SWD Roundup
SWD Roundup
4th Quarter Edition        57.5
2010 SWD Champions

2010 Fall Convention & Contests Results

Third Shift
SWD Quartet Champions
Third Shift

AAA Chorus Champions
The Vocal Majority

AA Chorus Champions
Texas Millionaires

A Chorus Champions
The Marcsmen

2010 SWD Seniors Quartet Champions

Easy Does It

2010 SWD Novice Quartet Champions

Senior Quartet Finals Scores
Tides & Marcsmen Kansas City Bound
2011 Kansas City

Houston Tidelanders
The Marcsmen

will be representing the SWD at the 2011 International Contest in Kansas City.

Click here for more information

Bodaciously Bountiful Barbershop Bash
Greg Elam
General Chairman
2010 SWD Fall Convention

Southwestern District members, family, and guests gathered in good style for our first-of-four contests & and conventions at the DFW Hyatt Regency Hotel within the airport.  Over 41 percent of our total membership came together for this splendid event!

More Info - CLICK HERE

President's Message
Dwaye's head shot Dwayne Cooper
2010 SWD President

As my two-year term as SWD President comes to an end, I want to acknowledge the entire SWD Board of Directors.  I've been blessed by being surrounded with so many talented men who care so much about the success of our Chapters in the Southwestern District of Champions.

More Info - CLICK HERE

"Cool Hand Luke"
Larry Clemons - Head
Larry Clemons
2010 EVP
2011 President Elect

The 1967 prison camp movie with George Kennedy, Paul Newman, and Strother Martin (the prison Captain) had an epic line where Strother Martin addresses the assembled prisoners and declares:  "What we have here is a failure to communicate". 

Certainly the Southwestern District does not have a failure to communicate.

More info - CLICK HERE

Leadership Ranch 2010
Leadership Ranch Logo

The Southwestern District held Leadership Ranches on November 13 and 20, 2010. Four locations hosted a total of 100 men for leadership classes, vocal instruction, and group singing. Leadership classes for Presidents, Treasurers, Secretaries, Music and Performance VP, and Chapter Development VP were offered at each location.

More of this story - CLICK HERE

All attendees look for an
exit survey in your inbox soon.
2nd Annual Oklahoma Mini-Top Gun

The SWD Quartet Champions Association (QCA) is sponsoring the 2nd Annual Oklahoma Mini-Top Gun school, to be held at the First Presbyterian Church of Oklahoma City on Feb 5th, 2011.

Have your quartet coached by champions!

More info - CLICK HERE
Gary HannahGary Hannah
SWD Secretary


Barbershop chapters are organized as businesses.  Corporations to be exact.  And we are organized as corporations for several reasons.  Among the reasons are:

  • Protecting individual members from tort liabilities arising from chapter operations.
  • Protecting individual members from tax liabilities arising from chapter operations.
  • Maintaining our affiliation with the Barbershop Harmony Society our beloved SPEBSQSA Inc.
More Information - CLICK HERE
"Parade Of Checks"
John Devine

SWD Fall Convention in Dallas saw a revival of the "Parade of Checks" tradition whereby SWD chapters were invited to show their support of the Harmony Foundation.

More Info - CLICK HERE
The Mountainglow Is Back!!
Bob CalderonBob Calderon
Director of Music & Performance

In the seventies, when I joined Barbershopping in El Paso, Texas, I was fortunate enough to attend an event that was filled with music, fun and great memories that are with me even now. It was the Mountainglow! This was an event that attracted barbershoppers to the beautiful pine filled Lincoln National Forest in Ruidoso, New Mexico.

More Info - CLICK HERE
Look What's Here!
2010 SWD Champions
Tides & Marcsmen Kansas City Bound
Bodaciously Bountiful Barbershop Bash
President's Message
District-Wide Membership Program
Leadership Ranch 2010
2nd Annual Oklahoma Mini-Top Gun
The Business of Barbershop
Parade Of Checks
The Mountainglow Is Back!!
2011 BQPA Quartet Festival
Singing for Life - Register Today
2010 SWD Leadership
Great SWD Information
SWD Online Donation Center
Great for that last-minute tax deduction 
Chapter & Quartet Events

The Vocal Majority
Christmas Show Series
December 2, 3, 5

Men of Note's
Annual Holiday Show
December 3 - 4

Christmas Show
December 4

OK Chorale
The Most Wonderful Time
December 10

River Cities Jubilee Chorus
Holiday Men: A Celebration in Song
December 12

The Chordsmen & The Marcsmen
Joint Christmas Show
December 12

A Cappella Texas
Wishing You Magic This Christmas
December 17

Oklahoma Mini-Top Gun School
February 5

Complete SWD Calendar - CLICK HERE

Shows from chapters and quartets that receive SWD clearance will be published. Shows will be displayed six months from release of this edition.

SWD Lapel Pins
SWD Lapel Pin
Only $5
SWD has a Fan Page

SWD on Facebook

The SWD has a very active page.  Come and enjoy all of the convention pics, district discussions, and post comments about YOUR
Southwestern District.
Join our Mailing List!
Midwinter, Las Vegas!
2011 Midwinter, Las Vegas!

2011 BQPA Quartet Festival
The Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association (BQPA) will again host a Quartet Festival (convention) in Tempe, Arizona (Phoenix area) on April 7-10, 2011. It will be wall to wall quarteting throughout the weekend.

More Info - CLICK HERE
Great Gift Idea for Chapter Guests

SWD International Blend CD

Help to Save Lives through your talent of singing!
 American Harmony Thumbnail


Register Anytime
More information - CLICK HERE

American Harmony Thumbnail

American Harmony Thumbnail
2010 SWD Board of Directors