The NetLetter

For Air Canada Retirees
(Part of the ACFamily Network)

May 19, 2012 - Issue 1205

First Issue published in October 1995!
(over 5,400 subscribers)
In This Issue
Pionairs Golf Tournament
Vancouver Flight Attendants
Our First 75 Years
Reader's Feedback
Terry's Trivia
NetLetter Past Issues

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Terry Baker
Welcome to the NetLetter!

We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC, Wardair, etal and share your experiences with us!

Terry Baker and the NetLetter Team
Pionairs Golf Tournament
Celebrate Pionairs 35th Anniversary at our Annual Golf Tourney, June 19 & 20th, 2012 in lovely Cavendish, PEI in the Canadian maritimes. Come join us. Non-golfers are welcome. For details click on the image or visit this link.
Vancouver Flight Attendants Tea
4th Annual Retirement Tea
Friday, June 1, 2012
14:00 to 16:00
For further information, please contact:
Pam Sarkissian
Secretary - Treasurer
Local 4094 - Vancouver (YVR)
(604) 551-0298
ACRA Upcoming Events- Compiled by Alan Rust
ACRA  LogoRetirees Welcome!

The following events are available for retirees through ACRA, the Air Canada Recreation Association.

Image Blank 200px 
ACRA System Golf turns 50!

Just as Air Canada celebrates its 75 year anniversary this year, the employees who started the Air Canada Recreation Association over 50 years ago are also celebrating with their 50th Anniversary System Golf Tournament!


This is a once-in-a-lifetime milestone event that we hope you can attend.


Date: September 9 - 12, 2012 
San Diego, California

Venue: Sycuan Resort & Casino 


Prizes: To help celebrate this event, Air Canada Vacations has donated a prize of a 7 Night all inclusive package for two to Mexico with Air and Hotel at the Gran Bahia Principe Coba in a Double Occupancy Junior Suite.


For further information and registration visit:  


From Ron Castelli


I am the local host for this year's A.C.R.A System Golf Tournament in the San Diego area.

I have been going to these event for 50 years and for the last 26 years I have been on the System Golf Committee. At this years 50th event I would like to do a display of bag tags from all of those past years.  While I realize there may be some years that there were no bag tags I then would like to get the station or the golf course that we played.


The information for the YEARS NEEDED are:
1961 through 1972 and 1975 and 1976. I have BAG tags from the other entire years as like I said, I have been to all of them!

I would appreciate it if you could email me with any info you have and/or send me any BAG tags from the years that I don't have.

Thank you.
Ron Castelli
951 217 1627 

Our First 75 years - Compiled by Terry Baker

1947 - April 15th: Inauguration of North Star service between Montreal and London England.

1968 - Nov 13th: Inauguration of all-freighter service linking Europe with Calgary. 


na-1973-interim-sked 1973 - Apr 29th: North American interim sched until June 30th.

- July 1st: Expansion of the Expedair service to most European destinations.

Reader Submitted Photos - Compiled by Terry Baker

Readers PhotosReader Submitted Photos -  The photos and information below have been submitted to us by our faithful readers.  


Image Blank 200px Robert Arnold sent us this information and photos from the Robert W. Arnold/Morien Collection:
I recently received one of the gold maple leafs that were mounted on the forward bulkhead of a scrapped Viscount. I will be placing it in a shadow box very soon and will place it on the wall with my other Viscount artwork and memorabilia.
Image Blank 200px A copy of a "Press Release" on the last flight of the Viscount for Air Canada, which is self explanatory.
Image Blank 200px This photo is of two data entry employees in Winnipeg June 1958. (Unfortunately, no names - anyone?  - eds)
Image Blank 200px Gordon Brown had offered to send some photos of Prestwick in the early days, we asked if he had any with TCA aircraft in them, but unfortunately he had none, but sent these photos and comments which you may find of interest:
Sorry I don't have any TCA aircraft pics at PIK. During the war years, cameras were not allowed near the airport and film was unavailable. One is an Arial pic of the airport before the runway was extended. There was a sidewalk and a stone wall along the road. A US air force B17 landed short arriving from the US and the tail wheel took a chunk out of it leaving a V in it.
Image Blank 200px This pic is of the 1000th Canadian built Lancaster to arrive at PIK.
Image Blank 200px Here is one of the aircraft dispersals, as you can see there were a lot of aircraft around and there were more dispersals on the south side of the airfield. It was a busy airport.
Image Blank 200px The last is a Scottish airways York boarding troops, perhaps going to South Africa.

These pics are copied from a book titled Lion Rampant and Winged, the history of Prestwick Airport from when it was a grass field with a dozen Tiger Moths to what it became. I think the net letter is excellent, keep up the good work.
Gordon Brown

TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker
TCA/Air Canada  LogoBelow we have musings from the "Between Ourselves" and "Horizons" magazine, Air Canada publications from years gone by, as well as various in-house publications.

The NetLetter has been fortunate enough to have our readers donate vintage Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada publications from as far back as 1941 to share with you. These have been scanned and are being prepared for presenting in a special area of the ACFamily Network for archival and genealogy research.

On December 24th, 1971, a DC-9 en-route from Thunder Bay to YVR was hijacked with a demand to fly to Cuba. Upon arrival at Jose Marti airport, the luggage and passengers were all allowed off. The incident ended peacefully. The crew consisted of Capt. Donald F. Glendenning, F/O Richard Hugh Ried, and stewardesses Ruth-Anne Snell, Jahannes H. Waterings, Joanne Keldon and Virginia Harnadeck.
On June 29th, 1957, a Viscount from YVR made an emergency landing at Cranbrook, B.C., due to smoke in the cockpit caused by damaged radio equipment. Under the command of Capt. Kenny Forsyth, F/O Oliver Wiles, and stewardesses Betty Elison and Mary Lou Harding, completed the crew.
Issue dated - July 1986
Extracted from the "Parts & Pieces" magazine -
The Air Canada Video Show:
Another first. Cargo is now advertising on video. The movie LACE II will carry the Express Air Canada Cargo logo on the posters, cassette boxes and on the opening and closing of the movie itself. We are the first company in Canada to use the media of home video movie rentals for advertising. An estimated 364,000 Canadians are expected to see the movie and of course our ads.

Issue dated - April 1947
More from the "Between Ourselves" magazine -
Image Blank 200px Under the command of Capt. "Gil" McLaren with a crew of Navigating Officer H.T.Warrkentin, Radio Officer A.J.Blackwood, F/O D.E.McInnes, Purser/Steward Douglas V. Miller and Capt J.L.Rood.
As scheduled, at 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on April 15, 1947, the North Star, TCA's new Queen of the Atlantic, its four mighty engines throbbing in anticipation, left the ramp at Dorval to begin its first trans-oceanic flight to Britain. Aboard the aircraft were government members, business men, army officers, some officials of TCA traveling to obtain a first-hand view of the new operation and others en-route to the United Kingdom and the Continent. In the flight compartment was an experienced TCA crew. The cargo compartments held a near-record mail load for the crossing, of over 600 pounds. At 9 :30 a.m. (E.S.T.) after making two, one-hour stops at Goose Bay and Prcstwick, the big aircraft unloaded its passengers on the ramp at London Airport. It had completed its first Atlantic crossing as nonchalantly as if it had been flying this route for years. TCA's newest and latest addition to its fleet, had been officially initiated into regular service.

Issue dated - January 1969
Image Blank 200px A RECEPTION marking the inauguration of all-freighter service linking Europe with Calgary was held November 13th 1968,  when the first DC-8 freighter touched down at McCall Field. The flight originated in Frankfurt with stops at Paris, Montreal and Toronto. Capt. Alan Duncan of Toronto was presented with a memento of the occasion by Alderman John Ayer, second from left, on behalf of the city of Calgary. Others in the photo are, from the left: Howard Paillefer, District Sales Manager, Calgary; Second Officer Ken Reppen; First Officer John Hundt; and Buz Gaynor, Manager, Cargo Traffic, Montreal.

Issue dated - July 1976 Copied from the "Horizons" magazine - 
Image Blank 200px To handle last minute requests for meals on an aircraft, a fully equipped truck was used. Here we have a photo of Station Attendant AI Kolublnski handing over two meals to Flight Attendant Ruth Hopkins in answer to a last minute call. (Probably due to a late boarding con - eds.)
Image Blank 200px The editor of the "Horizons" magazine had decided not to publish any more photos of anniversaries, except those receiving 35 year service pins. However they relented for this group of recipients. It isn't often that eleven employees celebrate their 25th anniversary with the company on the same day as these Captains did in Vancouver in 1976. They are shown at a dinner/dance at the Hotel Vancouver. From the left, back row are: Bill Morrison, Montreal; Wally Davis, Toronto; Gord White and Len  Schmaltz, Vancouver; and Les Hems, Toronto.
Centre row: Terry Mcintyre, Roy Yates and Bill McComb, Vancouver. Front row: Morris Labine, Montreal ; Ray Nelson and Norm Neeld, Vancouver.

Image Blank 200px Some 85 Montreal area travel agents and representatives of key commercial accounts accepted an offer they couldn't refuse. It was an invitation to dinner in a B747 parked at gate 45 at Dorval Airport. On three successive evenings "Cine-Gourmet" gave guests the opportunity to experience the Company's first class service, including watching a feature film after the meal. Organized by Incentive Sale Consultant Gerry Tobin, the special evenings were Montreal district's way of thanking the people for past business.

In the photograph are Flight Service Director Carlos Arriola and Flight Attendant Suzanne Geoffrion serving up a main course plate under the watchful eyes of two hungry guests.

Alan's Space - by Alan Rust
Alan's SpaceHigh Quality video of WWII bombers over Arizona

SaberCat1 (a high definition Movie Helicopter) filming in HD the B17 and the B25 WWII Bombers over and around Arizona's Superstition Mountains and Saguaro Lake. H5 Productions, in conjunction with The Commemorative Air Force filmed these aircraft during the Veterans Day Celebration on Saturday, November 13th, 2010. The B17 Bomber was flown by pilot Russ Gilmore and the B25 Bomber was flown by pilot Spike McLane. The base for these bombers is Falcon Field located in Mesa, Arizona. SaberCat1 pilot, Mitch Kelldorf.


Visit or click on the image below for the video. It's very high quality, so go to full screen to see the full effect.
H5 - WWII Bombers over Arizona Landscape
H5 - WWII Bombers over Arizona Landscape
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events
- Compiled by Terry Baker
CAIL TailsNews and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and it's "ancestry" of contributing airlines.

DC-10 service between Canada and Australia inaugurated on July 4th, 1980.

Issue dated - June 1980
Items from the "CPAir NEWS" magazine -
Image Blank 200px CP Air employees from the President down were shocked when the Federal government reversed an April 9th decision to allow for the company to operate the Toronto Halifax route. A June 27th cabinet decree withdrew the original decision just 10 days before the planned inaugural on July 7th. The same decision denied the application by Eastern Provincial Airways to operate the Halifax - Toronto service. Here we
have a photo of Dee Dee Berry removing the poster at the Ops Centre in Vancouver.

Image Blank 200px A TOAST TO THE 10 by Sydney staff who celebrated the introduction of DC-10 service between Canada and Australia. The first big bird arrived July 4. The group are from left: Jenny Heath, res., Robyn Cooke, sales secretary, Mark Smith, sales rep., Margaret Villars, accounts, Margaret Hili, secretary, Greer Plim, res., Maree Graves, accountant and Terry Lee, sales rep.

Image Blank 200px Other good news worth celebrating was receipt of the 1979 sales quota achievement award. Melbourne staff had lots of smiles for their achievement. From left are Bram WrIght, district sales manager, Danny Wong, passenger agent, Kim Rooke, senior passenger agent, Cliodno Rae, (sitting) sales representative, Graeme Cunningham, sales representative and Hugh Scott, reservations agent.

Image Blank 200px THE HELLO GIRLS SAY GOODBYE to the old switchboard at Vancouver Operations Centre. From front to rear, Rose Duncan, Rita Winter, Georgie Bell and Nan Mackay, now handle incoming calls on their new computer-controlled switchboard consoles. The old switchboard behind has been removed.

Image Blank 200px ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION to mark 20 years of CP Air service between Canada and Italy was held In Rome and attended by staff from both Rome and Milan bases. Standing from left are F. Verzulli, M. Rufflnl, A.Romani, U. Gargiulo, F. Marinelli, I. Zallonl, G. Inserra, R. Webb, F. Fusco, J. Mazzara, C. Re, Milan, P. Marchetto, S.Sconocchla, A. Toth, A. Battisti, and A. Cimarelli. Seated from left are R. Curcuruto, R. De Rosa, M. Piperno, Milan, F. Foresta, L Manclanti, M. Angelucci, L. Berlanda, M. Paganuzzi, Milan, M. Vannini and L. Bizzarrl.

Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker
Reader's Feedback 
Every week we ask our readers for their stories or  feedback on what they have read here in previous issues. Below is the feedback we have received recently.

  • In last weeks Issue 1204 we had Dennis Baxendale's name spelled incorrectly. We can assure you it's not "Denise".
  • We also mentioned that the Vancouver Coffee Club meeting meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month, when in fact, it meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Ken Pickford sends us this observation:
Re #1203 and the "Captain's Bulletin" from a Toronto-Windsor flight on March 6, 1955. You say it was a Viscount. I'm almost certain it would have been a DC-3, as TCA didn't put the Viscount into scheduled service until a little over 3 weeks later on April 1, 1955. The speed, altitude and the fact that there was only one "stewardess" also makes it sound like a DC-3. Also, the first item in "The First 75 Years" section refers to a Viscount flight from Toronto to Winnipeg in December 1954. That was no doubt a special flight of first Viscount which was delivered that month. It refers to the flight as covering 1,200 miles. That's much further than YYZ-YWG which is 937 miles (great circle distance). I wonder whether that flight may have been Montreal-Winnipeg, which is 1,133 miles (great circle), pretty close to the 1,200 number mentioned, and the actual routing flown would have been a little further than the great circle mileage.

(This media information came from the New York Times - Dec 15, 1954 and WINNIPEG, Canada, Dec. 14 (Canadian Press) which referred to the flight having taken place on December 12th - eds.)

Having received this information, Ken responded:
Maybe there was just a slip-up in the press report reference to the mileage, unless they took a very roundabout route!  And looking at a 1958 timetable, the flight times are OK. The timetable for YYZ-YWG shows 3:50 for the Viscount and 4:55 for the North Star. 

Image Blank 200pxAfter we published the photo of Eva Mossop in NetLetter nr 1202, Gretchen Aird Dawson  sent us a copy of an article featuring Eva Mossop which appeared in the "enRoute" magazine in 1981.
Of 3,500 CABIN personnel employed by Air Canada, Vancouver-based flight attendant Eva Mossop holds the Number 1 seniority position. Eva, a graduate of Victoria Hospital in Winnipeg, joined AirCanada (then Trans-Canada Air Lines) in 1947 when all stewardesses were registered nurses.

Her first flights were in 21-seat-capacity DC-3's flying from Winnipeg to Toronto via Armstrong, Kapuskasing and North Bay. Today, Eva flies in one of our newest fuel-efficient, 244-seat-capacity L-101l-500 aircraft non-stop from western Canada to London, England. "Warmth, friendliness and a smile are the secrets to this job," says Eva after 34 years' experience. If you happen to meet Eva on one of your flights with us, we think she'll be Number 1 in your books, too. ENROUTE October/Octobre 1981

Gretchen tells us that Eva hired her in 1960, and Eva retired in 1987, on the company's 50th anniversary,.after 40 years service.
(Gretchen provided us with a contact number for Eva, and we had an interesting phone call with Eva, who resides in Vancouver and, part time, is still an ambassador at the Vancouver International Airport.- eds)

Lois has sent us this information about the photo we had in NetLetter nr 1201 which had been submitted by Jan Wegman -
Air Canada's first female pilot was Judy Cameron.  The one in the pix is Gwen Grant.  Captain is Jim McDevitt of Vancouver. Don't know location.

Rod MacDonald also chipped in to point out the error regarding the first female pilot. -
I believe that the pilot in your photo taken in Hong Kong or Singapore wasn't the first female pilot hired by Air Canada. It was a delightful lady named Judy but I can't remember her last name. Sorry!

(We let Rod know that it was Judy Cameron - eds)

Dave Townson sent us this comment regarding the photo of the crew which operated the first landing on opening day at Mirabel (YMX) in NetLetter nr 1201 -
Image Blank 200px If it hadn't been for that explanation of the somewhat squashed appearance of the flight deck crew of the 747 that inaugurated operations at Mirabel, I might have assumed that it was the result of a particularly hard landing. 

It is also interesting to note that the crew included 'Fight Attendants'.  So there was even air rage in those days? Regards, Dave Townson.

(The reason for the squished appearance is due to the fact that our scanner can only accommodate an 8.5 in x 11.00 in size and the "Horizons" is 11.5 x 17.00 and we have to merge the two pieces, that's when eyesign comes into play. We have rescanned the picture only - eds) 

Jack Stephens refers to NetLetter nr 1202 which prompted this memory -
Another fine NetLetter.
I read with interest the information and photo sent in by Jan Wegman, re. the 1956 Crash.

At the time I was working in Winnipeg, at the Overhaul Base, and well remember the shock and dismay as the news spread. The crash site was Mt. Slesse south of Chilliwack. G.R. McGregor former President of Trans-Canada
Air Lines in his book, "Adolescence of An Airline" wrote " just failed to clear the tip of Mt. Slesse and broke up on its eastern face, with the loss of all on board."

Years later I stood with my parents at the foot of the mountain, before the monument in honor of those who perished. But there is more to this story.
In 1965, I worked with Jack Kirkman in Agasszi B.C. He was a volunteer, in charge of the Harrison Hot Springs Search and Rescue Team.They were
called with other teams to the crash site. Jack said that the aircraft had hit a solid rock face, disintegrated and was spread below on loose shale. The rescue teams tried to climb to the hopeless scene, but the shale started to move and shift. It was too dangerous to proceed.
The mountain was turned into an official cemetery.  Some of the deceased included some members of the Saskatchewan Roughriders football team, returning from the Western All-Star Game in Vancouver.

Sincerely, Jack Stephens

Ken Pickford is setting the records straight again for us -
The YWG photo in issue #1201, sent by Robert Arnold, that includes a North Star and Super Constellation, has a 1952 date printed on the photo. I know he says "around 1952" but that photo can't be earlier than 1954, the year the first TCA Super Connies were delivered.

Found the following photos of the same two aircraft, North Star CF-TFM and Super Constellation CF-TGF, coincidentally both taken at Prestwick, the North Star photo around 1950 and the Super Connie in August 1958. Regards, Ken.

Jim Whitelaw fills in a few more names of the people in the party for Winnie King which we had in NetLetter nr 1199 and 1202 -

In the Winnie King party photo, Lucie Grace, Flight Operations HQ, is front row centre in the white dress; Nessie Craven-Dewdney, also Flight Ops, is on the far right seated; Nan Kirkwood is second row, 4th from the right; and Bob Belding can correct me, but I think third from the left, back row, is Marg McClure of Personnel.

Jim Whitelaw
Odds and Ends.

Referring to the article in NetLetter nr 1203 regarding the "lost spitfires", this seems to be the obvious outcome:
British farmer and aviation history buff David Cundall now says there are 124 new Spitfires buried in Myanmar (formerly Burma) and he knows where 60 of them are. As several weeks ago, Cundall stunned the aviation world with news that he had found at least 20 crated, brand-new Spitfires wrapped in protective paper and tar to preserve them. Whether he'll be able to capitalize on his stunning discovery is in question, however, as treasure hunters from all over the world race against each other and the impending monsoon season to dig the pickled aircraft up. In an email exchange a week ago, Cundall said he was having problems with financial backers who now may be rivals for the treasure trove. He did, however, claim in an interview with the Independent, that a British businessman is trying to hijack the project with the help of the country's prime minister.  


At Winnipeg, dressed in stolen Air Canada uniforms, two men intercepted a TransAir DC-3 which had just arrived from Red Lake with 12 boxes of gold bullion destined for the Royal Mint at Ottawa. It was normal for trans-shipments to be handled by Air Canada freight haulers. The robbers loaded to bullion into a stolen Air Canada truck, which was located later - abandoned and empty. (Source: Ottawa Citizen May 2nd 1966.) 


Two A319 aircraft originally operated by Air Canada and subsequently returned to ILFC during August 2010 been subleased to Donavia of Russia. C-GITT c/n 1630 fin 288 and C-GKNW c/n 1805 fin 295.

na-1973-interim-sked Jack Stephens
sends us this interesting item: This Approach Plate is one of the best gifts I've seen. You may remember this amazing landing by a professional flight crew after a bird strike in the engines, and a forced landing in the Hudson River. This is an actual approach chart that the Jeppesen Company made and presented to Sully and the crew of US Airways Flt 1549 as a gift!

The director of Airbus's A380 program has told an Australian television station that the company intends to build a stretched version of the world's largest airliner, adding about 100 seats  


Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker

Terry BakerAureen and Jack Morath, of the UK Pionairs, relates this experience they recently enjoyed in Thailand:
Aureen and I traveled again to Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand early this year to meet up with our colleague Frank Shettlesworth, and Dau and staff in their travel office. We wanted to do a day trip and discussed with Dau what we wanted to do, and this is how it happened.

We were picked up at 0900 hours from our hotel by car with Amy, our guide for the day, who was great and her English was excellent. Dau at the office planned the details and the price included everything including the car, driver, guide and entrance fees to the places we were visiting. Our first stop was the underground caves at Chiang Pao where we walked through with our guide explaining everything. Plenty of stalactites and stalagmites. After this we drove into the hills to visit the very primitive Hill Tribes to see how they lived, and this was most interesting. We were able to walk about wherever we wanted which included the wooden houses with their animals and chickens wandering all over the place.  


At the first village we went to, we met the 'Head Man' who was able to speak a few words of English. He was 70 years old and his wife was weaving while we were there, so as to make a few more Bahts. They also took in tourists at 50 Bahts per night (around £1) but you have to sleep on a mat on the hard floor. We also saw buffalo and wild boar roaming around the house. All food was prepared over a log fire. We then visited another village further down the road before driving to the Tiger Kingdom where over forty tigers were in various enclosed areas.  Depending on the price, you either went into the area of the baby tigers - which was more expensive - or the medium or the large tigers, which was the least expensive. We decided on the large tigers, and while we were waiting there, the assistant said it would take about an hour for our turn to go inside, but we could go in the medium tigers compound straight away, so that's what we did. We were taken into the enclosed area by a keeper who stayed with us while we were in there and there were two other keepers with two tourists each. We then had about ten minutes with each tiger in turn with everyone moving round. As it was the hottest time of the day, most tigers were lying down and sleeping. We were told not to go to the front of the tiger, but keep to the back end (which sounded a good idea!) We were able to cuddle and stroke the tigers and scratch their tummies as well as playing with their tails. They didn't mind at all as they were used to this, since they were hand-reared from birth. They were not drugged in any way, and we were able to take photos without any problem and the keeper also took our photo sitting alongside the tigers. After two years, if they are still friendly, the tigers stay there, and if not they are moved to a zoo. We took it in turns to lie down next to the tigers laying our heads on their stomachs. It was certainly an experience to remember.  


After this we were driven back to our hotel arriving around 4pm after a most enjoyable day out. We appreciated all the help from Dao and the Wandering Star Tours staff, and also to our fabulous tour guide Amy. Excellent value for money, and if you are out that way, make sure you contact Frank to get more information.
E mail address: and web site: The office is in Chiang Mai.
Jack and Aureen



na-1973-interim-sked A couple of cartoons by Dave Mathias from the "Between Ourselves" issued Sept 1968.  

The NetLetter is an email newsletter published (usually) once a week and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here

We also welcome your feedback in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information, names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.

The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us!

We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!
Your NetLetter Team

Disclaimer: Please note, that neither the NetLetter or the ACFamily Network necessarily endorse any of the airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.


E&OE - (errors and omissions excepted) - The historical information as well as any other information provided here is subject to correction and may have changed over time. We do publish corrections when they are brought to our attention.
First published in October, 1995
  • Chief Pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
  • Co-pilot - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
  • Flight Engineer - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario 
  • Stewardess - Lisa Ruck, Brooklin, Ontario 
To contact us, send an email to