The NetLetter
 For Air Canada Retirees

January 22, 2011 - Issue 1150
First Issue published in October 1995!
(over 5,400 subscribers)
In This Issue
Women in Aviation
CAHS Events
Other Events
Our first 70 years
Air Canada Related News.
Reader Submitted Photos
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery
Alan's Space
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc
Reader's Feedback
Odds & Ends
Terry's Trivia
Web Site Information

The NetLetter Web Site

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Terry Baker

We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC, Wardair. etal. and share your experiences with us!

The NetLetter is an email newsletter published every weekend and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here

We also welcome your feedback in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information, names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.

The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us!

Terry & your NetLetter Team
Women in Aviation - Compiled by Alan Rust
Jessica Cox - PilotDetermined Jessica Cox has become the world's first person to earn a pilot's license - without any arms. The 25-year-old from Tucson, Arizona, US, took three years to gain her license, with instructor Parrish Traweek guiding her on how to use the controls of the Ercoupe 415 plane with her feet.

Click on the image below for a Youtube video about her achievments (so far). Her t-shirt reads "Look Ma, no hands!". Her website is
We received this article from Brian Dunn of YYZNews. (thanks again, Brian)

Jessica Cox - Pilot
CAHS Upcoming Events - Compiled by Alan Rust
CAHSWe have a listing below of all the CAHS (Canadian Aviation Historical Society) upcoming events that we are aware of.

If you are at all interested in Canadian aviation history, then we encourage you to attend a meeting or visit their web site at:

Ottawa - January 27, 2011: Rob Erdos, Chief Test Pilot for the National Research Council of Canada, shares his test pilot insights and personal experiences flying Vintage Wings of Canada's recently restored Westland Lysander.  Join us for what promises to be a most interesting evening. 

Toronto - February 12, 2011: Alan C. Dares,   B.A, C.T.M, A.T.P.L. will be speaking on "Light Sport Aircraft (LSA's) in Canada" 

Vancouver - February 8, 2011: The February meeting presentation will be a slide presentation by Keith Wade on flying boats and amphibians. For more info call Jerry Vernon at (604) 420-6065

CAHS National Convention

Edmonton - June 22th to 26th - Mark your calendars for the CAHS 48th annual convention where they will explore the rich aviation history of Edmonton, the province of Alberta, and Canada's North. 

Presentations will range from civil and military aviation topics, to how regional heritage institutions are promoting this fascinating history, to creative ways authors are bringing these subjects to new audiences.


See: for more information as it becomes available.

Other Upcoming Events- Compiled by Alan Rust

ACRA System Golf
ACRA LogoRetirees Welcome! 

Steve Kerwin, organizer for the annual ACRA System Golf Event has found a venue with outstanding value for this years event. Rates include 4 nights room, golf, dinners, and breakfasts from $326.00 - $400.00 per person.

Our first 70 years - Compiled by Terry Baker
Trans-Canada Air Lines/Air Canada

1947 - Oct 1st   - First scheduled service to Shannon.
1963 - Jan 31st - First DC-8F fin 813 delivered to YUL
1972 - Nov 3rd  - DC-8 freighter service LAX - YYZ inaugurated.
Air Canada News (Current) - Compiled by Terry Baker
Air Canada News Recent Air Canada related information and news.
conciergeAir Canada's LHR Concierge Team are this week's Team of the Week, according to the Skyport newspaper for Heathrow. They are, from left, Paula Dunn, Kelvin Ogunjimi and Sara Ramage.
Reader Submitted Photos - Compiled by Terry Baker
Readers PhotosReader Submitted Photos - The photos and information below was sent to us by our faithful readers. If you would like to send us some old photos you have lying around. we will consider them for publication in a future NetLetter. We prefer good quality airline related photos, with descriptive text included with the submission.


Eric Watt shares these photos of some employees who worked in the C & SS in Dorval.

Takes me back a bit, 34 years ago... I have no idea who took the pictures but we are certainly older now and maybe a tad wiser. Some flashback shots -1976, I see Ken Clark, Kim Sansom ( and wife) and that's Brian McCready in the background......Brian McCready's father was a 747 pilot. Tim McDonald's head is by Ken Clark

watt-2Guys from the left: Jim Pearce, Peter Symes, Andy McWeeny,  Ken James,  Aaron Charad, Doug Mallory and we believe the head of Brian Swinburne.


Guys from left bottom row: Ken ClarkEric Watt,  (a much younger me and the back of my wife's blonde head), Jim Pearce...
Top row from the left: Al Kurys, Art Shibuya, Rick Carter .


Bob Pitcairn sent us a clipping regarding this DC-6B.

I enjoy the Newsletter particularly about history of our airlines.


An Air Force pilot friend of mine sent the attached clipping about Canadian Pacific Airline Empress of Suva DC-6. I joined Canadian Pacific Airlines in early 1966 and flew DC-6's on domestic routes for one year.


There were only six of them left in the fleet left then, but not the Empress of Suva. The remaining six DC-6's were retired in 1968 with the arrival of the B0-737. Three of the remaining DC-6's flew as water bombers with Conair in Abbotsford until last year.

The DC-6B is "Empress of Suva"  delivered to CPAL August 15th 1957 and registered CF-CZV fin 444 c/n 45329. It was sold to Trans-Air of Sweden November 9th 1961 and re-registered SE-BDG.


We printed the photo, but the clipping did not print too well, so we went to the web site of the South Africa Air Force  Museum at and copied the following -


Written: Leon Steyn, Historian, Air Force Museum, Photos: Townsend/Hopkins


On Saturday the 4th of December 2010, a classic Douglas airliner "the Empress of Suva" took to the sky over the city for a brief but memorable ferry flight to its new owners north of Pretoria. The Douglas DC-6B, which first flew with Canadian Pacific Airlines in August 1957, had languished at Swartkop airfield for the past eleven years and was destined to be scrapped, unwanted.


Two avid aviation enthusiast and business partners Willie Muntingh and Withold Walus however learnt of her fate and decided to save the aircraft. They duly purchased the DC-6 and devised a magnificent plan - to fly the old propliner to their small holding and business premises north of Pretoria.


Years of neglect meant that the old aircraft would need a great deal of attention. Meeting a great deal of skepticism and disbelief at such a huge enterprise, the restoration team under the leadership of flight engineer Mike Mayers gradually repaired the old aircraft back to flying condition during the course of two years.



For its arrival at its new home, a micro-light airstrip was extended to 850 meters and widened significantly to accommodate the arrival of the DC-6 there. Expertly flown by SAA Captains Johan van den Berg, Laurie Raath and flight engineer Mike Mayers, the aircraft eventually took off from Swartkop airfield at 07:15 on Saturday morning the 4th of December 2010 and headed north. The aircraft passed to the west of the city and were then positioned for the crucial landing. Twenty minutes later the big DC-6 touched down on the make-shift runway, and amidst a cloud of dust, came to a complete stop just 500 meters from touch-down.



The aircraft will be kept in a running condition and at its new location, it will remain, much loved, perhaps to fly again one day.

TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker
TCA/Air Canada LogoMusings from the "Between Ourselves" magazine an Air Canada publication from years gone by.
Issue dated - Febuary 1963
Extracted from the "Between Ourselves" magazine

DC-8F sets unofficial record from Long Beach to Montreal. With a tail wind of between 90 - 120 mph at 29,000 the aircraft took just 4 hours and five minutes along commercial route "Jet 64". on the January 31st delivery flight of fin 813. The crew, Captains G.B Lothian, R.J.Baker, A.Rankin piloted the aircraft. Also onboard was Roy McCormack.

firstaidFIRST AID CERTIFICATES from the Ambulance Brigade were recently presented at Saint John Municipal Airport to a group Comprising largely of Company employees. The course was conducted during the fall months of 1962 by Ronald E. Cunningham, Moncton, regional supervisor of first aid for the CNR and TCA.

From left to right, front row: William J. Hegan Station Operations Manager; R. E. CunninghamL. G. Stirling, C.N.R.; J. E. Maloney, DOT;  Allan Sutherland, DOT; back row: Clifford C. Bizzo, Station Attendant; Ernest F. Crawley, Mechanic-in-Charge; William McDevitt, Station Attendant; Howard Bulmer, Station Agent; Paul L. Mitchell, Lead Station Attendant; Francis M. Cogger, Station Agent; Robert T. Kirkpatrick, DOT; Patrick G. Kennedy, Station Attendant; Edward E. Lirette, Station Agent.


FLIGHT CREW ON FANTASY TRIP to Trinidad for the children of Ontario Hospital, Thistletown 

Shown just prior to "takeoff". 

From the left: First Officer Ron Petersen; Stewardesses Shelly Brownlee, Gail Funk; Captain Lyle Greenlaw with George Laing. seeing that everybody is all set.

It was decided to fly the children to Trinidad and arrangements were made to have them meet in a room on the third floor of the hospital, to he presented with flight bags and a TCA ticket. The next stage of the party was the check-in counter with a TCA Passenger Agent, George Sharon. who filled out a ticket for each child, checked the bag and handed the ticket hack in a folder with baggage tag stub included. The terminal building was complete with counter, scale, a soft drink dispenser, courtesy of Wilson Ciagerale, a real Mountie. Mr. Bob Hughes, terminal sound effects on tape, and members of the Church and community as passengers, ready to go with the children on the flight. These children have little confidence in adults and the association was wonderful therapy. The flight was announced on a tape recorder, having been recorded under actual terminal conditions. The door of the terminal was opened and the children were met by one of two TCA Stewardesses, Gail Funk and Shelley Brownlee, who lifted their ticket coupon and showed them into the cabin of the aircraft. The aircraft was a hall in the hospital where six double Viscount seats had been set up and the cockpit was a wooden mockup of a proposed four-engine airliner, supplied by De Havilland Aircraft Company of Downsview, Ontario. The cockpit was completed by D Havilland employees for the party with instrument panel complete with lights that went on when the master switch was turned on. The children were on their way.

Issue dated - October 1st 1972

Grabbed from the "Horizons" magazine

uniformsThese four ramp agents are wearing a variety of combinations of blue Fortrel , blue cotton, and both new and old style whites.


From the left, Ewan Robertson, Al Coreston, Ron Kocoreck, Terry Pottenroth.

Issue dated - October 16th 1972
shannon A huge shamrock formed a fitting backdrop for this shot of the crew of the inaugural North Star flight to Shannon. in October 1947. 

Shown from the left are: Purser-Steward J D. Murphy; Navigator Bill Ramsay; Captain J.A. Wright;  Stewardess Theresa Mulligan; First Officer G.S. Quinn; and Radio Officer L.S. Burke.

This photo is of the flight crew who landed at Shannon to commemorate the 25th year of service.  

Shown from the left are: Tom Haughey S.F.A.D. Company; Navigating Officer Lou Voticky; S/O Hank Ottosen; F/O Lorne Dyke; Brendan Murray; Captain Gus Cirko; ACS Manager Aiden Larkin; Station Agent John Horan; Purser Jacques Grenier; Ray Royce. Champagne and cake were served to the passengers to commemorate the anniversary.

Image Blank 200px

So long old friend. The last of five Vickers Vanguard aircraft sold to Europe Aero Services is shown in this photo with EAS markings at Dorval. CF-TKT fin 919 c/n 743 reregistered F-BTYC. This last sale leaves only three Vanguards left for disposal.

hockeyPlanners of the upcoming System Hockey Tournament paused during their committee meeting last month to pose for this shot.


From the left are: Tony Marianelli, Toronto (System Committee Chairman); Dave Brune, Toronto; Hal Walker, Montreal; Wally Cawson. Winnipeg; Rick Schofield, Montreal; and Kevin Stausch, Dorval.

Alan's Space - by Alan Rust
Alan's Space
Alan Rust
What's in your basement?
John Scapes of Schaumburg, Ill., has been working for three decades on a very intricate creation in his basement. The retired mechanical engineer has brought an incredible attention to detail to his project, building a full-scale replica of a turn-of-the-century Main Street. Scapes says he was inspired by a an exhibit he saw at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago when he was 9 years old.

Everything looks authentic, down to the last detail. The street is paved with faux cobblestones, the streetlight actually works and carefully placed mirrors make the street appear to curve.

Scapes' little piece of Americana includes a barbershop, hat shop and a photo shop. The general store's shelves are stocked and the store includes a post office and a working hand-cranked phone. The double doors of the sawmill open to reveal the pristine workshop where Scapes crafted his nostalgic world. Other neat features include storefronts that open to reveal storage space, a mirrored saloon and a milk wagon in the corner that conceals plumbing. Click on the image below to visit John's "basement".


John's Basement 

Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events
- Compiled by Terry Baker
CAIL TailsNews and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and it's "ancestry" of contributing airlines.
Issue dated - July 1998
Extracts for the "Canadi>n Flyer" magazine
nrtstaffHere we have this photo of the staff at Narita, Japan celebrating the 30th year of service by Charlie Shimazu.

greatwalGoing to the Great Wall. Gathered for a family reunion at the Great Wall of China are CDN employees


left to right: Gay Groesbeck, Analyst, Sales Planning, DEW Fei Liang, Corp.Sales Rep., BJS Tom Yu, Regional Manager, Marketing and Sales, China, Rebecca He, Accounting & Admin. Supervisor, BJS, Bruce Stanley, Pricing Co-ordinator, Marketing and Planning, YYC Ximing Ma, Chief Driver, BJS, Harry Zhang, Sales Rep., National Accounts, BJS, Brian Walsh, Country Manager, China.

Thanks to Fei Liang for the photo.  

saopauloSelma Galvao and Monica Tsuno sent these two photos of the Sao Paulo staff to the magazine, but neglected to provide any identifications.
Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker
Reader's Feedback
Every week we ask our readers for their stories or feedback on what they have read here in previous issues. Below is the feedback we have received recently. 
gibraltarKen Bjorge sent us several photos of the runway at Gibraltar, Did you know Gibraltar's Airport runway and vehicular traffic crossings are at the same level? It intersects with a main road. Here are a few of the photos that he sent.
gibraltar-1This puts a whole new meaning to the saying, "Never run a red light!".

George Brien sends this correction - Re NetLetter 1148
Lots of folks likely saw that this wasn't a DC3 that Capt Gerry MacInnis was standing by - as per the caption on the picture. Tail is a little high in the air? Likely this one- CF-MCA - Douglas C-54B-1-DC - c/n: 10457- Entered in MCA service on the 25th. October 1955 and sold as CF-NAA to Nordair on the 23rd. July 1964.

cheers George

Gordon Moulalso pointed out the error in NetLetter nr 1148- Photo of Maritime Central c1955 is a DC4 not a DC3 (see tail post),

Regards, Captain Gordon Moul, CDN

and Knut Ohm spotted the error and sends this -
Please note the aircraft in the bit by Jerry MacInnes supervises the boarding of a Maritime Central Airways DC-3 c1955 at one of the Distant Early Warning (DEW) line stations he helped to establish. The aircraft is a DC4 and not a DC3

cheers Knut

Deb Yorkesends us this referring to NetLetter nr 1149-

Good day: Just to clarify Heather Johannson's message: Bobby Williams did stay in the west but Sandy Flood flew out of YYZ as I flew with her in the '70's. A great lady. Sandy married and then left Wardair. She and her husband went to California, as far as I remember. I also want to mention that Wardair did not "go under" as Mr. Evans writes. It was bought by Canadian Airlines as per Max Ward's book and my own very vivid memories.

Deb Yorke, Retired

John Gallagher sends us this request - Can you published a list and dates of all TCA/AC presidents and/or CEO. Thank you.

This is what we came up with -

CEO and President:

  • 1937_1941 C.N.Hungerford
  • 1941_1948 H.J.Symington
  • 1948_1968 G.R.McGregor
  • 1968_1975 Yves Pratt
  • 1968_1973 J.R.Baldwin
  • 1973_1976 R.T.Vaughan
  • 1976_1976 Pierre Taschereau
  • 1976-1984: Claude Taylor - accountant; former Air Canada reservation agent and executive
  • 1984-1990: Pierre Jeanniot - former aircraft mechanic and Air Canada executive; founder of Jinmag Management and Investment Services
  • 1990-1992: Claude Taylor
  • 1992-1996: Hollis L. Harris (World Airways CEO 2001-2004, Continental CEO and President, 1990-1992, President of Delta Air Lines)
  • 1996-1999: R. Lamar Durrett (former executive with Delta, Continental and System One)
  • 1999-2004: Robert Milton (founding partner of Air Eagle Holdings Incorporated)
  • 2004-2009: Montie Brewer (former United Airlines executive)
  • 2009- present: Calin Rovinescu
Odds & Ends - Compiled by Terry Baker
Odds & EndsSometimes we receive articles and information that just doesn't fit in our other areas. This is where it goes!

Delta asks travellers to bid for voluntary bumping to speed boarding process. How much would it take for you not to fly? Name your price. That's what Delta is telling passengers at airport kiosks now, in case a flight is overbooked. The Atlanta airline asks passengers to enter a bid - how much they would like to be offered if they were bumped.

Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker
Terry Baker
Terry Baker

A judge in Spain has ruled that Ryanair cannot charge passengers for failing to print out their own boarding cards.

A case was brought by a Spanish lawyer, Dan Miro, who was charged the standard Ryanair fee of €40 for failing to print his boarding card before a flight.

Judge Barbara Maria Cordoba of the Barcelona Commercial Court said in the ruling 'the normal practice over the years has been that the obligation to issue the boarding card has always fallen on the carrier.' Judge Cordoba continued, 'I declare unfair and therefore void the contractual clause in which Ryanair obliges the passenger to be the one who brings the printed boarding pass to travel or face a penalty of €40.' (Source RTE News)

The Continental ticket counter and check-in has moved to Terminal West at Denver International Airport.

Jazz transitions to credit card only cabins. As of January 15, 2011, Air Canada Jazz will transition to credit card only cabins for all flights where OnBoard Café is offered. For more information, see

Reminder: To access the members area of the website at,, your user name is nonrev and your password is interline - Remember You Pay NO booking fees with on all resorts and with most cruises!!! 817 481-8631 / 800 766-2911

Smileys - Compiled by Terry Baker
As we surf the internet and back issues of airline magazines we regularly find airline related jokes and cartoons. Below is our latest discovery.

We have this cartoon by Dave Mathias from "Between Ourselves" issue February 1963













Conclusion of the Smile from Vern Swerdfeger  started in NetLetter nr 1149


More words of Wisdom From Aviators

  • Flying is a great way of life for men who want to feel like boys, but not for those who still are.
  • "If the Wright brothers were alive today, Wilbur would have to fire Orville to reduce costs." President, DELTA Airlines.
  • "If the airplane were to be invented today - they should shoot it down" - Warren Buffet
  • In the Alaska bush I'd rather have a two hour bladder and three hours of gas than vice versa.
  • It's not that all airplane pilots are good-looking. Just that good-looking people seem more capable of flying airplanes.
  • An old pilot is one who can remember when flying was dangerous and sex was safe.
  • Airlines have really changed, now a flight attendant can get a pilot pregnant.
  • I've flown in both pilot seats, can someone tell me why the other one is always occupied by an idiot?
  • Son, you're going to have to make up your mind about growing up and becoming a pilot. You can't do both.
  • There are only two types of aircraft - fighters and targets
  • The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline baggage.
  • You define a good flight by negatives: you didn't get hijacked, you didn't crash, you didn't throw up, you weren't late, you weren't nauseated by the food. So you're grateful.
  • They invented wheelbarrows to teach FAA inspectors to walk on their hind legs.
  • The FAA Motto: We're not happy till you're not happy.
  • Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!

Your NetLetter Team
First published in October, 1995
  • Chief Pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
  • Co-pilot - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
  • Flight Engineer - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario
To contact us, send an email to