Reading for $90 (regularly $111) through April 2008.  Contact Astara at or 352-212-4499 to schedule.  

Tape included.  MC/Visa accepted.   Offer Expires:  April 30, 2008