The NetLetter
For Air Canada Retirees (Part of the ACFamily Network)
February 7, 2012 - Issue 1194
First Issue published in October 1995!
(over 5,400 subscribers) |
Donation Information
Send cheques payable to "ACFamily Network" to:
ACFamily Network #800 - 15355 24th Ave, Suite 523 Surrey, BC V4A 2H9 |
Sponsors | 
Greetings! | 
Welcome to the NetLetter!
We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC, Wardair. etal. and share your experiences with us!
Terry Baker and the NetLetter Team |
ACRA Upcoming Events- Compiled by Alan Rust
| Retirees Welcome!
The following events are available for retirees through ACRA, the Air Canada Recreation Association. |
ACRA System Golf turns 50!
Just as Air Canada turns celebrates its 75 year anniversary this year, the employees who started the Air Canada Recreation Association over 50 years ago are also celebrating with their 50th Anniversary System Golf Tournament!
This is a once-in-a-lifetime milestone event that we hope you can attend.
Date: September 9 - 12, 2012 Where: San Diego, California
Venue: Sycuan Resort & Casino
Prizes: To help celebrate this event, Air Canada Vacations has donated a prize of a 7 Nights all inclusive package for two to Mexico with Air and Hotel at the Gran Bahia Principe Coba in a Double Occupancy Junior Suite.
For further information and registration visit: www.acra.ca/events/system/golf.html |
Our first 75 years - Compiled by Terry Baker |
1958 - October - Delivery of an IBM650 computer
1974 - Dec 1st - Edmonton/Calgary - San Francisco DC-9 service inaugurated.
- Calgary/Winnipeg - New York DC-9 service inaugurated.
1975 - April 27th - Introduction of service to PEI with DC-9 equipment from YYZ-YOW - B727 equipment replaced DC-9 on YEG/YYC/SFO route - May 15 - B727 equipment replaced DC-9 on YYC/YWG/New York service. - June 17th - B747 service between YYC-LHR inaugurated - July 1st - B727 service commencing between Toronto and Dallas, and Houston.
Reader Submitted Photos - Compiled by Terry Baker |
Reader Submitted Photos - The photos and information below have been submitted to us by our faithful readers.
We welcome photos of interest from our readers. Please check your cupboards and shoe boxes, we bet you have some excellant photos lying around! If you do, send them to us and we will consider them for publication in a future NetLetter. We prefer good quality airline related photos, with descriptive text and names (whenever possible) included with the submission.
Paul Goodman has sent us this photo of his son with a write up, which we have edited.
For the second time in two appearances, the ten year old son of a Canadi>n Airlines employee has returned home with a chest full of medals from the 1989 International Transplant games held in Singapore.
Nicholas Goodman, son of Vancouver airport agent Paul Goodman, won a gold, two silver and two bronze medals. Two years earlier Nicholas won two gold and a silver medal despite being the youngest competitor. Canadi>n Airlines assisted by securing passes on Singapore Airlines and covering the cost of accommodations for the family. The next event was scheduled for Budapest in 1991.
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 Below we have musings from the "Between Ourselves" and "Horizons" magazine, Air Canada publications from years gone by, as well as various in-house publications. The NetLetter has been fortunate enough to have our readers donate vintage Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada publications from as far back as 1941 to share with you. These have been scanned and are being prepared for presenting in a special area of the ACFamily Network for archival and genealogy research. |
Issue dated - December 1957 Found in the "Between Ourselves" magazine -
Interline accounting is spotlighted - THE FLIGHT coupons stacked on Donna Course's desk represent part of the more than One million dollars a month that interline travel means to TCA.
On the left is Bernice Gingell. |
REVENUE ACCOUNTING in Winnipeg, where flight coupons arising out of interline travel are sorted and priced, shows in the foreground.
From the left: Alex Fraser, Helen Kluss, Ray Lewis and Don Peter. |
DICK WALKER sorts the interline coupons according to the various carriers who issued the tickets. They are then priced and forwarded along with a covering invoice for payment. |
Issue dated - April 15th 1975 From "Horizons" magazine -
Orphan Airlift flight AC2150 YVR-YUL April 6/75 - After a series of on-again off-again rumours it was confirmed that a planeload of Vietnamese and Cambodian orphans is arriving in Canada.
A Canadian Armed Forces Hercules lifted them from Saigon to Hong Kong where CPAir will fly them to Vancouver where we pick them up and fly them on to Montreal. 85 orphans, mostly under the age of 2 years made up the party. After manipulating several flights and equipment, a special charter named "orphan airlift" was arranged.
A volunteer flight crew was arranged and consisted of F/A in charge Leslie Mann, F/A Debbie Lomas both worked a flight and had just arrived from LHR and were glad to respond to the call. The others were from Vancouver F/A Chris Laborde and Supervisors Bev Dawson, Angela Bell-Irving and Kathy Johnson. The front end crew consisted of Captain Angus Ingram, F/O F.W.Sterling and S/O R.E.Grant. It turned out that only 53 children were boarded, the rest were escorts and medics. Many people in commissary and other departments rallied around to provide the necessities.
Flight Attendant Debbie Lomas murmers "Don't cry bay" as she comforts one of the infants.
Inquisitiveness and concern are reflected on the faces of the babies held by Flight Attendant Bev Dawson.
Lunch or was it breakfast for this tiny tot cradled by Leslie Mann. |
Domestic fare hike, one way effective May 19th - YUL-YYZ was $37 now $42, YYZ-YHZ was $69 now $75, YYC-YVR was $16 now $24, YUL-YVR was $155 now $170 |
When the morning DC-9 touched down at Timmins on April 1, the crew was greeted by local dignitaries and company ground staff bearing carnations for everyone.
At the ceremonial welcome marking the 20th anniversary of service to Timmins were, from the top of the stairs: Captain Rick Morrow; F/O Bob Short; F/A Louise Brown; Timmins Mayor Leo Del Villano; Timmins MPP Bill Ferrier; Bill Robinson and Ian McCracken, Chamber of Commerce; P/A Estelle Brill ; F/A's Marla Blrsfelder and Vladimir Vancek and District Mgr. Jim Sommerville.
Standing at the left are MOT Airport Mgr. Dave Dick and Gord McKen, Airport Customer Svce. Mgr. |
A century of service was accomplished by the three Olson brothers on April 1975. Left to right, Kitch VP P & F YUL with 37 years, Ernie Mgr Mtce System Svcs YUL with 29 years and Roy Mgr Airframes Spares Proc YUL with 34 years. |
The company issued commorative coins to mark the inauguration of a service. The company is the first airline to use this method of promoting new services.
Passengers on the new North Route (Montreal,Ottawa, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Winnipeg) P.E.I. service and the new Texas route. Also a coin was issued for the Southern route Montreal-Martinique and Guadeloupe and the 30th anniversary of service YUL-LHR. |
The obverse. |
Other coins released were Montreal - Boston (April 1976), Montreal - Cuba (May 1976) Montreal - Paris (April 1976). |
And the obverse. |
Star Alliance news. |
Lufthansa Tecknik has acquired the shares in Alliance Materials previously held by United Airlines and Air Canada and now own 100%. Lufthansa (LH) has concluded a long-term biofuel study by operating the world's first biofuel-powered transatlantic commercial flight to the US.
Alan's Space - by Alan Rust |
AVRO Lancaster Flight - submitted by Al Watson
This article is dedicated to Al Black ( see article below) who crewed on similar aircraft in the forty's. Please read the article below and if you know Al, please send a note to Phil Pawsey to pass on to him. The aircraft is the Canadian Warplane Heritage Mynarski Memorial Lancaster, one of only two of the type left flying in the world, and the ONLY one the public has access to. The other one is still considered ON STRENGTH with the Royal Air Force and flies as the centrepiece of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. Now imagine 1000 of these flying by night into a blacked-out hostile Occupied Europe from Britain, flown and crewed by men under 25 yrs of age for the most part. Imagine their courage, and their fears. Imagine what would be going through your mind, if one of them was your young son... Date: October 2, 2010 Location: Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
(Click on image to view video)
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 News and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and it's "ancestry" of contributing airlines. |
Issue dated - July 1979 Captured from the "CPAir NEWS" magazine -
It was announced that a budget plan called for 25 new jets in a 5-year plan amounting to 1 billion dollars. In our previous NetLetter nr 1193, we mentioned the SkyBus launch. Here we have an alternate by Ken Goosen a Vancouver based Air Systems engineer who has come up with a no frills air transport. |
ACCOUNTING STAFF GET THE PICTURE - Tours of the Vancouver Ops Centre. which Include a first hand look at things like inflatable life rafts, are part of a familiarization program Initialed by the office of the comptroller over nine months ago. Through seminars, film screenings and other information sessions staff have a better understanding of the total company operation. Framed by this space age-looking " floating saucer" are from left: Esther Okutake, Lynn St. Pierre, Beth Abbott, Lynn Temoin,Rose Barnett, Rosa Kanezaki, Marg St. John, Suzette Galloway, Robert Hahn, Kathy March, Marg Coates, Denis Lim, Denise WiIkins, Katie Tu, Irene Yau and front from left, Ming Jung, Davina Swan and Denny Singh. |
PASSENGER AGENTS at the Edmonton terminal building number 39. Between them they man (or women as the case maybe - eds) the operation 19 hours a day Among that roster is this smiling group of seven comprised of from left. Irene Hickey. Lydia Scher. Jim Henderson. Anar Kangl. Terry Huff. Laurel Klipper and Carol Stewart. |
DEALING WITH THE PUBLIC in the Edmonton city ticket office is this happy looking lot who are from left. Ken Touring. Jane Traxler, Michelle Bynoe. Maria Russell in front. Harry Stilling, manager CTO. who also makes sales calls in territory reaching as far north as Inuvik; Julie Topolnisky. Ken Brown and Bill Fairbairn.
ALMOST A CENTURY of service has been completed by these CP Air staffers in Winnipeg and they're still smiling.
Gathered at a recent ceremony to mark their accumulated total of 95 years with the company were, standing left to right; Katherine Whillans Dugas (five years), John Zacharkow (ten), Harvey Tyler (ten), Ken Martens (15). Carol Sabanskl (five), Penny Schultiess (ten), Deiter Kreig (ten), Linda Monks (five), Thor Goodmanson (five), Carole Anderson (five).
Bottom row, left to right are; Marlene Tomsic (five years). Fred Volkmar (five) and Don Riediger (five). Also earning pins but unable to be present for the picture were Wendy Shale (ten years) Doris Gagne (ten), Sandra Whillans (five) and Myra Bazylo (five). |
Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker | 
Every week we ask our readers for their stories or feedback on what they have read here in previous issues. Below is the feedback we have received recently.
In NetLetter nr 1192, Judy McKay-Roncetti and in NetLetter nr 1187, Allen Knapp responded to the original article in NetLetter nr 1185 regarding the Reservations system and now Ken Eibbit sends this memory of life in the office at 737 Church Street - As Judy mentioned the wind would blow all the markers off the VSIB board but when you opened the windows it would also suck all the exhaust fumes from the Austin Motors garage directly below us, so we had a choice to either suffer with the heat or suffocate. Norman Hogwood, in New Zealand, shares us this memory - What a remarkable asset the internet is. While searching for something else I stumbled upon this video. The Brooklands Aviation Museum is located on the site of the old Brooklands motor racing track within which was the Vickers-Armstrongs aircraft factory where I worked from 1955-1959.
The single runway was very short and the curved bowl of the former racing track was chopped out at either end. Of course, all the aircraft taking off (Viscount, Vanguard and the Valiant bomber) were empty shells so were extremely light. Even so, when the first Vanguard took off (I saw it) there were some hearts in mouths. Several years later the factory closed and the site was turned into a huge shopping mall but a small portion of the runway was retained for use by the museum for small aircraft. The video linked here shows how they managed to get a Vanguard to the museum the easy (?) way - on that short runway. Incidentally, a portion the racing track bowl was also used as a simulated dam during training by the Dambuster Lancaster Squadron.
I hope you enjoy my little trip down nostalgia avenue!
In NetLetter nr 1165 in "Alan's Space" was an article submitted by Ken Bjorge regarding the first B747-8 flight. Norm Budd responded, in NetLetter nr 1167, and mentioned the lack of winglets and wondered what winglets were all about. Here we have Norm's follow- up information regarding winglets -Cheers and keep up the good work! Norm B.
We, the eds, spotted the following information about "sharklets" to add to the "winglets" information - Airbus has completed installation of the first set of sharklet wing-tip devices on the company's A320 development aircraft (MSN 001), preparing for the flight-test campaign in the coming weeks. The A320 fitted with sharklets reduces fuel burn by up to 3.5%, corresponding to an annual carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction of around 700 tonnes per aircraft.
The new wingtip devices are around 2.5 m., or 8ft. tall and will replace the aircraft's current wingtip fence. Offered as an option on new-build aircraft, as well as being standard on A320neos, sharklets will also enhance the aircraft's payload-range and take-off performance, Airbus said. Jetblue will be the launch customer for retrofitted sharklets. (Source: Air Transport World)
George Brien has put a few names to those in the photo of the Yarmouth regional Meeting 1957 we published in NetLetter nr 1189 -
The location was the Braemar Lodge Resort, a few miles east of Yarmouth.
3rd row, 2nd from left is Jimmy Ames, new Stn Mgr YQI who had just arrived from Swift Current a couple of months earlier. Below is a photo of a presentation to Jimmy which we published earlier.
Bottom row far right; Walt Fowler Reg Mgr, 4th row far right Vern Bower Stn Mgr YQX, next to him Bill Hegan Stn Mgr YSJ, behind Bower is Hank Holland Stn Mgr YJT, behind him John OLhsson YHZ, last row seated 2nd from left Jack Morgan, standing in a dark shirt Eric Lambert.
Too many years ago to pick out any one else!! Cheers George
Here is a presentation to Jimmy which we published earlier.
Too many years ago to pick out any one else!!
(From Phil Pawsey)
A few days ago, January 29th. to be exact, Alan Macleod and I visited Al Blackwood who is in a palliative care hospital on the Montreal West Island. He is very mentally alert and in a frail voice talked to us about some of his experiences in aviation and other subjects such as sailing, the early days of ham radio and the building and flying of model aircraft.
Al joined Trans-Canada Air Line in 1939. After being checked out as a ground radio operator in Vancouver, he spend time in Cranbrook and Calgary and then was sent to Montreal to become one of the original Flight Radio Operators with CGTAS in 1942. They flew a converted Lancaster bomber which was called the Lancastrian, After the war, they flew North Stars and when the radio operator position became redundant, he checked out as a Navigator.on the Super Connie and then the DC8.
When the navigators were replaced with the INS, he obtained a pilot's license and was checked out as a B747 Second Officer.
At one time Al had logged more than any other crew member in the industry. A count of around 2200 was mentioned. He related to an incident he experienced years ago. It was on a Lancastrian flight he was operating. He had just stepped down from the astrodome and less than a minute later a tip broke off of a propeller on #3 engine and proceeded to take out the astrodome where his head had just been.
After retirement he owned and flew his C172 through the rockies and then several trips to Florida. As his many friends know, Al is truly a very special gentleman. I think the following which was written by Ray Bicknell describes him very well.
I spent many hours with Al starting on the North Star, where Al was a radio op. We probably did pub time at the Palm Court hotel on layovers. After the Stars were gone from the Atlantic, I remember him as the Office Mgr on the transat region for a short tiime while he did his Nav qualification course. We have run into each other often over the ensuing years and it was always a very pleasant experience as Al was a true gentlemans' Gent!
He has been a true Professional in every aspect of his career no matter what hat he was wearing at the time. He had a keen sense of humour and a vast store of practical knowledge that he was willing to share with a "green as grass" young TCA co-pilot such as me. He was a steady influence to have nearby when you were dealing with other crusty chaps that we encountered during our apprenticeship. I always appreciated Al for just being there for us.
I will be offering his prayers in his own personal chapel for my good friend Al Blackwood.
If any of you would like to get a word to him, Alan MacLeod and I would be happy to forward it to Al.
Alan Macleod and Phil Pawsey pawsey.phil@gmail.com
Alan Evans, in South Africa, sends us this photo and information - The aircraft is a Short Solent, mark 2. From 1948 until 1950 BOAC operated a thrice weekly passenger service from the UK to SA following the Nile and over East Africa, taking four days for the journey. The last stop south bound was at Victoria Falls where I suspect this particular picture was taken. It is very evocative and a tranquil scene. The English terminal was at Southampton and in South Africa at Vaal dam, south of Johannesburg. This particular aircraft G-AHIN was named "Southampton" and was subsequently acquired by Aquila Airways for operation between the UK and the Canary Islands. It was scrapped in Lisbon in 1958. |
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker
Traveling to CUBA? Be aware that passengers must carry with them proof of valid travel insurance. Travelers may be asked to present this upon arrival. For some countries, individuals presenting passports not considered to be in "perfect condition" ie rips or tears, missing corners or water damage to the cover or inside pages, could face delays or be prohibited from entry. As part of the Action Plan for Faster Family Reunification, the Government of Canada introduced a new Parent and Grandparent Super Visa on December 1, 2011. This new visa provides eligible parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens the option to visit their family in Canada for up to two years without having to renew their status. (source www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/supervisa.asp)
Just a few of the deals offered by Dynamic Travel & Cruises
www.dynamictravel.com www.interlinetravel.com 817 481-8631 / 800 766-2911 Azamara Journey - 9 Nt South America Cruise sailing from Rio de Janiero to Buenos Aires stopping in Buzios, Parati, Ilhabela, Porto Belo, Imbituba, Punta del Este and Montevideo on: Feb. 6, 2012 - $990/Inside, $1,260/Oceanview, $1,260/Oceanview with Balcony, $990/3rd & 4th persons - New Sailing Just Added!
Azamara Journey - 14 Nt South America Cruise sailing from Rio de Janiero to Barbados stopping in Salvador de Bahia, Recife, Belem and Devil's Island on: Feb. 25, 2012 - $1,540/Inside, $1,960/Oceanview, $1,960/Oceanview with Balcony, $1,540/3rd & 4th persons - Rates Just Lowered!
Azamara Journey - 9 Nt Caribean Cruise sailing from Barbados to Miami stopping in Mayreau, St. Lucia, St. Barts, Marigot and Virgin Gorda on: Mar. 10, 2012 - $880/Inside, $1,120/Oceanview, $1,440/Oceanview with Balcony, $880/3rd & 4th persons - Rates Just Lowered!
Azamara Journey - 12 Nt Caribbean Cruise sailing from Miami to San Juan stopping in St. John, St. Thomas, Nevis, Iles des Saintes, Roseau, St. Barts, St. Maarten and Virgin Gorda on: Mar. 18, 2012 - $1,320/Inside, $1,680/Oceanview, $2,160/Oceanview with Balcony, $1,320/3rd & 4th persons - New Sailing Just Added!
Celebrity Cruises
Celebrity Equinox - 10 Nt Caribbean Cruise sailing roundtrip frommFt. Lauderdale stopping in St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Barbados, Roseau and St. Maarten on: Feb. 24, 2012 - $999/Inside, $1,099/Oceanview, $1,199/Oceanview with Balcony, from $729/3rd & 4th persons - New Sailing Just Added!
Mar. 16, 2012 - $899/Inside, $1,049/Oceanview, $1,149/Oceanview with Balcony, from $729/3rd & 4th persons - New Sailing Just Added!
Apr. 6, 2012 - $899/Inside, $1,049/Oceanview, $1,149/Oceanview with Balcony, $1,549/Aqua Suite Cat. AQ from $829/3rd & 4th persons - New Sailing Just Added!
Holland America Cruises
Amsterdam - 50 Nt Grand World Voyage Segment Cruise sailing from Sydney to Barcelona stopping in Cairns, Great Barrier Reef Experience, Komodo Island, Lembar , Hong Kong, Nha Trang, Phu My, Singapore, Phuket, Colombo, Mangalore, Marmagao, Mumbai, Safaga, Sharm el Sheikh, Enter Suez Canal at Suez, Daylight Transit Suez Canal, Exit Suez Canal at Port Said, Piraeus, Katakolon, Messina, Naples and Ajaccio on:
Feb. 26, 2012 - $3,499/Inside, $3,999/Oceanview obstructed $11,9499/Verandah Suite, Call/3rd & 4th persons - New Sailing Just Added!
Eurodam - 7 Nt Eastern Caribbean Cruise sailing roundtrip from Fort Lauderdale stopping in Grand Turk, San Juan, St. Thomas and Half Moon Cay on:
Feb. 18, 2012 - $499/Oceanview obstructed, $649/Verandah $949/Verandah Suite, $1,249/Dlx. Verandah Suite. Call/3rd & 4th persons.
Mar. 3, 2012 - $499/Inside $549/Oceanview obstructed $799/Verandah, $999/Verandah Suite, $1,399/Dlx. Verandah Suite Call/3rd & 4th persons - New Sailing Just Added! Prices quoted are US$ |
Smileys - Compiled by Terry Baker
As we surf the internet and back issues of airline magazines we regularly find airline related jokes and cartoons. Below is our latest discovery. |
Yet another image from the futuristic cargo fleet of Air Canada depicted in the 1980 Air Canada Cargo calendar supplied by Allan Gray. Sea-to-air transfer. |
The NetLetter is an email newsletter published (usually) once a week and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here
We also welcome your feedback in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information, names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.
The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us! We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!
Sincerely, Your NetLetter Team |
Disclaimer: Please note, that neither the NetLetter or the ACFamily Network necessarily endorse any of the airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.
E&OE - (errors and omissions excepted) - The historical information as well as any other information provided here is subject to correction and may have changed over time. We do publish corrections when they are brought to our attention. |
First published in October, 1995
Chief Pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
Co-pilot - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
Flight Engineer - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario