The NetLetter
 For Air Canada Retirees

 (part of the ACFamily Network)


August 28, 2011 - Issue 1177
First Issue published in October 1995!
(over 5,400 subscribers)
In This Issue
CAHS Upcoming Events
Pionair Meetings and Events
ACRA Upcoming Events
Women in Aviation
Our first 70 years
Reader Submitted...Photos
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery
Alan's Space
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc
Reader's Feedback
Terry's Trivia
Web Site Information

The NetLetter Web Site

Donation Information

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ACFamily Network
#800 - 15355 24th Ave, Suite 523
Surrey, BC V4A 2H9
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Donate to the NetLetter

ACFamily Network
ACFamily Links
ACFamily Airlines
Air Canada
Trans-Canada Air Lines
Air Alliance
Air BC
Air Nova
Air Ontario
Northwest Air
Canadian Airlines
Canadian Air Canada
Inter Canadian
Time Air
Canadian Pacfic
Pacific Western
Austin Airways
Eastern Provincial
Terry Baker

We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC, Wardair. etal. and share your experiences with us!

The NetLetter is an email newsletter published every weekend and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here

We also welcome your feedback in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information, names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.

The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us!

Terry & your NetLetter Team
CAHS Upcoming Events - Compiled by Alan Rust
CAHSCAHS (Canadian Aviation Historical Society) the world's premier organization dedicated to preserving Canada's flying heritage.

If you are at all interested in Canadian aviation history, then we encourage you to attend a meeting or visit their web site at: 

Please see their Event's Calendar at
www. for upcoming meetings.

Pionair Meetings and Events - Compiled by Alan Rust

Pionairs LogoThe Air Canada Pionairs have ongoing Coffee Club Meetings in the following Districts; Vancouver Island, Vancouver, Okanagan, Edmonton, Calgary, Man-Sask, SW Ontario, Central Ontario, Ottawa, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia - P.E.I., Newfoundland, UK - E.C. and the USA - Caribbean. For full information, click here.


Meetings provide an opportunity to meet old friends, learn the latest news regarding Air Canada and your pensions or hear a variety of guest speakers speaking on topics of interest to retirees.

ACRA Upcoming Events- Compiled by Alan Rust
ACRA  LogoRetirees Welcome!

The following events are available for retirees through ACRA, the Air Canada Recreation Association.

ACRA Badminton 2011 - Montreal 

Where: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
When: Thursday, September 29 to Saturday, October 1, 2011 

For more inforation visit: 


Retirees Welcome!

ACRA System Golf

AGM 2011 VancouverAre you aware of an ACRA Event that is open to retirees? Please use the online form by following this link to submit your ACRA Event. (ACRA Events only please)

Women in Aviation - Compiled by Terry Baker
On February 11, 1958, Ruth Carol Taylor was hired by Mohawk Airlines, becoming the first African-American flight attendant in the United States .


More info by following this link.

Frontier Airlines made history when they hired
Emily Howell Warner on January 29, 1973. She was the first female airline pilot hired by a U.S. commercial airline.

Our first 70 years - Compiled by Terry Baker

Trans-Canada  Air Lines/Air Canada



1974 - August - New uniforms for ground employees introduced.

Reader Submitted Photos - Compiled by Terry Baker
Readers PhotosReader Submitted Photos - The photos and information below was sent to us by our faithful readers. If you would like to send us some old photos you have lying around. we will consider them for publication in a future NetLetter. We prefer good quality airline related photos, with descriptive text included with the submission.
secretary During a recent visit to the BC Aviation Museum,  Al Catterall handed over several photos of people but unidentified. They were taken in February 1964 and we publish them in the hopes someone can identify them.


clerk Clerk figuring out his slide rule.

telephonist Telephonist ready for the day.

welder  Welder doing a repair.

TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker
TCA/Air Canada  LogoMusings from the "Between Ourselves" and "Horizons" magazine, an Air Canada publication from years gone by, and various in-house magazines.
Issue dated - August 1st 1956
Gleaned from "Between Ourselves" magazine -
managers STATION MANAGERS of the Central Region convened for three days recently of the Muskoka Inn to discuss the various aspects of the DC-8 and other aircraft now being considered. Included in the group (foreground) ore: W. F. English, Vice.President, Operations, and his wife; H. W. Seagrim, General Manager, Operations, and F. I. Young, Operations Manager, Central Region.
whoiswho Here's a challenge - anyone care to identify anyone here? - eds)
WHO'S WHO IN Management Development.: Standing from left: G. L. Barber (Sen. Svcs.), A. A. Lackman (Mtce. and Ohaul), W. H. Kent (Fit. Ops. -now Chief Pilot, YZ), B. M. Saunders (Mtce & Ohaul), Seated: M. A. Johnston (Stn. Mgr.), T. B. Sandilands (MD Asst.), R. T. Forrest (Director of MD), R, M. Robbins (Sfn. Mgr.).
identicals DON'T ADJUST YOUR GLASSES or set down that drink! You're not seeing double. It's just a case of identical twins. They are Margaret Jane and Mary Bell Ransier, who recently graduated as Company stewardesses. Based in Toronto.
the girls are our only twin flight attendants. Both graduated as registered nurses from the General and Marine Hospital, Collingwood, Ont.

Issue dated - August 1956
laxstaff The man behind the desk is Gord Gaffikin, Area Manager for LAX, on his right is Fern Barnes, completing the staff complement, supplying information to passengers.
tenyearpins Two ten year pins are awarded in Sydney N.S. in July, Miss M.E.Sullivan and Roy Moffatt, receiving congratulations from Walt Fowler.

Issue dated - january 4th 1974
Taken from the "Horizons" magazine -
suggestion Since the Company Suggestion Program began 26 years ago, more than 20,000 suggestions have been submitted by employees. First-year savings totaled $1 milion and employees were awarded $235,000 for their ideas. To keep the ball rolling, a series of seminars led by Hal Walker, Manager, Employee Services & Suggestions was launched. The first one, held in Montreal, was attended by 15 system Suggestion Coordinators who are responsible for ensuring that suggestions are handled correctly. Designed to make their jobs easier, the meeting covered the philosophy, history and rules of the Company suggestion program and Chairman Yves Pratte in supporting the program, underlined its importance.
Attending the seminar were, from the left, sitting Chairman Pratte, Jean-Marie Boisvenu, Don Belson, Dorothy Bissonnette, Jim Ursel, Dave Dallinger, Jack Motyer and Anne Loweryson. Standing, from the left: Marion Forbes, Hal Walker, Micheline Gervais. Germano Starnino, Hector Levac, Ralph Batten, Nancy Tapson, Ken Hall and Ray Helgason.

uniforms A new wardrobe is being introduced for ground employees in 1974, originally planned for January, but revised to August.. Here is a preview photo.

Some examples of outerwear and wardrobe combinations are modeled by these Passenger Agents in London UK, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, from the left, front row: Mrs. Aida Vartzbedian, Gerry Chalifoux, Leona Rose, and Graham McLachlan. Back ground, from the left are: Jocelyne Riviere, Mrs. Carol Wilson, Hubert Menard, and Mrs. Martha Ades.
Alan's Space - by Alan Rust
Alan's Space
Alan Rust
Why did this landing go wrong?

Ya gotta hate it when your worst landing ever becomes a YouTube hit. But this was has and AVweb decided to make it an educational moment.
Why Did This Landing Go Wrong?
Why Did This Landing Go Wrong?
Image Caption
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events
- Compiled by Terry Baker
CAIL TailsNews and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and it's "ancestry" of contributing airlines.
Issue dated - September 1970
Retrieved from "PWA Keeping Posted" magazine
chipewyan Here we have two photos of the Airport terminal building at Fort Chipewyan.
stewardesses The Saskatoon Co-op London England charter was operated on July 16th, here we have this photo of the stewardesses wearing their new Saskachimo Sashes, from the left, Sandra Barber, Elizabeth Sutherland, Jackie Martin.

Issue dated - October 1970
For the first time in Canadian aviation history a major Regional Air Carrier has been granted an International license to operate a scheduled route. Our company was the recipient of such a license and indicates that this could be the 'foot in the door' and pave the way for further international scheduled routes. The inaugural run was made on September 28, 1970, taking off from Vancouver at 0800 hours for Victoria - Seattle. The crew for this run was Captain M. Cwihun, Captain Bob Moul, Stewardesses Jean Thorpe and Sabine Wright. As the present national policy does not allow PWA to man it's own Victoria Airport Customer Services, Air Canada, who still operate into Victoria, are carrying out those services for us. Our president said that he had hoped we would be able to do this in order for PWA to maximize a fresh approach to Marketing and Customer Services. Our Station Manager in Victoria is Allan Cockburn.
maskalyk In Seattle we have Dave Maskalyk.

On August 21st, 1970, one of Pacific Western Airlines Hercules aircraft departed from Manston, UK,  with a load of machinery parts and components for destinaled for Melbourne, Australia. A journey of some 11,000 miles lay ahead of the crew which consisted of Capt. Earl Benson, F/O Dick Skermer, S/O Larry Laidman, Nav. Jim Place, L/M Gus Bonner, F/E Bob Haudenschild, Crewman Carl Dmytryshyn.

Issue dated - December 1982
From the "PWA Flightlines" magazine
767center The new B767 Maintenance Centre on Calgary was officially opened November 23rd  1982.
brandonstaff June 1st 1980, PWA began operating into Brandon. and in 1982 the company applied for permanent residency. In this photo from left to right are; Wrey Gilbert, Sherri Scott Wilton, Al Gee reviewing the application document with Pierre Roy and Ernie Caron.

Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker
Reader's Feedback
Every week we ask our readers for their stories or  feedback on what they have read here in previous issues. Below is the feedback we have received recently.

George Brien has sent us this message
Blissville revisited
Although Blissville Airport was only used by TCA for 3 years, it had some interesting tales to tell. I was lucky enough to talk / correspond with a few of the staff at that time and collect some TCA History from 65 years ago.

"From the Sept.1944  "Between Ourselves"
Blissville, the biggest little station on the line  and the newest. "After several postponements, we finally got underway on Jul 1. Capt Barnes had the honour  of being the skipper on the inaugural flight with Gath Edward, chief pilot  Atlantic Division as co-pilot, Miss E. Boucher was the Stewardess.

When the flight stops here, the passengers  are heard to enquire "where are we?"  We tell them it is Fredericton or Saint John, but it's actually quite a long way from both. The pilots ask "How's the fishing".  Meakin, our best  mechanic, answers "that's what I would like to  know.  The only fishing  I do is  in the aircraft compartments. "I'd like to know too" ,  pipes up Don Widney, Radio Operator, Passenger Agent and Assistant Cargo  Handler.  " Somehow, with sometimes as many as five flights through here a day, I just don't find the time".

Edmonton seems to have supplied us with our present staff. Frank Meakin was sent down here after nearly five years at the Gateway to the North.  Don Widney also worked there for some time,  and our  Station manager,  Bob Reynolds too, is an Alberta veteran.  Just to emphasize the Edmonton atmosphere, we mention a fourth unofficial member of our group, Mrs  Reynolds, the former Edna Gamblin of  Edmondton Traffic.  She finds Blissville a Blissville place to spend a honeymoon. Nothing like feeding the chickens and gathering the eggs.

Well, that's all the news for this month, so we will close with a note for plussers in case you get bumped in Blissville.  We can provide you with the fanciest outdoor accommodation on the line.
They should have had AIF in those days so they could afford a better outhouse!!

Below are links to several articles written back in 2003 covering the Lockheed crash landing/station wagon and CPR train collision, etc.

To view the NetLetter nr 793 issued October 27th 2003 follow this link
and to see more on Blissville follow this link and view the NetLetter nr 796 issued November 12th 2003.

Cheers,  George
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker
Terry Baker
Terry Baker

SOUTH AMERICA CRUISE hosted by the Interline Club of Portugal.

From Valparaíso (Chile) to Buenos Aires (Argentina)
18 days (14 nights of cruise) 10th TO 27th FEB. 2012

This is an unforgettable trip through South America, passing through the continent extreme, where landscapes, dazzle and provoke feelings. From the Natural Parks to Glaciers, from Ushuaia to Fire Land, passing by the sea life of Magalhães Penguins, from the cities as Santiago, to the warm and joyful
Buenos Aires, nobody will be indifferent.


  • Plane ticket on regular flight, with 20kg of baggage allowance included; from Lisbon.
  • Taxes *: airport, security and fuel (320,00 €);
  • Private transfers according to the program;
  • 1 overnight in a first category hotel in Santiago, on half board basis;
  • Half day visit of Santiago, with Portuguese or Spanish speaking guide and lunch in local restaurant;
  • Half day visit of Viña del Mar and Valparaíso;
  • 1 full day visit of Buenos Aires and 1 dinner with a Tango Show;
  • Accommodation in Cabins (according to one´s choice);
  • Meals based on full board during the cruise;
  • All port taxes included;
  • Tips a board;
  • Tips to guides and drivers (during the visits included in the program);
  • GeoStar tour escort during the whole trip;
  • Tourism and services taxes included;
  • Travel Insurance included (valid for departures from Lisbon, price to be reconfirmed in case departure will be from another city);
  • GeoStar Travel Bag;

R. Coronel Luna de Oliveira, 24 - 3º 1900 - 167 LISBOA
Tlf.: 00351 - 218 146 625 / Fax : 00351 - 218 146 798

Smileys - Compiled by Terry Baker
As we surf the internet and back issues of airline magazines we regularly find airline related jokes and cartoons. Below is our latest discovery.

From the "PWA Flightlines" issued December 1982 -
  • "Remember, at all times when on duty, to maintain the respectful reserve of the well trained servant.
  • A ready smile is essential but never permit yourself the ultimate attitude of a 'traveling companion".
  • "Punch each ticket at each point (Some flights involved up to 13 stops)."
    "Tag all passenger baggage and check it on board".
  • "Remember to carry on board picnic containing cold fried chicken, rolls, cake and vacuum flasks, with hot Captains coffee, for passenger meals."
  • "Captains and Pilots will be treated with formality while in uniform, rigid military salute will be rendered to the Captain and Pilot as they go aboard and deplane.
  • Check with the Captain and Pilot regarding their personal luggage and place it on board promptly."
  • "Wind the clocks and altimeters mounted in some cabins."
  • "Keep the cabin window sills dusted, and use a small broom on the floor before every flight."
  • "Check the floor bolts on the wicker cane seats in the Ford trimotors to make sure they are securely fastened before every flight."
  • "Warn passengers against throwing lighted cigar butts out of the windows, particularly over populated areas."
  • "Face the rear of the plane when talking to passengers or serving lunch. Bending, while facing toward the front of the plane tends to place the seat of your pants in the next passenger's face."
  • "When slippers are available, on long night flights, you will advise persons desiring to sleep as follows: 'I have slippers available, sir, if you would care to remove your shoes and rest your feet.' Assist the passenger to remove his shoes, if he so desires, and clean the shoes thoroughly before returning them to him."
mathiascartoon Here is yet another Dave Mathias cartoon from "Between Ourselves" issued June 1956.

Disclaimer: Please note, that neither the NetLetter or the ACFamily Network  necessarily endorse any of the airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.

We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!

Your NetLetter Team
First published in October, 1995
  • Chief Pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
  • Co-pilot - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
  • Flight Engineer - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario
To contact us, send an email to