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Jan Phillips Newsletter � June 6, 2008


Start close in,
don't take the second step
or the third,
start with the first
close in,
the step you don't want to take.
Start with
the ground
you know,
the pale ground
beneath your feet,
your own
way of starting
the conversation.
Start with your own
give up on other
people's questions,
don't let them
smother something
To find
another's voice
your own voice,
wait until
that voice
becomes a
private ear
to another.
Start right now
take a small step
you can call your own
don't follow
someone else's
heroics, be humble
and focused,
start close in,
don't mistake
that other
for your own.
Start close in,
don't take the second step
or the third,
start with the first
close in,
the step you don't want to take.

~ David Whyte ~
(River Flow)

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from the windmill farm nearby



* I need a ride from Columbus, OH to Cleveland after the workshop on July 11 at 5 pm. Could leave early in a.m. to get there for 9 am workshop at Insight Wellness. (I didn't study my Ohio geography well enough and just realized this logistics snafu)

* Am trying to manifest an LCD projector if any of you have one you're not using
Quotes for the day:

The great mystery is not the appearance, but the transparence of God in the universe. Teilhard de Chardin

The human mind has more cards than its been playing.
Richard Tarnas

The real heroism is opening to a reality where all beliefs may be shattered. Radical uncertainty prevails. The situation is profoundly unintelligible.
Richard Tarnas

Ritual is the conversion of essences into acts.

from Kaddish by Leon Wieseltier

You can get your own daily poem sent to your email address by subscribing to Joe Riley's Panhala site.

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Hi there! I'm sitting at the lake looking out at this view, as bulldozers and backhoes move the land around me, making a new parking lot so more of you can visit when the time is right. When the date popped up on my computer, I realized it's my maternal grandmother's birthday (who had 14 children, 64 grandchildren and over a hundred great grandchildren). It's also the day the Sisters of St.Joseph sent me home for lack of a "religious disposition." I'm in the midst of writing a spiritual memoir and have just finished that chapter, grateful (finally) for whatever insight they had to know I was too free of a spirit to create my life within those confines. But, as circles go, I will be visiting the Motherhouse next week to see old friends and sit in the chapel which is still my favorite room in the world.

I'm reading Bishop Spong and am sharing a few words of his about change. There is so much of it happening these days at such an exponential rate. I cried when I saw the construction going on here...the loss of green, the loss of four trees, the death of the old. Every change brings with it a loss, a newness, a call to reframe and rename. As Spong writes in This Hebrew Lord:

"Life is a series of expanding frontiers that we are forever called to cross. Every crossing is something of a death and resurrection. Every crossing says at least a partial no to what we have been and a new yes to what we shall be. It means news vision, new insights, new humanity. But it also means new anxiety, new fear, new insecurity."

It's like the physicist Neils Bohr said about quantum physics:
"Opposite a true statement is a false statement, but opposite a profound truth is another profound truth." That's what we're looking for-that place that Rumi refers to as the place beyond right and wrong. The problems exist in the field of duality, and our answers exist in the field of unity. I guess that's why Baudelaire said that the quality of true genius is the ability to hold two contradictory thoughts simultaneously without losing your mind. Good challenge for these times.

I'm in upstate NY through June, then back to San Diego and in Columbus and Cleveland in July. The workshop schedule is below. Hope to see you in the wayfaring...

All light your way,

I joined the choir at my niece's Episcopal Church in Alabama when I was there doing a workshop last week.There were only three of us, but we sounded like the cherubim and seraphim nevertheless.

Upcoming Workshops

July 12 Tools of Transformation: The Word the Image the Story  Insight Learning and Wellness Center,Cleveland, OH;contact call 216-765-4470 ext 1

July 13_Creativity as Sacrament: a creative experience and day-long workshop with Jan Phillips_and metal clay artist Stacia Moore; (you'll learn how to work with metal clay and come away with your own jewel of a creation) Crown Point Farm and Education Center; 330-867-3431- limited to 15 people so register early _

_July 27-Aug 2_Creativity as Sacrament:The Mystery, Grace,_and Power of Self-Expression This workshop addresses creativity as a sacred gesture-discover the healing contribution that your creativity is to your self, others and the world. Stella Maris Retreat Center; Skaneateles, NY (near Syracuse)_

Sept 4 -- 3 Keys to Visionary Leadership:Tools for Transformation-Creativity, Spirituality and Social Change (weekend retreat)
Springfield, IL_contact Sr. Marilyn Jean Runkel;

September 7, 2008_Tools for Transformation: Creativity, Spirituality and Inspired Action
12-4 pm_Rev. Leslie Bradshaw_Unity Church of Springfield, IL;__217-523-5897

September 12-14; Facilitator Training in San Diego; $495. (registrations due by August 20) learn everything you need to know to develop, promote and succeed in being a workshop facilitator; contact for more info

Sept 19-20_Tools of Transformation: The Word the Image the Story_Rockhaven Ecozoic Center_7621 Rivermont Trail_House Springs, Missouri_call 636-375-3159,_contact


September 25-28_Reboot and Shoot Photography Workshop_ For the photographer and non-photographer alike. We'll be shooting in the mornings and afternoons and sharing our work in the evenings, with lots of supportive input.� become a better editor of your own work� learn the distinctions between a snapshot and a photograph� fine tune your skills in composition, framing and focus� discover what is meant by the "healing power of photography"� become the master of your camera's controls; $750 includes workshop, lodging, meals (credit card accepted)

October 4-5, 2008_Adirondacks in the Fall:_Sketching and Watercolor in your Personal Journal_Taught by Jane LaFazio__Record your life, your trip, or your daily adventures in your own illustrated journal. For more info on workshops
That's all for now...

I have to walk down a few cabins to access internet, so I apologize if you don't hear back from me promptly. I have cell coverage this year, so if you need to reach me, I'm at 858-229-0452. Please feel free to pass this on to all your lists. I'm trying to grow the Museletter circle in honor of that wise Balinese dancer who said: "There's someone out there who needs you. Live your life so that person can find you."