The NetLetter
For Air Canada Retirees (Part of the ACFamily Network)
September 16, 2012 - Issue 1221
First Issue published in October 1995!
(over 5,400 subscribers) |
NetLetter Past Issues
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ACFamily Network #800 - 15355 24th Ave, Suite 523 Surrey, BC V4A 2H9 |
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Welcome to the NetLetter!
We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC, Wardair, etal and share your experiences with us!
Terry Baker and the NetLetter Team |
Our First 75 Years - Compiled by Terry Baker
| 1943 - July 22nd - At the request of the Canadian Government, TCA began the operation of a war time Trans-Atlantic service between Montreal and Prestwick.
1944 - May - T.C.A. Existing and future route map issued.
1946 - Apr 1st - Route map from timetable nr 23 with new Atlantic route.
1955 - Jan 1st - Employee monthly publication "Between Ourselves" changed from a booklet type of format. Barb Dunn sends us this suggestion: You might want to let everyone know that this month's issue of En Route is terrific - a real walk down memory lane. If they are on an aircraft, they should take one for a good read. Barb
Reader Submitted Photos - Compiled by Terry Baker |
Reader Submitted Photos - The photos and information below have been submitted to us by our faithful readers.
Peter Baldry has sent us this memory: Reading the most recent NetLetter and wondered if you would be interested in a photo of the model struck for AC when AC had options to buy the Concorde. I have it in very good condition with the motif and wording, etc. The story is that a frequent traveler who knew me at LHR, inquired as to when our first baby was due - I said Martin was born last week, at which point he said "I have a present for him" and handed me the model - my son never saw it!! Because of AC's options, AC at LHR were invited by BAC to tour the Filton factory to view the production facility and we toured a full sized mockup (in plywood -but looked like the real thing) including going thru the cabin etc. We had a coach full of employees on their days off on two occasions who went on the "outing" (If anyone from LHR on that visit have any photos to share, we would be glad to see them - eds.)
Here are the photos from "Between Ourselves" issued January 1967. |
Here we have two photos from the Martin Betts family. No known location or date, but we have these identifications, and we know the vessel is M.V. "Canadian Challenger"
Seated front row: Stuart Thompson, Renee Birch, Noreen Reilly, Dorothy Pitt, Jay Outerbridge. Standing: Martin Betts, W.G. Coutney, E.P.T. Tucker, CN Steamships; Robert Outway, Capt. Frank Smith, Capt. M.V. "Canadian Challenger"; Donald Hannant, Walter Jones, John Sinden.
Here is the same group, different pose.
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 Below we have musings from the "Between Ourselves" and "Horizons" magazine, Air Canada publications from years gone by, as well as various in-house publications. The NetLetter has been fortunate enough to have our readers donate vintage Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada publications from as far back as 1941 to share with you. These have been scanned and are being prepared for presenting in a special area of the ACFamily Network for archival and genealogy research. |
Issue dated - (Month) Year) Some items gleaned from the "Between Ourselves" magazines. |
Not much in the way of Sales action going on in the company, as most of the 100 top guns were living it up at the General Sales meeting held May 27 - 29th, 1964 in the Seigniory Club, Montebello, Quebec and to prove it, here are a couple of photos supplied by the Martin Betts family. These are the attendees in alphabetical order:
Atkins, K.D. (Donald), Chairman & Managing Director, Mather & Crowther, London; Bartok, Dr. A.J. (Andy), Dusseldorf; Betts, M.A. (Martin), Sales HQ; Birch, K.B. (Ken), Sales HQ; Brooks, V.A. (Vere), Barbados; Bryce- Buchanan, D. (David), Sales HQ; Callen, J.M. (Jack), Sales HQ; Campbell, W.R. (Reg), Sales HQ; Chamberlain, J.S. (Jack), Sales HQ; Charles, W.J. (Jack), Sydney, Australia; Churchill, G.J. (Gerry), Boston; Connolly, J.M. (John), Sydney, N.S.; Corsiglia, R. F. (Bob), Cleveland; Crocker, P. (Paul), Sales HQ; Dalby, W.J. (Jack), Vancouver; Dansereau, H.O. (Bert), Quebec City; De La Cour, L. (Larry), Copenhagen; Denman, K.G. (Ken), St. John's, Nfld.; Deyman, R.E. (Ted), Seattle; Duhamel, G.B. (Bus), Sales HQ; Eagles, M.W.S. (Max), Sales HQ; Edwards, J.I. (Ian), Kingston, Jamaica; Finlay, J.C. (Jim), Saskatoon; Foster, H.E. (Red), President, Foster Advtg. Toronto; Fowler, W.W. (Walter), Moncton; Gaffikin, J.G. (Gord), Los Angeles; Gallant, E.J. (Ed), London, England; Garven, W.M. (Bill), Sales HQ; Gehlsen, J.H. (Jim), Tampa; Goddard, J.B. (Jack), Sudbury; Grahame, J.S. (Jack), Ottawa; Gray, G.E. (Gerry), Sales HQ; Hilker, Dr. R.P. (Richard), Trinidad; Hooper, G.E. (Gord), Toronto; Horan, J. (Jack), Dublin; Horner, W.N. (Bill), Trinidad; Hucl, R. (Rudy), Antigua; Haas, Dr. K.E. (Kurt), Sales HQ; Jerome, P.L. (Pete), Paris; Johnson, D. (Doug), Sr. Account Executive, Mc Cann Erickson - New York; Johnston H. (Hugh), Sales HQ; Jotcham T.D., Montreal; Kantor H.H. (Jack), Vienna; Knight S.N. (Stan), Bermuda; Kolb R.A. (Bob), Edmonton; Labrie J.P. (Pat), Zurich; Laflamme F.R. (Tod), Sales HQ; Law M.J. (Murray), Sales HQ; Leather G.N. (George), Chicago; Locke E.A. (Ernie), Calgary; Lynch D. (Dave), Montreal; Mackay A.E. (Mickey), Sales HQ; Maxwell J.G. (John), London, England; May E.J. (Eddy), Toronto; Mooney S.G. (Stan), Victoria, B.C.; Moore J.T. (Torn), San Francisco; Morgan J.A. (Jack), Moncton; McDonald C.E. (Cec), Nassau; McElligott H. M. (Hugh), St. John, N.B.; McGee J.A. (Jack), Sales HQ; McGill J.W. (John), Sales HQ; McInnes R.C. (Rod), PVM, Montreal; McLarty A.G. (Grant), Montreal; McLean D. (Don), Glasgow; McLean J.A. (Jack), Regina; McLean T.A. (Terry), Sales HQ; McLeod D.E. (Don), PVM; McRobie D.R., Montreal; Nicholson R.J. (Bob), Windsor; Nickson J.E. (Jack), Sales HQ; Paillefer H.C. (Howard), Vancouver; Park G. (George), New York; Purves A.R., Montreal; Price Boyce P., New York; Rathborne W.G. (Bill), Sales HQ; Reid W.A. (Al), Rome; Richardson D.V. (Don), New York; Robinson J.J. (Jack), Vancouver; Sampson L.B. (Len), Winnipeg; Scullion M.J. (Mike), Tokyo; Sellors R. (Dick), Toronto; Smith H.R. (Harold), Port Arthur; Spalding D. (Doug), Sales HQ; Stainton W.M. (Murray), Sales HQ; Struthers J.E. (Jack), London, Ont.; Sutherland A.J. (Al), Halifax; Taylor C.I. (Claude), Sales HQ; Turner M. (Murray), Toronto; Walls L.H., Toronto; Ward A.T. (Al), Sales HQ; Warwick A.J. (Alec), Sales HQ; Whiteside L. (Len), Sales, HQ; Wiley A.T. (Bud), Sales HQ; Wilson. A.P. (Pat), Brussels; Wilson G.R. (Gord), New York; Wood W. (Gordon), Sales HQ; Woolley C.E. (Charlie), Sales HQ; Wotton A.J. (John), London, England; Young A.N. (Norman), London, England; Young D.E. (Dave), Vancouver.
Issue dated - December 1954 Found in the "Between Ourselves" magazine -
The recent opening of a new and larger reservations office in Ottawa marks another step in TCA progress. Shown posting a stop-sale on the standard VSIB is Miss Ann Hart, while other passenger agents and supervisory staff continue to handle the heavy flow of telephone contacts. Seated from the left are: Beverley Starkings, Barbara Taylor, Dione Bruneau, Carolyn Sims, Dawn Cleotor, Olga Pliske, Morley Ryder, Rolly Hawkins, Ethel Butler, Noreen St. Pierre, Ken McCord, Francis Quinn, and Mary Lou Houlahan. Standing are: Norma Wood and Arthur Shotbolt.
This new streamlined rotary table has been installed in nine reservations offices across the TCA system and is designed to simplify and expedite the handling of passenger files. The recent installation at VRT completes present plans. Other stations successfully using the rotary table include Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, New York, London Ont., Windsor, Winnipeg, Calgary and Cleveland.
An artist's conception of the proposed Malton Airport extension program in Toronto which will cost about $75,000,000. Included will be facilities for TCA's Super Constellations and the new propeller-turbine Vickers Viscounts. Planned to make Malton one of the most modern airfields in the world, about $22,000,000 will be spent during the next 20 years to provide dual runways and larger field space.
Alan's Space - by Alan Rust |
Alan is still on vacation!
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events
- Compiled by Terry Baker |
 News and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and its "ancestry" of contributing airlines.
We got this email from Ken Pickford, referring to the following item in NetLetter nr 1220: A few minor typos noted in the item on the CP Air DC-10 flights to Whitehorse. 1. The year was 1985, not 1895. (Re the DC-10, Donald Douglas, Sr., the founder of Douglas Aircraft, was 3 years old in 1895!) 2. The two references to "Shiners" should read "Shriners". 3. On the 3rd last line, referring to the Whitehorse Reunion, the word "infested" should presumably read "interested"
(Here we have the corrected version - eds):
Whitehorse Greets its First Jumbo
CP Air carried 279 Shriners to Whitehorse on a DC-10 charter April 11th, 1985, and in the process set a record - it was the largest aircraft ever to land in Whitehorse. The DC-10 returned as an extra section off scheduled flight 654 with 50 passengers on board. It returned to Whitehorse on April 14th to pick up the Shriners Northbound, it carried revenue passengers as an extra section of Flight 655.
(Those retirees who spent their early careers in Whitehorse may be interested to know that we understand tentative thoughts are in the works for "CP Air Whitehorse Reunion - 2013". Stay tuned to www.cedarcoast.ca/yxycp for information early next year eds) Ken tells us: Coincidentally, I was a passenger on the northbound DC-10 extra section Vancouver-Whitehorse on April 14, 1985 (a Sunday). Since that flight was wide open, and the regular B737 evening flight back to YVR wasn't full, I decided to go for the ride on the DC-10 and spent the afternoon wandering around Whitehorse (where I'd been before). I remember it was a nice sunny day.
Brian Walsh also spotted one of the errors: I know CPAir evolved from the CP family of ships and railroad, but was surprised to learn that CPAir had a flight in 1895! Must have been an early alternative for those heading to the Klondyke gold fields.
Issue dated - December 1982 From the "CPAir NEWS" magazine -
Two B727 were retired from schedule service on September 18th, 1981. Both have been leased to Dan-Air, a U.K. charter company. ENTERTAINER Mel Torme took time out for a visit to CP Air's Operations Centre recently while performing in Vancouver. Being an aviation enthusiast licensed to fly small planes, he wanted to see the simulator for the B-747, the world's largest commercial aircraft. Luckily, simulator time was available! Above, from left, a glowing Torme chief B-747 pilot Capt. Bill Dunn, and senior secretary Marie-Andree Mathieu, a long-time Torme fan.
Issue dated - January 1985
A friendly welcome was accorded Sheldon Stollen when he visited Eastern Provincial Airways' Halifax ticket and area sales office shortly after the announcement on Jan. 8 that he had been appointed President and Chief Executive Officer succeeding Harry Steele who has become board chairman. From left, Chris Larsen, director of sales; Steele; Maxine Clarke, sales office coordinator; Stollen; Clara MacDonald, customer sales agent; Chris Lloyd, manager, corporate accounts area sales office; Derek Parker, customer sales agent; and Nova Scotia area sales manager John Sullivan.
Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker |  Every week we ask our readers for their stories or feedback on what they have read here in previous issues. Below is the feedback we have received recently.
Ted West in Victoria has sent us this information regarding the photo from the Martin Betts family we had in NetLetter nr 1219: I believe the group seated in rows could be a central region district traffic & sales managers sales meeting- probably YZ & the regional manager is Reg Campbell, shown as (?). I was a Chicago sales rep at the time. I should have estimated a date of the central region traffic & sales managers meeting. I think it would be 1950-51. Ted West Dave Edward sends us this comment: Regarding the pics Ed Hill sent you, (NetLetter nr 1219). In the first one, I think the gentleman 2nd from us top left could be Bob Penrose. The big guy leaning forward top right sure looks like Jim Duncan. I had the pleasure of flying with Bob, Jim and Bing on the Viscount in the 50's. Thanks for the memories. Cheers, Dave Edward
After seeing the Constellation in the photos sent in by Jim Bruce featured in "Readers submitted photos" in "NetLetter nr 1216, we received this comment from Marty Vanstone: What a glorious picture of the Super Connie. Certainly the most beautiful airliner ever! It is a shame there is not more color in the picture. That is definitely the YWG ramp in the early '50s although my memory does not recall the met equipment and shack on the south side of the ramp. I was employed by TCA's Division 5 from 1951 - 55 working on maintenance of the military aircraft from around the Prairie bases, but mostly those from # 2 Air Navigation School (2 ANS) at RCAF Station Winnipeg; the C-45s, C-47s and B-25s. The B-25s were used for Air Intercept training. There seems to be about eight or ten of them in the background and it's hard to see if they are running or not, but I think they must be lined up for take-off as they are in the general area of the button of runway 31. The two hangars in the background are the old WWII air force hangers which accommodated #2 ANS, #111 Communications & Rescue and #40? Reserve Squadron (then flying Mustangs). In 1954, 2 ANS moved to the new domed hangers to the west of runway 18-36. More dating of the photo may follow if anyone knows if the Connies were delivered with the tip tanks. As I recall, they were a later modification. Marty Vanstone Bernard Desanlis goes back almost 70 years for this memory prompted by the item in NetLetter nr 1218: Thanks for the short video of the Junkers 52 from Ron Rhodes. It threw me back a few years, March/April 1943, when I flew a similar aircraft, with Luftwaffe markings, between Tunis (Tunisia) and Naples (Italy) with a fueling stop in Trapani (Sicily). This was my first flight ever, I was 6 and 1/2 years old. A month later, the Africa Korps, headed by Rommel, was giving up North Africa to the British coming up from Lybia and the Americans coming from Algeria.
We were trying to flee the bombing raids which eventually almost wiped out Bizerte, the city and Navy stronghold where we were residing. We had to go to the airfield every day to "hitchhike" a flight with some empty space, with of course no baggage allowed. We sat on crates, my newborn sister in a laundry basket between my mother and I, fearing attack from British fighter planes based in Malta, during this long (3 hours), very low flying and of course very bumpy flight almost seventy years ago. Bernard Desanlis
Odds and Ends.
Sometimes we receive articles and information that just doesn't fit in our other areas. This is where it goes!
Alan Evans in South Africa has sent this information regarding the Vickers Viscount memorial.
Visit: |
From "Between Ourselves" issued December 1954: Winnipeg airport experienced a busy two days with the S.A.S. polar inaugural November 16th. Shown here are crew members of the "Helge Viking" prior to the last leg (Winnipeg-Los Angeles) on the second day of the second day of the Arctic flight.
The voice over the public address system at Stevenson Field, Winnipeg, November 15th was matter of fact, but what it said had the true ring of history in it: "Scandinavian Airlines System flight 932 "Royal Viking" from Los Angeles to Copenhagen, via Greenland, has now landed. Thus was announced the first stop on what has been described as the first new travel route in a thousand years.
J.B. Graphics Inc. has published a soft cover book (laminated covers, perfect binding) AVIATION ART By JIM BRUCE, 8.5"H x 11"W. The book is 120 pages, 24 in black and white, the rest in full colour. The books are signed and personalized by the artist. Jim Bruce is widely known for his award-winning aviation art.
Books are sent Canada Post Expedited Parcel. Allow 10 working days for processing orders, handling and shipping. Order by email j.bruce@videotron.ca with your coordinates, or mail your order to the address below with cheque payable to J.B. Graphics Inc. The book price is $35.00 Cdn (plus $10 for shipping within Canada and the NWT, and $2.25 GST, total $47.25). For international orders, please email for shipping cost. The price without shipping is $36.75 CAN ($35.00 plus $1.75 GST). (Some of the art has been featured in various Canadia>n staff magazines - eds)
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker

Here are some World Airlines Club Association (W.A.C.A.) events:
Visit the Holy Land sites & have fun in Tel Aviv. Israel Interline Club invites all Interline club members to visit. December 4 - 11th. Rates us$969.00 plus $20.00 WACA fee. Deadline is November 5th. Email: aharon.gabbay@gmail.com
Early shopping tour and Christmas lights parade. The San Diego Interline club invites all Interline club members December 6 - 9th. us$375.00 plus $20.00 WACA fee. Deadline October 30th. Email: mscoros@att.net or dgraham@skywest.com
WACA Interline Feastival 15 night cruise Maimi to Los Angeles through Panama Canal on NCL Sun" April 21st to May 6th., 2013. Inside us$1099 Ocean view us$1499.00 Bal us$2299 all plus us$257.22 pp port taxes. Plus $20.00 WACA fee. Deadline January 5th 2013. Organized by Dargal.
Email: ccampbell@dargal.com
Full details of these events at www.waca.org.
Laszlo Bastyovanszky has sent us some interesting information. Here is one of them: Do-it-yourself boarding at gates:On 27 June, Las Vegas' McCarranAirport opened a third terminal for domestic and international flights. At all 14 of the terminal's gates - where JetBlue is the primary airline -- there are self-boarding stations where passengers scan their boarding passes to open the automated clearance gates and board planes on their own. Other airlines are eyeing the same technology as a replacement for gates overseen by personnel. Last year, Lufthansa installed similar gates at its three hubs in Frankfurt, Dusseldorf and Munich. Some deals from Interline Travel: Crystal Serenity - 12 Nt Med Cruise sailing from Istanbul to Venice stopping in Mykonos, Piraeus (Athen), Navplion, Corfu, Kotor and Zandar on Sept. 18, 2012 - $2,700/Oceanview $3,000/Verandah $4,500/Penthouse Crystal Serenity - 12 Nt Med Cruise sailing from Venice to Athens stopping in ravenna, Kotor, Corfu, Mykonos, Istanbul and cruising the Dardanelles on Sept. 30, 2012 - $2,700/Oceanview $3,000/Verandah $4,500/Penthouse Crystal Serenity - 12 Nt Med Cruise sailing from Athens to Venice stopping in Santorini, Ashdod, Alexandria, Corfu and Dubrovnik on Oct. 12, 2012 - $2,700/Oceanview $3,000/Verandah $4,500/Penthouse Crystal Serenity - 12 Nt Med Cruise sailing from Venice to Istanbul stopping in Dubrovnik, Corfu, Cephalonia, Piraeus, Navplion, Mykonos, Kusadasi and cruising the Dardanelles on Oct. 24, 2012 - $2,700/Oceanview $3,000/Verandah $4,500/Penthouse Priced in us$. www.interlinetravel.com 817 481-8631 / 800 766-2911 information about rules and regs. on various airlines for employee travel, also a link to www.id90.com which will give a price for a flight.
The ability to find loads also exists. Watch the video which provides full details. |
Smileys - Compiled by Terry Baker |  As we surf the internet and back issues of airline magazines we regularly find airline related jokes and cartoons. Below is our latest discovery. |
This was found in the "Between Ourselves" issued December 1954:
The receptionists at London, Eng., Airport (LHR) have undoubtedly offered their shoulders for crying purposes to, as they so aptly put it, "those poor lost souls" trying to plus out from the UK to UL. For they have composed and dedicated to those same souls the following song, which goes to the tune of "Three Coins in A Fountain."
Three cons up to Prestwick, Each one hoping for a seat, How wonderful 'twould be, To have a first class seat. Which one is it going to be? Which one of the lucky three? I MUST get to Prestwick, Oh! the urgency is great, He'll NOT wait forever, If they bump me it's too late. The next stop is UL, Had to split the day before, Sure hope he'll be waiting, For ME at Montreal. Will he wait? No he won't, Yes he will!!
The NetLetter is an email newsletter published (usually) once a week and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here
We also welcome your feedback in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information, names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.
The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us! We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!
Sincerely, Your NetLetter Team |
Disclaimer: Please note, that neither the NetLetter or the ACFamily Network necessarily endorse any of the airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.
E&OE - (errors and omissions excepted) - The historical information as well as any other information provided here is subject to correction and may have changed over time. We do publish corrections when they are brought to our attention.
First published in October, 1995
- Chief Pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
- Co-pilot - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
- Flight Engineer - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario
- Stewardess - Lisa Ruck, Brooklin, Ontario