The NetLetter
 For Air Canada Retirees

April 24, 2010 - Issue 1117
5586 Subscribers
First published in October, 1995
  • Chief Pilot - Vesta Stevenson, Victoria, B.C.
  • Co-pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
  • Flight Engineer - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
  • Ground Technician - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario
To contact us, send an email to

In This Issue
Our first 70 years
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery
Star Alliance News
Alan's Space
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc
Reader's Feedback
Odds & Ends
Terry's Trivia
About us
Terry, Vesta & Alan Pionair's AGM 2007
Terry, Vesta & Alan
ACFamily Network
ACFamily Links
Air Canada Pionairs

Project North Star

Vesta Stevenson
Vesta Stevenson

We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC etal. and share your experiences with us!

The NetLetter is an email newsletter published every weekend and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and  trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here

We also welcome your feedback in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.
The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us!

Vesta & your NetLetter Team
Amy Johnson
Amy Johnson - Aviatrix -(1903 - 1941)
Stamp issued by U.K. Postal Authorities, April 29th 2003 Commemorates first to fly to Australia, May 5th 1930
Our first 70 years
Trans-Canada Air Lines/Air Canada

1994 - March 31st - Launch date for RESIII.
         - May - Introduction of Executive Class service.
1950 - April - A.C.R.A. Montreal chapter established..
1995 - June 1st - Charter routes to Fort Lauderdale converted to scheduled service from Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa.
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery
TCA/Air Canada LogoMusings from the "Between Ourselves" magazine an Air Canada publication from years gone by.
Issue dated March 1951 -
To mark Moe Mallett's transfer from Winnipeg to Dorval as foreman of the Metal shop his friends got together to say farewell.
Moe Mallett
This is a photo of two friends offering congratulations. Ed Blake, Fred Pink and Moe.
Don's party
A party was held in Chicago to welcome Don Richardson transferred from Boston and say farewell to Harry Cooper off to New York...

In this photo are the following, but not identified as such. J.R.McLeod, H.W.Burgoyne, Harry Akin, Audrey Anderson, W.R.Campbell, Jeanne Karavites, Don Richardson, Norma Siejna, Harry Cooper, Dorothy Carlson, Ted West, Earl Latimer, Edward Deane
Montreal Staff
Domestic Airport Traffic staff at Montreal submitted this photo hoping some old faces would be recognized.

Left to right: Doug Bertoia (BC), Harold White, Dave Giles, Bud Messinger, Don Welden, Danny Hudson, Von McCord. (Sydney).
First Aid Course
This happy group photo was taken at Saskatoon and includes TCA'ers who had completed a first aid course.

In the group are: Floyd McNabb, Cec Padget, Mr Armstrong (3rd from left who is CNR Supvr of First Aid), Neil Hepburn, Johnny Fieldhouse, Norm Beirness, Lou Thornton, Eugene Fornier, Dom Armstrong, Keith Wannamaker, Will Smith, Dave Paul.

In October 1945 the first Stewards were hired by TCA. Five men formed the nucleus and served as Purser Stewards on the Lancaster aircraft operated by TCA for the Canadian Government Trans-Atlantic Service (CGTAS).

In June 1947, Stewards were introduced to the Domestic service.

Issue dated April 1951 -
On April 15th a new ticket office was opened in Quebec City and located at 59 1/4 (yes 1/4) Saint Jean Street. CTM was Andre Gauthier.
Reservation Managers
Twice a year there is a conference for TCA Reservation Managers. In March this one was held in Montreal.

In the photo: W. T.Scrivener, T. B. Sandilands, R. W. Miller, G. E. Hooper E. T. Duffield,  R..J. Alain,  J. B. Goddard,
 seated:  Miss Lucie Grace, W. G. Rathborne, J. A. Deyman, G. A. MacMillan.

Gleanings from the "Horizons" magazine
Issue dated August 1994 -
RES III Introduction
Under the title of "RESIII" changes are in the works" Sylvie St.Laurent and Carl Hunter discuss a problem.

It has been nearly five months since RESIII was first introduced. The resulting barrage of complaints and criticism left little doubt that the system would not be voted most likely to succeed. But things are changing. So goes the story written by Diane Mason and Anna-Karina Tabunar.

(Also in this issue was the following contribution - eds)
You think RESIII causes problems... by Ross Smyth, retiree (now deceased)

While en route to a Pionairs Convention in Miami last May, I heard about Passenger Agents having problems with new systems such as RESIII. My mind wandered back to 1943 as I thought, 'We've always had problems, and we've always succeeded in surmounting them." In 1943, 1 was stationed in Kapuskasing in the heart of Northern Ontario. "Kap" was a very important link in the network as all transcontinental flights refueled there and boarded the occasional passenger. (in that era, we flew the fastest airliners available, the twin-engine Lockheed's with 10 or 12 passengers cruising at 175 mph. It still took longer to fly between Winnipeg and Toronto than a jet takes today to fly across Canada.)

As a radio operator, I was the only company employee in Kapuskasing always on shift. I got my first reservations visit, a man wanting to fly to Baltimore and back. It took me over a day to get his reservations confirmed from Central Control in Toronto using radio and teletype. Without any training, it took me another full day to complete his ticket. It was about two feet long and had six sections attached to the main body, one for each flight leg. The passenger and I be came good friends during this ordeal. When his company later canceled his trip, I felt downcast. But they decided to send him to California instead. I got the station manager to help me with that one. And you think you have trouble with RESIII...
Star Alliance News
Star Alliance
Star Alliance
Lufthansa confirmed it will take delivery of its first A380 on May 19 and conduct a series of trial flights for pilot training across 13 German airports plus Zurich and Vienna from May 31 through June 3. The aircraft's first "passenger" flight will occur on June 6 to transport the German soccer team to Johannesburg for the World Cup tournament in South Africa.
Alan's Space
Alan Rust
Alan's Space

Historical Flight Foundation (HFF) has received FAA approval to operate its restored Douglas DC-7B N836D (43545), painted in the 1940 Falcon colors of Eastern Air Lines.

Representing an investment of over $1m, the restoration project began in May 2004 at Holman Field in St. Paul, MN and is currently based at Opa-locka Airport, FL. The aircraft has been fully restored, including a full passenger interior with lounge in the rear. HFF said the restoration was completed through the efforts of the crew of Legendary Airliners, Florida Air Transport and volunteers, and amounted to more than 32,000 hours of work.

The aircraft will be flown to airshows around the world and used for fundraising events, Eastern Air Lines Historical Foundation President Roland Moore said, adding that he expects the aircraft to carry "about" 60 passengers in its newly restored first class and coach class cabins. This configuration is "virtually identical to when it flew in Eastern Airlines revenue service during the late 1940's early 1950's," Moore said.

More information here!

Eastern Airlines DC-7
Eastern Airlines DC-7

Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events
CAIL TailsNews and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and it's "ancestry" of contributing airlines.

We started this series in NetLetter nr 1103 and have some more information taken from the final edition of "Expressions" which was the in-house magazine for Nordair issued December 1986 -

Here is more on the history of Canadian Pacific Air Lines following the first & second part in NetLetter nr 1107 and 1111.
YVR Operations (1970)
This is the Vancouver Operations Centre opened in 1970.
DC-10 in new CPA's livery introduced in 1986.

1985 - Canada-New Zealand service is resumed after a 15-year absence.
 - Non-stop flights from Vancouver to Hong Kong resume. The "Official Carrier" status for Expo '86 in Vancouver is awarded to CPAL.

  • A majority of Nordair's shares are purchased to gain presence in Central Canada.
  • A new corporate image is adopted.
  • Canada-China service begins.
  • Executive offices are moved to downtown Vancouver.
  • The operations of CP Air Holidays are consolidated with those  of Treasure Tours, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nordair.
  • CPAL becomes a major aviation participant in Quebec on July 31 when the provincial government sells Quebecair's 35 per cent interest in Nordair to CPAL, which already held 65 per cent, and sells Quebecair itself to CPAL commuter carrier Nordair Metro. The transactions pave the way for CPAL and Nordair to merge, thus making CPAL a powerful force in domestic aviation.

Extracts from the "Canadia>n Flyer" magazine
Issue dated June 1997 -
Whitehorse 1997
Always time to squeeze in one more fishing story before the next rush at Whitehorse. Here we have a photo of  Ross Thomson, Mark Stone, Brian McGovern to prove it.
YVR Hub 1997
These are some of the members of the YVR Hub Team.

They are, from left to right:  Peter Campbell, Cathy Wildgoose, Gord Petri, Steve Moon, Kari Grist, Michele Zietlow-Euerby, Dina Chernoff.  Rick Miller, Barb Craven, Barry Exton, Don MacLean. Mark Williams, Rich McFarland, David Morris, Roland Dorsay, Alvin Maler, Barb Denney, Lise Houle (has now left the company); Paul Mewett of American Airlines; Grant Penner, Clarence Critch

Issue dated October 1997
  • October 28th 1987 inauguration of service to Thailand. New services effective winter 1997
  • October 29th renewed service to Auckland from YYZ & YVR via HNL with B767 equipment.
  • December 17th Vancouver - San Diego with B737 equipment.
Station Attendants
These four Station Attendants are happy the international services have been transferred from Mirabel.

From left: John Cameron, John Bruant, Georgie Stephenson, Yves Ciullerier, John Blair.
YUL F/A's 1997
These YUL flight Attendants are l to r: Rosa Herygers, Michel Pilon, Barbara Tekker-Brzezinski, Sus Agostino.

YUL Cargo Agents 1997
Some of the YUL Cargo Agents 

L to r: Boris Dagenais, Marcel Gelinas, Nick Petrella, Anna Miniaci, Therese Desilets, Charlie Beharrysingh, Andre Cardin.
Bike for Bucks
YXT employees bike for bucks!
Terrace employees raised $1,400 for the Heart & Stroke Foundation this summer the annual Big Bike Race Customer service agents, ramp handlers and their spouses raised a minimum of $60 each.

Top fundraiser was Anna Blazosek, who raised $450 team included CSA's Donna Folmer, Yvonne Workman, Diane Moroskat, Jacquie Terpstra, Doreen Goodwin, Debbie Minhinnick, Anna Blazosek and team organizer, Gail Morrison. AM members are Jutta Smeltzer, Ernie Hid Jason Ellis, Andrew Simpson and Norm Stack.

(We have no idea the position in the photos for these people - eds)
YYD Mechanical
YYD staff play host.
Flt.560 Vancouver-Prince Rupert Terrace-Vancouver went mechanical and made an unscheduled stop in Smithers. After rousing the YYD staff out of bed to open up the facilities, the flight attendants used the airport cafeteria for a galley and served up eats for the stranded passengers.

Back row, First Officer Larry Bingham and Captain Mike Wilson.
Front row, Flight Attendants Gillian Robertson, Fred Holer, Linda Edwards and Lea Stout.

Gillian submitted the photo to Canadian Flyer - eds)
Reader's Feedback
Reader's Feedback
Recently, this request was spotted on a forum at
Air Canada B727 Last Flight?
Would anyone have info regarding the last revenue (or operational) Air Canada B727 flight? Details such as date, fin#, route, even crew, would be appreciated. Thanks, One-O-Wonder.

This was the response from us at the NetLetter gang; The Horizons magazine nr 790 issue Nov 1992 has a photo on page 4 of a B727 with the caption "B727 Last Flight" The date for the last flight is given as November 21st 1992.

Later in the issue is the statement that the aircraft were officially retired in October 25th 1992.In the Horizons magazine issued January 1993 nr 792 is a letter from the Capt of the final flight which operated flt 435 and 424. November 21 1992 between YUL-YYZ Rapidair with fin #418 C/N 21671 C-GAAR.

The crew was Capt. Steve Bradley, Tim McCullagh, Dahl Mancharne, Nicole Miles, Daniel le Martel, Andre DesLauriers, Jean-Claude Doumit, Francine Picotte, Danielle Riendeau, Francine Poitras, Louise Lamorre, Jeanne Layzett, Lorraine Nantel and Mary Weyland. On November 28th the aircraft was ferried to YWG to be readied for FedEx. (and the registration C-GAAR was assigned to a Beech 900 operated by  Air Atlantique - eds) (Information gathered by the NetLetter gang)

Bernie McCormack sends us this message after reading about the B707 mentioned in NetLetter nr 1112.

Hey guys, I flew enough years and enough aircraft types to be able to say with authority that the story below is inaccurate.

Quote: On a trip from YYC to Prestwick it took off right behind an Air Canada DC-8 destined for the same destination. Although PWA had to make a refueling stop at Keflavik, Iceland, when PWA landed at Prestwick, the DC-8, which had flown direct, was just starting to deplane its passengers. Unquote

Bernie McCormack.

(The NetLetter gang asked Bernie to elaborate and here is his reply - eds)

Hi Terry and the NetLetter gang. I started to research this item after our correspondence and as a result, I  just may have learned a lesson. The various web sites give conflicting information and the individuals I have spoken to who have flown the aircraft also report variations of procedures. The PWA Captain advised that they had flown it in cruise at Mach .866 and the Captain who flew one back to Australia recently said it cruised at M .810. The DC-8 of that time cruised at M .805. The net result of my information search is that yes  the B 707-138 was indeed a fast aircraft for its day.

Some quick summarized calculations comes up with these results.

Calgary to Iceland great circle distance is 2775 NMiles. Iceland to London is 1020 NM. Total - 3795 NM, almost exactly the same as the great circle distance Calgary to London. Cruise time at M .866 (B-707) = 7:45 hrs plus extra time for climb and descent, twice. For the DC-8 at M .805 = 8:15 hrs plus time for one climb and descent. The net result is the landing and refueling required in Keflavik because of inability to fly direct to London would be about an extra one hour minimum. The possibility of the 707 crew to being able to watch the DC-8 passengers they referred to, deplane in London would be, to quote the PWA Captain I spoke to yesterday, "highly unlikely"

The lesson I learned is it takes far too much time to determine the bottom line and it really doesn't matter a damn after all these years. YES, IT WAS A FAST COMMERCIAL AEROPLANE.

Bernie McCormack.
Odds & Ends
Odds & Ends
Extract from the "Info Canadian" magazine Issue July 1966

A Look Back at the Municipal airport in Edmonton

  • 1920's - From farmer's field to air harbor Government of Canada issued air license #1 to Blatchford Field, the first "public air harbor" in Canada. Legendary bush pilot Wop May operating May Airlines Ltd. helped establish Edmonton's claim at "Gateway to the North".
  • 1930's- While the depression was causing havoc for Canada's economy, the airport was growing steadily spurred on by northern mining development.
    The era of the bush pilots and gold and silver flowed through the airport from northern mines.
  • 1940's World War II began an era of unprecedented expansion for Blatchford Field. The federal government  leased the airfield for $1 per year during the war.
    - It was used for flying training under the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, as a staging point for the US. Air Force on its northwest route to Soviet Union and as a supply base for the construction of the Alaska Highway and the Canol Pipeline.
    - On Sept. 29,1943, Blatchford Field set a US record for daily landings when 860 aircraft landed in a 24-hour period.
  • 1950's - By 1957 the airport was transferred to the city and became the first self sufficient municipal airport in Canada. Pacific Western Airlines began its first scheduled passenger service, using DC3.
  • 1960's. On Nov. 13, 1963, city council Jornis changed the name of Blatchford Field to the Industrial Airport. PWA started the Calgary arid brought the first B737 to the airport.
  • 1970's- on May 15, 1975, city council formally changed the name to Edmonton Municipal Airport. In Nov. 24 1975, the existing terminal Iii was opened. Dec.31, 1976, the Municipal  was designated an historic site
  • 1980's - Oct. 9, 1984, a comprehensive airport management program, a first in Canada, was adopted by city council.
  • 1990's - May 31, 1996, the Municipal airport closed to scheduled passenger travel.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Terry Baker
Terry Baker
Flying on what used to be a "no frills" airline!

Extra charges on Ryanair flights have increased by up to 700 per cent since 2006, it emerged this week.

The airline has announced it will increase the fee to check in luggage by 33 per cent - to £40 per bag per return flight - during the peak travel months of July and August, potentially adding £160 to the cost of a holiday for a family of four. This compares with the original £5 charge in 2006.

Passenger must also now pay a £10 online check-in fee per return flight (not payable on "promotional fares"), a charge that did not exist in 2006. A fee of £10 per person per return flight is also added to all payments made by credit or debit card, with the exception of those involving prepaid MasterCard debit cards. This compares with a charge of £3.50 per person per return flight in 2006.

These two charges can add a extra £80 for a family of four. Further additional fees apply to passengers carrying excess baggage (£20 per kilo per flight) and sports and musical equipment (£80 per item per return flight) and a baby's travel cot (£20 per return flight). Anyone failing to check in online faces an £80 charge per return flight, while the fee for checking in a bag at the airport will rise to £70 per return flight.

On top of these charges, the airline has again said it plans to install coin-operated lavatories on its fleet, charging customers £1 a time to use the toilet.
As we surf the internet and back issues of airline magazines we regularly find airline related jokes and cartoons. Below is our latest discovery.

Extracted from the "Canadia>n Flyer" magazine
Issue dated June 1997 -
The rituals of space-available travel.

This was a cartoon submitted by Don Rice YVR Cargo

We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!

Your NetLetter Team