The NetLetter
For Air Canada Retirees (Part of the ACFamily Network)
January 28, 2012 - Issue 1193
First Issue published in October 1995!
(over 5,400 subscribers) |
Donation Information
Send cheques payable to "ACFamily Network" to:
ACFamily Network #800 - 15355 24th Ave, Suite 523 Surrey, BC V4A 2H9 |
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Greetings! | 
Welcome to the NetLetter!
We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC, Wardair. etal. and share your experiences with us!
Terry Baker and the NetLetter Team |
Progress Report - by Alan Rust |
 I am pleased to report that we have some great content coming your way. Especially good timing for Air Canada's 75th Anniversary celebration.
For those interested in nostalgia we have two very old video clips. Both were donated by NetLetter readers. One is from circa March 1939 and shows aircraft CF-TCM in Malton Airport, (Toronto).
The other is from August 1962 showing the 25th Anniversary flight with CF-TCC in Dorval. These two films are being prepared by Tom Grant and should be available for publication in February sometime. Complete information will be forthcoming with the videos. |
| Danielle |
Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail, author of For the Love of Flying (2009) and past president of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society, is looking for stories and photos you might have about aviation north of 60 (up to the year 1999). If you were a pilot, mechanic, administrator, ramp/dock rat, or passenger, etc and have a picture or story to share, please email her at info@daniellemc.com
For more information, please visit www.daniellemc.com |
Our first 75 years - Compiled by Terry Baker |
- Transair to join PWA, EPA and Air Jamaica to utilize our company's electronic reservations system.
- April 28 - Sudbury and Thunder Bay linked on a direct link between Winnipeg, Ottawa and Montreal with DC-9 equioment. |
Reader Submitted Photos - Compiled by Terry Baker |
Reader Submitted Photos - The photos and information below have been submitted to us by our faithful readers.
We welcome photos of interest from our readers. Please check your cupboards and shoe boxes, we bet you have some excellant photos lying around! If you do, send them to us and we will consider them for publication in a future NetLetter. We prefer good quality airline related photos, with descriptive text and names (whenever possible) included with the submission.
Paula Pulling in Halifax has sent us this photo - Would have to be in the 1980's: the people I can identify starting from the back left: Bob (Doc) Watson; ?? ; Hugh Smith Front row: George Langille; Janet Ferguson; Paula Pulling; Claude Secours.
Paula Pulling (Sims) Halifax |
From Mike Shanks - Here is a ticket receipt for my Mother issued in 1956 to fly first class from Halifax to Sydney... not bad $15.00 each way and no GST or TAXES!
Mike Shanks |
Women in Aviation |
AMELIA EARHART FLIES A CIRRUS Denver traffic reporter Amelia Rose Earhart is distantly related to the famous aviator, and says her parents gave her that name to inspire her... and it worked. Earhart already has earned her private pilot certificate, and this week she's flying from Oakland, Calif., to Miami in a Cirrus SR-22 to re-trace one of her namesake's famous flights. She's working on her instrument rating, and hopes to eventually follow Earhart's route around the world... skipping the part about going missing over the ocean, of course. |
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 Below we have musings from the "Between Ourselves" and "Horizons" magazine, Air Canada publications from years gone by, as well as various in-house publications. The NetLetter has been fortunate enough to have our readers donate vintage Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada publications from as far back as 1941 to share with you. These have been scanned and are being prepared for presenting in a special area of the ACFamily Network for archival and genealogy research. |
Issue dated - July 1963 Retrieved from the "Between Ourselves" magazine -
The DC-8F is displayed at the 1963 Paris Air Show and was considered one of the stars of the show. The photo shows CF-TJM. |
FIVE OUT OF SEVEN mechanics at Dorval who received suggestion award cheques in June are shown as they attempt to form an "S" for Suggestions.
From top to bottom they are: T. Tudor, J. Packer, M. H. Antoniuk, A. Lipnicki, D. J. Brunet. Not shown are: O. Deckers and A. McKirdy, the other two winners at Dorval. |
"YOU ONLY NEED 30 POUNDS OF BAGGAGE for a three week vocation in Europe," says Stewardess Vicki Magas (left) and Lawrence Chernos. The girls are shown giving a demonstration at what to take on a vacation to customers in the Hudson's Bay Company store in Vancouver "When a Lady Travels" booklets were given to all present.
(Perhaps this demonstration could be rerun and have this luggage packed into a carry-on and thus avoid the check-in charge for luggage - eds)
A new executive was recently installed in the Montreal TCA Recreation Association for a two-year term expiring in 1965. The newly elected and their offices are:
From the left, front row - Dorothy Wilcox, Social Chairman; Maureen Sydor, Sick-Visiting Chairman; Ron Sutherland, reelected President; Jean Watson, Secretary; Pam Beveridge, Treasurer;
Back row - John Macauley Vice President; Lucien Bussiere, Special Activities Chairman; Jim Jackson, Publicity Chairman; Karl Domaratski, Sports Chairman; George Peck, 2nd Vice President; and Art Claude, Membership Chairman. |
Issue dated - April 1975Extracted from "Horizons" magazine -
Security is their business, keeping abreast of the ever changing security requirements. The photo shows the Corporate Security Section at one of their bi-monthly meetings at Headquarters.
Shown are, from the left: Tom Simpson, Vancouver; Ed Johnson, Los Angeles; Jack Barclay, Montreal; Nick Guerra, Montreal; Georgina Young, Montreal; John Macaulay, Dorval Base; and Glen Wood, Toronto. |
A two-day Merchandising Workshop for France and Western Europe took place in Paris recently. Aim of the workshop was to review the winter 1975/76 and summer 1976 passenger and cargo programs.
Shown are, from the left: John Barnes, Manager, Benelux; Leslie Hughes, Manager, Marketing Communication, Europe; Richard Nixon of Ogilvy Benson & Mather, London; Murray McAuslane, Marketing Communication Director, Montreal; John Burghardt, Tour Development Director, Montreal; Guy Chiasson, General Manager, France & Western Europe; Fernand Leroux, Sale & Service Manager, Paris; Jean LePottier, Area Manager, Public Affairs, Paris; Ed Gallant, Regional Passenger Sales & Service Manager, London; and Bob van Ysendyck, Manager, Switzerland. |
Alan's Space - by Alan Rust |
Abandoned Wrecks of the North- submitted by Bob Ayotte (retired Captain), via Ken Bjorge.
Bob's comments: "That's quite collection of aircraft wrecks. I flew a couple of the wrecked C-46's... CF-CZH and CF-CZM quite a few times, mostly out of Norman Wells to the Dew Line sites in 1955 and 56. The wrecked Lodestar CF-CPA was the first one CPA bought way back when... long before I joined the company. That Dew Line operation was a great experience for me, coming from a Tiger Moth and Cessna 120!"
From the website intro..
"The Arctic North (northern parts of Canada and Alaska) is a cruel environment for men and machine; for planes it is no different. The weather creates all sorts of hazards, the terrain offers its own variety of opportunities for disaster.
Men are prone to make mistakes and machines are bound to fail at some point. Here are some of the results. I hope we can establish the identities and the locations of these planes, help will be welcomed".
(Click on image below to visit website)
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 News and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and it's "ancestry" of contributing airlines. Jay McGowan is requesting some help - Looking from input from your readers about the 7 Lodestars (L-18s) operated by CP Air. Would like to verify that one of them was CF-CPG. This aircraft is presently located in the southern United States and the owner is trying to piece together it's history. If someone has information, a story, or even facts, would they please pass them along.
Thank you. Jay McGowan skeddeparture@gmail.com(We have advised Jay of the information from the "History of CPAL" by D M.Bain, and that the supersonic DC-8 also carried the same registration - eds) |
Issue dated - April 1979 Found in the "CPAir NEWS" magazine -
Under the banner "No frills SkyBus, a chance to picnic in the clouds", CPAir announce their new service "SkyBus" utilizing Boeing B747 aircraft. A year round weekly service to link YYZ with YEG, YYC and YVR. The schedule begins June 1st.
One-way fare between YYZ and YVR is $94.50 and $79.50 between the other two sectors. Purchase of the ticket ensures a seat, and will serve as a boarding pass too.
Passengers will tag their own luggage and bring their own "picnic lunch". No meals, movies or reading material will be supplied. There will be a SkyBar service however.for purchase of soft and alcoholic drinks.
NO, Its NOT SKYBUS but It foretold the advent of mass air travel 20 years ago. Proving that there's nothing new under the sun, this cartoon by the Vancouver Sun's Len Norris (now retired) ran when CP Air inaugurated its transcontinental service which was restricted to only one flight per day in each direction. Charter flight seats were made available to employees. The destinations include Britain from YYZ and YVR.
"DOWN UNDER" TENNIS tournament at Melbourne suburb of Sunbury March 31 mixed and matched Sydney and Melbourne staffs in recognition of both areas achieving 1978 sales quotas.
Front from left: Kitty Wong and Alexia, MEL manager Bram Wright, David Rae, Jenny Heath (SYD res), Diane Kretzers. Australia manager John Callaghan, Joan Callaghan (with young George Damaschun), Lois Tucker (TAA, MEL).
MIddle row: Lynne Damaschun (MEL sect 'y.), Elfreda Walkerden, Pauline Nobbs, Velma McKeachle (daughter of PR director Jim McKeachie and who is attending University in MEL), Cliodna Rae (sales rep MEL).
Back row: Ottfrieg Damaschun, Danny Wong (MEL res.) , Stuart Walkerden (SYD sales mgr.), Max Kretzers (Airport mgr SYD), Joyce McKeachie. Graham Cunningham (MEL sales rep). |
Cargo business is growing in Toronto necessitating a commensurate growth in facilities, to the tune of 20.000 square feet. And the efforts of this container load of agents and station attendants has a lot to do with that expansion.
Up top are: Brendon Harnett, Peter Maranhao, Bill Boyd, John Quinn and Bob Pyke.
Secured on the ground are: Jack Penedo, Paul andMary Goudreau, Keith Watkins, Marcel Harnett, Rocky Stark and supervisor Gerd Warkus. |
Commissary probably does not receive enough recognition for the job it accomplishes as well with Bruce Bazley at the YYZ helm.
Among his cohorts are: Jan Doiron. Beli Soto, supervisor Wayne Irving, Chris Smits, Albert Margliotta, Russ Kowalchuk, Jim Gallagher and Carlos Pinto. |
Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker |
Every week we ask our readers for their stories or feedback on what they have read here in previous issues. Below is the feedback we have received recently.
Dave Townson picked up this typo in NetLetter nr 1190 - Merry Christmas to all at the NetLetter, but I suspect that 'Captain L.G. Moffan' on CP 401 into Narita was really Lloyd Moffatt (or perhaps Moffat; even I'm not sure about that). Regards, Dave Townson. (CPAir News Jun 1978 does quote the Captain as L.G.Moffatt - eds) Juanita Ollivier sends these comments in reference to the Reservations item in NetLetter nr 1185: I read in the NetLetter nr 1187 issue that I was quoted as saying that TCA Rsvns was at YYZ airport. Perhaps that comment might have been taken from the Agent West magazine article I gave you. However, the reservations office was never at the airport it was at the Austin building on Church St when I worked there from 1951 until about 1954. I was Juanita Scott, as well as Ollivier, at the same time as Al Knapp, whom I knew. I also worked with, or knew, people mentioned in Netletter issue #1186 photo, when they received their long time service pins/awards, namely Jack Callen, Pat Tapson & his brother Stan, Howie Steen, Jim Aikins, Don Morrison, Al Walsh & Norma Montgomery. Pat Scott Heppler also worked there as did Michael Power who sang at Pat's & my weddings. I met up with some of them again thru SKAL club socials & other events. In another issue I noticed David Forbes picture in another office, but he was in YYZ Reservations when I was. Pat Scott Heppler is in Waterloo, Ont & you know where I am. We are ancient now but have fond memories of our TCA days, when it was a fun job. Regarding the photo titled "CP Final flight attendant course" submitted by Juanita Ollivier in NetLetter nr 1182, and the comments received and printed in NetLetter nr 1188, we have received this information from her daughter Shelley, who was a member of the course - We were the last class to be hired as "B" schedule flight attendants, yes, there was training for the merger with Wardair, training for FA's that had been off on sabbatical, pregnancy leave, what-have-you, there always is continuous training. I was called back in 1995 which would have involved retraining. But we were the last class to be hired as CAIL. In fact, the very last class didn't make it, they were layed off before completing the course. May Wilson reminisces with us - I've never contacted you before, but on one or two occasions did e-mail Vesta. I just want to say I really enjoy the NetLetters. Very informative regarding places to go and experiences of others. I worked with Nordair from 1974 through the many transitions to CP and PWA when we ultimately became Canadian Airlines...and loved it all.
Sadly, I took early retirement in 1990. In-Flight administration was where I began and was fascinated by the stories brought back by the Flight Attendants, from flights all over the world. Ultimately I moved to Finance to see the other side of 'running an airline'. My first Interline Flight was to Czechoslovakia with Czech Airlines, to ski in the High Tatras. My son joined me and we had a fabulous trip with visits to Prague and Brataslava en route. Out of this world!! I could go on, to the many ski trips to Austria and Switzerland with Air Canada groups, and weekends in Portugal, Frankfurt, Paris, Brussels. Also many visits to the UK where I have friends and cousins. I've now retired but continue to travel and enjoy. From when I was 10 and my Father took me to Malton Airport in Toronto, on Sundays, to "watch the planes" to now, I've loved flying. I am a Past-President of Pionairs, Quebec District so continue my active contact with other retirees, and encourage older, active employees, to join us when they qualify. Meanwhile, thanks so much for your great contribution to our ongoing interest in Air Canada activities.
May Wilson, Quebec District.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker

Reminder if using FedEx interline services. If you are using FedEx interline services to send your packages, please remember the following: You must bring valid airline ID with you to avail yourself of the interline agreement Air Canada has with FedEx, If sending packages outside Canada, contents must be un-wrapped. In the Lufthansa cabins, there are no rows designated 13 nor 17. The number 13 is the legendary "unlucky" number while 17 is considered "unlucky" in Italy and Brazil. So, as number 8 is thought to be "lucky" in the Chinese culture, perhaps Lufthansa would consider replacing the 13 and 17th row with 8a, b, c, d, etc. In Norway, VAT is included in the sales price and makes up to 20% of the pricetag. VAT operator associated shops offer residents outside Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark a 12-19 % refund upon departure. Duty Free Arrival - The Duty Free store sells duty and tax-free perfume, cosmetics, alcohol, tobacco and chocolate. Travelers can now go through security checks at European airports with duty free bags from international airports in the United States and from major airports in Canada. |
Smileys - Compiled by Terry Baker
As we surf the internet and back issues of airline magazines we regularly find airline related jokes and cartoons. Below is our latest discovery.
One day, while flying over the Rockies with a strong jet stream and many turbulence reports in the Denver airspace, Denver Center ask for ride reports.
United 123:"Good day, Denver. United 123 with you at FL 350." Denver Center: "Roger, United 123. How's your ride?" United 123: "Well, the Captain is having his lunch, and he just jabbed himself with his fork; so we could call it as moderate turbulence." Denver Center: "Thanks, United 123. Break, break. Air Canada 456, how's your ride at FL350?" Air Canada 456: "Sorry, Denver, we can't tell. We haven't eaten yet. |
Here is another of the futuristic scenes from the Air Canada Cargo 1980 calendar supplied by Allan Gray. This depicts a Cargonaut employing sophisticated computer scanners to monitor onboard freight containers. |
From the "Between Ourselves" issued July 1963 is this Dave Mathias cartoon. |
The NetLetter is an email newsletter published (usually) once a week and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here
We also welcome your feedback in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information, names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.
The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us! We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!
Sincerely, Your NetLetter Team |
Disclaimer: Please note, that neither the NetLetter or the ACFamily Network necessarily endorse any of the airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.
E&OE - (errors and omissions excepted) - The historical information as well as any other information provided here is subject to correction and may have changed over time. We do publish corrections when they are brought to our attention. |
First published in October, 1995
Chief Pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
Co-pilot - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
Flight Engineer - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario