March 21, 2010 |
Issue #1112 |
Since October 1995 |
4,169 Subscribers |
- Chief Pilot - Vesta Stevenson, Victoria, B.C.
- Co-pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
- Flight Engineer - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
- Ground Technician - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario
| |
The NetLetter is an email newsletter published every weekend and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here
The NetLetter is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada has become today. Thanks for joining us!
Your NetLetter Team |
Vesta's Jump Seat by Vesta Stevenson
Vesta Stevenson  |
Why not allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC etal. and share your experiences with us!
Our first 70 years Air Canada and Trans-Canada Air Lines
1949 Sept 1st - Traffic stop at Stephenville, Newfoundland inaugurated.
Oct 1st - Family Fare Plan for North America introduced. |
Air Canada Related News Current Happenings
Canadian North will commence ground handling services for Air Canada flights in and out of Iqaluit, effective March 28, 2010. Air Canada Jazz will begin daily service on this date to Iqaluit with non-stop service from Ottawa and same-plane service from Montreal. |
Alan's Space By Alan Rust
Alan Rust
New Format! - We hope that you noticed a new look to the NetLetter this week. We also skipped a week, so if you think it's been a while since you received your NetLetter, you're right!
As previously mentioned, we have moved to a different server for our email and the NetLetter is now under the umbrella of the ACFamily Network, where previously it was completely separate.
It was quite a big job (bigger than expected) but this now paves the way to bring more features to our readers through the integration with the ACFamily Network.
New Logo! - We hope you noticed that we have a new logo as well. This was designed by Cheryl Harnish who works with us regularly in my web consulting business and is quite an accomplished graphics artist and web designer. I think she did a great job!
New NetLetter Team Member! - We've also added a new member to the NetLetter team in order to help us with support and technical assistance for the NetLetter and also the new web site. Bill Rowsell has been added. I know some of you have talked to him already as he is the WebMaster for the Pionairs new Web site and also provides online tech support for the Pionairs executive. He will be expanding his services and will soon be supporting members of the ACFamily Network and the NetLetter as well.
At the NetLetter, Bill is responsible for putting together all the content and photos after Vesta and Terry prepare it for publishing. He has also prepared the archives for the NetLetter web site, which should be Online by the next issue. Bill plays an important roll in keeping us on our publidhing schedule every week.
There will be more info and news of enhancements in the next NetLetter.
Alan |
TCA/AC People Gallery compiled by Terry Baker
One of our regular features has been to publishing various photographs from older issues of "Between Ourselves" and "Horizons". Should any photos prompt a long forgotten memory, please feel free to send us your comments and thoughts.
Musings from the "Between Ourselves" magazine -
Issue dated October 1949 Slumberland on trans-Atlantic North Stars can now be enjoyed in fully recline-able seats when the loads are light and seats can be fully reclined without disturbing other passengers.
In September 1947, TCA's North Stars made their appearance at Shannon, Ireland. The Flight Dispatch was transferred from Prestwick comprising of Rod Grant, Randy Corran, Doug Stewart, Norm Donnelly, Keith Howard, Stew Robinson, Gord Ghent and, in March 1948 Assistant Dispatchers Bill Easy and Frank Armstrong joined them.
In October 1948, the Flight Dispatchers all moved to LHR. The pioneering was done by Dave Mathias, acting Station Manager, until replaced by H.G.Baxter, and, in June 1948 Jim Allen took over.
In October 1949, Jack Horan, the first Irish national .employee became the Station Manager.
This photo shows some of the staff at Shannon.
Left to right: Hal Thorenton, Jack Horan,Hal; Baxter, Mel McQueston.
Decorating our North Star Skylines fin #205 are these Stewardesses. Outboard to inboard:
Jean Thompson, Olga Zawaski, Vickie Stewart, Thelma Moore, Mona Gough, Marquerite Renaud.
First one of its kind, was a "trans-continental" golf tournament recently staged by the Flight Operations Department. Twelve winners of 72 hole tourneys at molar bases across the system, met in Winnipeg to match shots and whits for 36 holes to decide, for a year at least, the identity of the best golfer in the department. On hand when the trophies and mugs were presented to winners were:
Front Row, left to right - Captain F. Wright, Toronto, H. W. McDermid, Vancouver P. W. Rumer, Flight Operations Headquarters, H. W. Seagrim, Director Captain A. S. Ander, Vancouver, W. F. English, V.P. Operations; Captain E. E. Jokinen, Moncton. Back row left to right - First Officer A. D. Mills. Toronto; J. T. Roy. Flight Operations Headquarters - Captain J. P. Laskoski. Montreal; Captain W. H. Fogorty, Mancton, Captain C. B. Tinsley, Calgary; Captain L. S. Anderson. Calgary; First Officer C. G. McCready, Montreal; Captain R. D. Ward, Winnipeg. Some of the Stores personnel at Vancouver.
Left to right: Ken Morley, John Wood, Barry Burton, Bob MiIIar, Christine Workman, Bill Leskiw, Wa!ly Sinkwich, Jimmy Clark, Ray Hall, Ken Flack. Reservation staff at Vancouver Traffic with their new space indicator board.
Left to right:
P.Harroway, Gordon Smith, Evelyn Pike, Edith Edwards, Bob Gude, Dorothy Grant. Ian Scott is standing by the board.
Gleanings from the "Horizons" magazine Issue dated October 1993 -
Some 100 employees and retirees gathered in Glasgow for a party to celebrate 50 years of continuous service between Scotland and Canada. Service began in July 1943. Passengers on the 50th anniversary flight from Scotland were treated to a traditional welcome as they were piped aboard and enjoyed a champagne service to mark the occasion.
Capt H.Malone and his crew, but no indication as to position on the steps. F/O Peter Boyd, Purser Alessandro Piattelli, Flight Attendants Terry Smith, Heather Tedford, Diane Manchee, Maxine Bauldy. Elaine Heaton, Dominique Boivin.
Issue dated September 1993
Polynesian Airlines of Samoa signed a 2 year contract to lease Air Canada B-767-300. Reliving history - 45 years later -
When Diane stepped off a TCA flight in Vancouver on July 26th 1948, photographers scrambled to take her picture. Billed as the "first child in the world to fly the Atlantic unescorted". Capt. Stan Kruger is making Diane Ford's trip more memorable by inviting her to the flight deck during her return trip to England for the first time in 45 years.
At the Vancouver PNE Air Canada and AirBC received an award for the "Most original" float. They chose a colorful dragon to promote the upcoming code-shared services to Seoul with Korean Air.
Top left to right: Ken Smith, Tracy Fagan (AirBC), Jack Carlson,Don Hudson. Bottom left to right: Jon Rowthorn, Monika Webb, Tricia Nykolyn, Michael Phipps, Arlene Hartley, Linda Sherk (AirBC), Christine Saunders, Bill Devlin, Dave McClue and Rob Kidner (AirBC).
With the change to RESIII immanent, there are some training classes being conducted. Here are two groups of agents from the Toronto Reservations office.
(Front row, left to right) (res-1.jpg) Madeleine Côté-Leclair, Josie MacNiel, Dixie Koulouras and Instructors Barbara White and Peter King. (Back row, left to right) Arpad Szekely, John Feriozzo, Janet Crew, Kumar Cherubim, Jim Cameron, QIK-RES Application Analyst and Elizabeth Jacobelli.
(Front row, left to right) Instructor Denise Cameron, Tania Piolysyn, Michelle Dedombal and Christine Schulz (Back row, left to right) Instructor Chris Dougan, M.M. Hasselman, Karen Tebo, Jim Cameron, Ray O'Donahue, Joanne Wawrzowjcz and Didi Cammauerj. And this group from the Montreal Reservations office.
(first row, left to right) Ricardo Sanchez, Mary Hum, Patrick Proulx and Dana Paquette; (second row, left to right) Josée Trépanier, Michel Jumeau, Jacques Plante, Sylvie Carrignan, Louise Fortin, François Bellefontaine, Cynthia Kerwin, Robert Lemaire, Marco Fragasso, Margot Godin and Michel Fournier
YOW CP Reunion - April 6, 2010
YOWCP REUNION April 06 @ 19:00 at KS on the Keys, opposite SouthKeys Cinemas near Ottawa Airport in the party room. RSVP appreciated to rodmactavish@hotmail.com
See: http://www.acfamily.net/events.html for further information. |
Canadi<n/CPAir/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events Compiled by Terry Baker
Similar to above, one of our regular features has been to publish various photographs from older issues of "CP Air News" and various other Canadian Airlines company publications. Should any photos prompt a long forgotten memory, please feel free to send us your comments and thoughts.
Items from the "CP Air NEWS" magazine - Issue dated November 1978 -
"Empress of Japan", a B747, is the first "D" check performed by CP Air on its jumbo fleet.
In the foreground of this photo left to right are Tony Scofield and Mickey Chung.
Application allowed by Transport Minister Otto Lang for CP Air to serve YHZ. Arrangements being made to lease B747 fin 743 "Empress of Australia" to Braniff International for a three week period. Plans announced to defer delivery of DC-10 equipment until 1980.. Issue dated December 1985 - CP Air introduces its new colour scheme - the MotionMark.
The five wide stripes represent the five continents served by Canadian Pacific Air Lines.
And how it will look on an aircraft.
Regular service between Vancouver and Maui inaugurated under the auspices of CP Air Holidays. Robert Daniel has donated a number of past issues of magazines, which we are scanning and will extract some articles in future NetLetters.
From the "P.W.A. Flightlines" magazine Issue dated January 1985 - One of the B-707-138b obtained by PWA came from Qantas VH-EBA.
Her delivery flight from Sidney to YVR was under the command of Capt. Ken Jackson and set a commercial jet record from Honolulu to YVR. This was an extremely fast aircraft, which made up for its lack of range.
On a trip from YYC to Prestwick it took off right behind an Air Canada DC-8 destined for the same destination. Although PWA had to make a refueling stop at Keflavik, Iceland, when PWA landed at Prestwick, the DC-8, which had flown direct, was just starting to deplane its passengers.
This aircraft, CF-PWV was later sold off.
And ended up as the aircraft for Michael Jackson.
In September 1984 Pope John Paul II Canada, and PWA was the designated alternate carrier for his trip to Fort Simpson. The procedures called for two aircraft from different carriers be fully catered and prepared in the event of mechanical failures. On September 18th, PWA was given the opportunity to show its true colours when the Air Canada B-727, the designated carrier for the Pope's tour, went mechanical in Edmonton. Attending to the Pope and his entourage, were Purser Madelaine Arnet, and Flight Attendants Daniela Taylor, Terry Weir, Laura Rockill. The 1984 retirees celebrated with a luncheon.
(Back row - left to right) Don Scott, Darrel Smith, Ross Wilkinson, Ian Bootle, Don Wine, Martin Heisler, Bill Hodges, Wally Detroye, Harold Johnson, Odd Reiduiff, Art Yeates, Stan Samson, Ernie Krahulec, Wilf Giles, Lars-Gunnar Almroth, Charlie Stewart, George Thompson, Bob Petryk, Bill Dobin, Al Corbett. (Middle row - left to right) Vern York, Tom Murphy, Morley Sponagle, Al Pearson, Aki Asai, Jack Harada, David Lowe, Fred Dudych, Don Davis, George Warnock.
(Front row - left to right) Constance Bailey, Pam Morecroft, Helen DeHod, Adeline O'Sullivan, Jean Rombough, Betty Peebles, Jack Armstrong, Jessie Champion.
P.W.A. embarked on a new "slim-line" seat project for the B-737 fleet.
The first aircraft to be fitted was C-GPPW fin #753. Helen Toby and Jean Buchanan are seen here busy with the installation.
Reader's Feedback Compiled by Terry Baker
For the Viscount aficionado - Jack Stephens has sent us this information -
Gentlemen....let me invite you to a Virtual Tour of Air Canada, CF-THS, c/n279, at the Western Canada Aviation Museum.
Go to www.wcam.mb.ca . Click on "Virtual Tours". Click on 'Position 9" which will take you across the hangar. You can actually enter the cabin, and proceed down the aircraft, by dragging and clicking. Note, behind the nose wheel, the special dolly with the tow bar attached. This was built to raise the nose wheel, so the tail would clear the door frame.
Scan around and see the Dart sitting on a frame. Find the flight attendant in the uniform of the period, and the tractor and baggage cart.
For some new members, let me repeat, that the aircraft sits on the spot where the No.1 Overhaul Dock was located. There was a second dock right next to it. Winnipeg was the main overhaul base for the 51 Viscounts TCA and Air Canada flew. They also maintained the three aircraft that the government Department of Transport flew, and many private aircraft, particularly from the United States.
Off this hangar can be seen the various doors that lead to the Shops. This always brings back fond memories for me in seeing these photos, as I worked in the shop overhauling, repairing.and testing, Dart engines, and airframe, hydraulic, fuel, oil and air conditioning units.
Have fun on your Tour!
Sincerely, Jack Stephens Calgary, Alberta, Canada
(There is an interesting web site for Viscounts at www.vickersviscount.net - eds)
This and That Compiled by Terry Baker
Doug Davidson sends us this appeal - For those who don't know what AGIFORS is, this is not for them! For those who do, they will recognize it right away.
Just so you know: Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies.
Over the years, lots of Air Canada people have attended and contributed to the annual symposium. In fact, Alec Lee of AC was one of the founders.
You may remember that Pierre Jeanniot and Anne Bodnarchuk -amongst others - started with AC in O.R. (....Ivan Elce, Jack Fearnley, Gilles Gagnon, Roger Linder, Bill Bartlett, Tom Batey, Mike Duff, Ed Archer, Nick Boere, Jim Tennant, Vic Wozniuk, Larry Mak....).
Many AC people have served on Council and been President of AGIFORS.
"This year AGIFORS will hold its 50th Symposium.
In honour of the event and to mark the contribution of all those who have attended over the years there will an AGIFORS re-union held in conjunction will the Annual Symposium. Just like the original Symposium, the 50th will be held in Nice from 20th to 24th September 2010.
Anybody who has ever attended an AGIFORS Symposium is cordially invited.
The programme for the re-union will be shorter and not stretch over the five days. Doug Davidson would like to hear from all those who are interested: Doug354@gmail.com
Many thanks and best regards, Check the web site at www.agifors.org for more details of the organization. Doug
Oshkosh DC-3 Formation At 40 Organizers of a mass arrival of DC-3s and C-47s at AirVenture Oshkosh this year now expect 40 aircraft to take part.
The original goal was 25 aircraft making an hour-long flight from Rock Falls, Ill., to Wittman Regional Airport for a formation flyby at 1,000 feet to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the first flight of the iconic aircraft. Organizers were deluged with requests to participate in the flight, which will be the largest formation of "Douglases" since the Second World War. The current record is 27, set in South Africa in 1985.There are 12 aircraft on standby to fill any slots that open up before the flight. Once in Oshkosh, the aircraft will be the centerpiece of festivities throughout the week and may include a one-of-a-kind heritage flight. |
Terry's Trivia & Travel Tips By Terry Baker
Terry Baker  |
Interline tours offered by Interline Travel -
Last Minute Tour Specials from Insight Vacations - Insight is offering our InterlineTravel.com members special savings on these last minute escorted tours in Europe. These tours include all of your ground transportation, some meals, a professional tour director and much more!
These rates are only valid for the departure dates shown. The departure dates shown are the dates of departure from the first European city shown. We can get positive space airfare from most major cities in North America. These specials are valid for your extended family, friends and in-laws and they may travel with or without you!
Apr. 16 - Country Roads of Southern Italy & Sicily - 12 Nts roundtrip from Rome. Includes 3 nights in Giardini Naxos, 2 nights each in Rome, Alberobello, Palermo and Bay of Naples plus 1 night on an overnight ferry from Palermo to Naples.
Now just $2,875pp a savings of $648 per couple over the regular rate!
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Apr. 22 - Britain & Ireland Explorer - 15 Nts roundtrip from London. Includes 3 nights in London, 2 nights each in Edinburg, Dublin and Killarney plus 1 night each in York, Highlands, Lake District, Manchester, Waterford and Cardiff. Now just $2,925pp a savings of $650 per couple over the regular rate!
Apr. 23 - Country Roads of Italy - 13 Nts roundtrip from Rome. Includes 3 nights in Rome and Sorrento, 2 nights each in Perugia, Venice, Florence, Chianciano Terme plus 1 night in Orvieto. Now just $3,750pp a savings of $850 per couple over the regular rate!
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The lighter side.
As a result of the biggest storm in years to batter northern B.C. D.Fallwell had this cartoon in the "CP Air NEWS" magazine issued November 1978.
We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!
Your NetLetter Team