The Wisdom of Mother Teresa
... and other inspirations of color and words to brighten your world
I love that I've lived in Florida for over a year now. I'm still discovering new people, places and things to inspire me which in turn allows me to create new art to inspire you. I especially love these four new Mother Teresa quotes. I hope you do too.

The Season is upon us. It's time to start thinking about holiday giving so I'm starting the ball rolling by including a "free gifts" coupon for you (see details below).
Magnetize your hopes, wishes and dreams with my little creations of color and words. Think happy thoughts, stay in the present, and cherish one day at a time. Thrive through these times.
In Oneness,
Raphaella Vaisseau, Artist www.heartfulart.com
Raphaella Vaisseau
Heartful Art, Inc.
Love Letter
I am a little pencil magnet - Mother Teresa
Magnet - Poster
$5 - $18
Be faithful
Be faithful - Mother Teresa
Magnet - Poster
$5 - $18
Every smile
Every time you smile - Mother Teresa
Magnet - Poster
$5 - $18
If we have ...
If we have no peace - Mother Teresa
Magnet - Poster
$5 - $18
Imagination - Einstein
Magnet - Poster
$5 - $18
Be in Kindness
Be in Kindness magnet - Raphaella Vaisseau
Magnet - Poster
$5 - $18
We appreciate YOU and your continued support of Heartful Art. Thank You!!!
In the spirit of Thanksgiving we are including extra gifts with every order received from today through November 28th. Think ahead for the holidays, shop early and be ready to receive your bounty.
Offer Expires: November 28, 2009 
We ship everywhere - world wide. Note that sometimes we use the U.S.P.S. in place of UPS. It depends on what's going where. If you place an order and think the shipping charges are not what they should be, please call or e-mail us. We will calculate the shipping and complete the order on the phone instead. Know that we're all about making it work for you. Thanks.