The NetLetter For Air Canada Retirees
May 8, 2010 - Issue 1119 5586 Subscribers
First published in October, 1995
Chief Pilot - Vesta Stevenson, Victoria, B.C.
Co-pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
Flight Engineer - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
Ground Technician - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario
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Vesta Stevenson |
We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC etal. and share your experiences with us!
The NetLetter is an email newsletter published every weekend and contains a
mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to
submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from
present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers
will enjoy it, we will publish it here We also welcome your feedback in regard to anything we
post here. Many readers have commented with additional information names and
personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.
The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to
retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies
that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining
us! Vesta & your NetLetter Team |
1952 YUL | In the summer of 1952, there were several West Indian girls working for TCA in Montreal. Here are their photos from the Midsummer edition 1952 "Between Ourselves" magazine -.Zita Rodrigues, Winifred Smith with D.G.Pallister in the Advertising Department.
1952 YUL | Adrienne de Verteuil, Honor Heath, Joan de La Bastide, Gloria Lourenco relaxing while listening to calypso music from Trinidad.
Sheila Lewis 1952 | Sheila Lewis is a teletypist and is from Barbados.
Marion Nichols 1952 | Marion Nichols is also from Barbados and works in the General Traffic office.
Our first 70 years - Compiled by Terry Baker | 
1951 - August - Contract signed for five Super Constellations. 1952 - March - TCA transferred their New York operations from LaGuardia to Idlewild Airport (now JFK) |
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 Musings from the "Between Ourselves" magazine an Air Canada publication from years gone by. |
First Traffic Group 1952 | First Traffic Group to take the human relations course included eleven men from widely separated points. At back: J. S. Graham, Edmonton; Richard Sellors, Moncton; R. F. Corsiglia, Cleveland; A. J. Sutherland, Halifax; L. J. Adams, and J. T. Moore, Winnipeg. Seated: J. B. Goddard, Toronto; K. G. Denman, Conference leader Forrest, J. C. Campbell, Toronto; W. N. Hornet, and L. D. Palmer, Ottawa
First Operations Group 1952 | First Operations Group to take the course also included eleven men from separated points. Standing: R. D. Thomas, F. B. Pink, Winnipeg, R. B. Hadfield, Toronto; John Robulak, Vancouver; A. R. Hunt, Winnipeg; R.M.Campbell, Toronto. Conference leader Forrest. Seated: W. P. Sansom, Montreal; A.E.Candy , Moncton; Conference leader Borrable; D. R. Taylor, Montreal; Harry Slater Edmonton, Casey Van der Linden, Montreal.
Second Operations Group 1952 | Second Operations Group to complete the course: (standing) F. J. DiSalvo, Montreal; G. H. McKenzie, Moncton; G. W T. Roper, Vancouver; Conference Leader Borrable; J. D. Leigh, Montreal; G. L. 8arber, Montreal; G.O.Dyce. Vancouver, D. N. Allen, Toronto; (seated) P. D.Williamson, J. D. Storie, Vancouver, W. H, Mobberley, Winnipeg
Second Traffic Group 1952 | Second Traffic Group to complete the course: (standing) M. W. S. Eagles, J. S. Chamberlain, G. E. Gray, Conference Leader Forrest; G. B. Hooper, Winnipeg; A. R.Godbold, Vancouver, and T. B. Sandilands, Toronto; (seated) M. J. Law, Montreal; W. G. Rathborne, G. N. Leather Seattle; W. M. Garven, London, Ont.; J. H. Syrett, New York, and Alan Reid, London, England.
Nick Kosowich - 1952 | The heading is "Work for the Station Manager at a typical Prairie point is very diversified" - Brandon station is a two man operation. First duty of the day is to inform TCA Flight Dispatch and DOT the weather conditions at Brandon
Here is Nick Kosowich, Operations Agent advising an approaching flight the weather conditions, and which of the six runways are in operation. |
Rus Alexander 1952 | Here is Rus Alexander checking for the barometric reading.
And when the ceiling is below 1,000 feet, a weather balloon is released.
Rus Alexander | Rus Alexander, Station Manager, phones all the embarking passengers for the two flights operating that day and arranges, if necessary, a taxi to bring them to the airport, and issue tickets to those who do not have one. Here he is issuing tickets.
Here he calls on a travel agent.
An hour before the arrival of the DC-3 flight, information is received from points ahead as to what is being boarded, and the load clearance sheets are prepared. Rus and Nick have to push and retrieve the passenger stand, unload the freight and cargo, and monitor the deplaning and emplaning passengers. Both Rus and Nickl are involved in the unloading phase. In the wintertime when the temperature drops to 45 degrees below zero. The man on duty has to remove ice from the aircraft wings or replenish the de-icer fluid - both outside jobs. Sometimes the Stewardess requests hot water or lunches to be arranged and boarded. After the aircraft has departed, baggage has to be distributed to the arriving passengers, arrange for the cargo, express and mail to the taxi and check charges on any aircargo bill accompanying the goods. Mail transfer slips are completed and the details sent to the next station by teletype.
The two man staff at Brandon has always to be ready to set out for Rivers, which is the alternate airport for Winnipeg 30 miles from Brandon.
In March, TCA transferred their operations from LaGuardia airport to Idlewild Airport (now JFK), To mark the occasion, all ladies were presented with gardenias on the first day of operation.In this photo we have
left to right: M.J.Lemaine Stewardess, D.V.Richardson DSM, Madelaine Benoit, the first passenger, Capt. D.W.Siple, D. Avery Stewardess, W.F.English V.P.Ops, William Monroa, Station Manager. |
Finishing Shop 1995 | Claude Pilon, Foreman - Finishing shop at YUL congratulated five of his work mates who recently celebrated a total of 140 years service between them.
From the left: Tony Schattmann (30), John Hatherall (25), Joe Windisch (30), Harald Ernesti (25), Claude Pilon, Guenter Stuebes (30). |
YUL Stores - 1995 | The airline was named Trans-Canada Air Lines when YUL stockeeper Jacques Gautier first started work in 1965. He recently celebrated his 30th year anniversary with the help of these - Dave Tuff, Bruce MacCoubrey, Jacques Gautier, Ben Besner.
Alan's Space - by Alan Rust |
Alan Rust |
Email error for the NetLetter last weekUnfortunately, when we changed over the website to the new server location we (I) forgot to copy over the email forwarders that were at the previous website. So, for those of you that had responded to our last NetLetter by emailing and had their email bounce back, we'd REALLY like you to resend it so we can receive those missed emails. Below, is a link to a guy really obsessed with Pan AM 747 (yes I know that's not a 747 in the image below). Click the link to see what this United Airlines employee is building in his garage. (I think some of the guys I used to work with could compete with him as well).
Pan Am 747obsession  | |
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 News and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and it's "ancestry" of contributing airlines. |
Issue dated - January 1998 |
Ideas Plus Awards 1998 | The new employee suggestion program, named, "Ideas Plus" was launched December 3rd, and in the first week, hundreds of suggestions were received from employees of Canadian Airlines, Canadian Regional and Inter-Canadien. On December 10th, two employees with the Maintenance and Engineering at Vancouver became the first winners under the new program. Russ Payne made history by becoming the first to have a suggestion approved. Here is a photo of the first two recipients, second from the left is Russ Payne and, on his left, Zoltan Unger.
Auckland 1997 | A Canadian B767 arrived at Auckland, New Zealand on October 31st 1997, marking the first flight to that city since April 1991. Here is a photo of Capt. Doug Ellerbeck and first Officer John Parkinson preparing for the first outbound flight from Honolulu.
Auckand 1998 | In Auckland there is Steve Rice and Robyn Annals, (we are not sure why Robyn has a pair of crutches - perhaps the passengers have been acting up - eds)
Buenos Aires - 1997 | On April 4th 1997, service was commenced to Buenos Aires, and the station was served by just four employees - this four from the left: Alex Obaditch, Matias Mauro, Luciana Chiese, Edward McLaren.
Rankin Inlet - 1998 | Anyone have any memories of Rankin Inlet? Perhaps this photo will help.
Norman Wells - 1998 | The staff at Norman Wells are cross-trained to perform both airport and cargo functions. Left to right. Barby Johnston Gilroy, Tracy Thody, Lise Leroux.
Mirable - 1997 | The last international arrival at Mirabel (YMX) was CP45 on September 14th 1997. Here is a photo of those working the flight. Left to right: Capt M. Weismuller, F/O S.Graham, CSD M.Lachapelle, Fas (check) E.Martens, M. Spense, M.Desaulniers, K.Trainos, M.Chindamo, R. DelGaudio.On the far right is Uli Opalka and seated in front is Danny Riggo both airport agents. Cary Thiessen of YYC crew sked provided the magazine with the identifications.
Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker | 
Fred Coyle has passed us this information he received from Bob Bogash who is involved with the Super Connie fin 405.
The new AIRLINERS Magazine was released yesterday, containing an article I co-wrote with Ralph Pettersen on our Super Connie CF-TGE. This article has been a long time in gestation - written at least 9 months ago, with an endless series of tweaks and re-writes; I'm not sure I even recognize some of my prose. That's what happens when "Editors" get involved! The magazine has also been going through assorted travails and management and editorial staff changes, further stringing this process out.
In any event, here she be - you can probably get a real copy either on-line or at an aviation shop at most airports. This is the fourth or fifth magazine article on our airplane - still generating lots of interest worldwide in the aviation community.
Bob Bogash
(PDF file coming next week) Gordon Moul sends this comment regarding the PWA B707 138B From a pilot who has over 4000hrs on this aircraft, the normal cruise setting was mach .83. It's high speed cruise was .86 but was rarely used. Long range cruise was .81, also rarely used. Fuel was cheap in those days. Going Really fast was more fun. Regards, Gordon Moul (retired CAIL 1991) Help wanted. John Fuller sent us this request - Greetings Vesta. I enjoy reading the Net letter. I wish to take this opportunity of writing to you as a former A/C employee #32653, Ottawa 1965-1978.
Briefly, in May 1976 I flew down solo to Belize, Central America in my C-172. On my return I was interviewed about my experience on such a long trip, & my photo & writeup was posted in the Horizons Mag. I would like your help to try & locate which issue. It had to be anytime after the end of May 1976.The article has my photo & details of the trip.
I would wish to locate the article to relive my trip to Belize. If you can be of assistance please let me know. I wish I could do it myself, but my knowledge of computering is limited to sending & receiving E-mails.
Thanking you in advance Sincerely, JOHN FULLER ( Unfortunately, we are missing copies of "Horizons" for 1976 and 1977. If any readers has any copies we would appreciate borrowing them so that we may scan them for our data base and return - eds)
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker
Terry Baker |
Vancouver to Whitehorse 20', 22' Motorhomes and Truck/Campers. $50.00 (+tax).Rate is for the entire rental period - NOT per day. Includes 3000 kms, convenience kits, prep and CDR insurance included ($500.00 deductible). Must be in YXY on the 20th of May.
Halifax to Vancouver Vanconversions , 20', 27' and 29' Motorhomes.$50.00 - $99.00 (+tax) depending on the RV type. 25 days! Rate is for the entire rental period - NOT per day. Includes 7000 kms, convenience kits, prep and CDR insurance included ($500.00 deductible).
Jim McKeachie has sent us this web site information - Greetings to all: Worth the four mins or so to listen to this musical parody...and read the underlines.
That BA Lacme music was really something...and this video is a real hoot. Enjoy. Jim McKeachie
Smileys - Compiled by Terry Baker
As we surf the internet and back issues of airline magazines we regularly find airline related jokes and cartoons. Below is our latest discovery. |
Image Caption  | Bob Barry found this poem and sent it in - Here is a poem by R. G. Morris © 1994. I don't know who the gentleman is but he is obviously knowledgeable about that which he wrote. I flew these flights from YYC and YEG to YWG and return many a time. Cheers, Bob Barry.
We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!
Your NetLetter Team