Summer 2012 
Mews & News
Riverside Cat Hospital

Join us for
Celebrate Downtown Okemos! 
Thursday, June 7th
Celebrate Downtown Okemos 


Celebrate Downtown Okemos is a way for our community to see what great businesses and people we have in the downtown area! There will be craft vendors, artists, and dance exhibitions, as well as kids' activities and 

Global Village will be on hand to perform, as will the Okemos High School and Chippewa Middle School bands and the Meridian Community Band.

Kids will love the giant inflatable obstacle course, and there will be opportunities to purchase tasty food offerings. 

 Come down on Thursday, June 7th, from 6-9pm to enjoy a summer evening, check out the new sculptures, and find out all that Okemos has to offer!
We offer microchipping for your cats! Whether your cats stay inside, or go outdoors on a regular basis, microchips provide extra security against your cat getting lost. Cats with microchips can be quickly identified at a shelter or veterinary clinic, and are much more likely to be returned home than cats without microchips.

Microchip implantation takes only a few minutes. Call to set up your appointment!

Did you know that our clinic has a Facebook page?

Like us on Facebook


We use it to post interesting links or articles, as well as news updates regarding food recalls or other important information. We also love to see what our patients are up to at home, so you are welcome to post pictures of your cat there as well. Click on the Facebook icon above to visit our page.
In Memoriam
angel cat
In honor of our feline friends who have recently died...

Burton W.
Digger H.
Ginger B.
Percy P.
Wondermutt L.

Interesting Links
Here are a few web links you might find interesting:

Find more at our website here!

Riverside Cat Hospital Referral Program  

We love it when we meet a new client, especially when they heard about us from a friend or family member. Personal referrals are our number one source of new clients and patients. 


Help us continue to grow! If you have enjoyed bringing your cat to see us, and are impressed with the level of service that we provide, tell your friends and neighbors about us. For every new client you refer to us, receive a $10 credit on your account!

Contact Us

phone: 517-347-2287

4632 Okemos Rd.
Okemos, MI 48864

Join Our Mailing List
Surfin' IzzySummer is here and Izzy is bustin' out her surf board to catch some waves!

OK, we're just kidding about that, but she is very excited about the warmer weather and having her window open to sniff the warm breeze. We hope that you and your kitties enjoy the summer as well!
Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex
My Cat Has What??

Feline eosinophilic granuloma complex is a common skin problem in cats. In fact, if you live with cats long enough, at some point you are likely to experience it in one of your own cats. Despite it's somewhat common occurrence, however, many people have never heard of this feline disease. How can this be?

Let's start with that name. Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex. What a terrible name! Not only does it sound like an awful disease to have, it's hard to pronounce and even more difficult to remember! For simplicity's sake, we'll call it EGC here. We'll break it down, starting at the end...

Erosive granuloma on the lips.

We often use the word complex in the description of a disease to indicate that there is more than one typical form of the disease. In the case of EGC, there is an oral form, where cats develop lesions on the lips, nose, or in the mouth, and there is a skin form, where cats develop lesions, as implied, on the skin - often on the inner 
s, neck, or feet. In addition, lesions can vary in appearance from one cat to the next, even if they are found in the same location.

"OK", you say. "I get 'complex'. That's easy. But what the heck is a granuloma??" A granuloma is a non-cancerous growth or swelling, usually composed of inflammatory cells. Basically the result of the body's immune system overreacting to a perceived threat. Sometimes these granulomas actually look like tumors, but they can also look more like ulcerations, scar tissue, or even like large scabs.
eosinophil in blood smear
Eosinophil in blood smear. Notice the pink granules.

"But what's this eosinophil thing all about?", you ask. That is a good question! Eosinophils are white blood cells that are commonly seen in reactions involving parasites or allergy. They get their name from particles found inside the cell that have an affinity for the dye eosin, and so they stain a red or pink color and are easy to identify on blood smears or impressions of abnormal lesions. EGC lesions will often have increased numbers of eosinophils seen on impression smears.

"But how do you know that it's EGC?"  Despite that pesky word complex in the name, most cases of EGC are easily diagnosed by their typical appearance. Seeing eosinophils on an impression smear can be helpful as well. Lesions that have an unusual appearance, or that don't respond as expected to medication, may require biopsy for diagnosis.

"OK, I get it now. But what does this mean for my cat??". Well, most cases of EGC are easily treated with steroid medications. Cats who get repeated symptoms or lesions that don't clear up with medication may benefit from allergy testing to find out what they may be reacting to that could be causing the problem. Cats with more severe lesions may require treatment with drugs like cyclosporine or certain types of antibiotic medications.

For more information about EGC, check out this article. If you think your cat may have an eosinophilic granuloma, call us!

Ask Izzy
Isaac N.

Hi Izzy!
We keep hearing our humans talking about moving soon, and it has us worried! We don't really like car rides and they keep saying that we are going to be moving far, far away. What can we ask our humans to do for us so that we can be more comfortable on this long road trip?

Thank you!

-Isaac and Marie

IzzyThanks for your question! Sorry to hear that you will be moving away. If you have time to prepare, there are some things that your humans can do to help make the trip more comfortable:

1. Start leaving the cat carriers out weeks or even months in advance. Leave the doors open, and inviting blankets, treats, and toys inside. Start feeding the cats close to the carriers, and eventually even inside the carriers. These things will help the kitties to be very comfortable in their carriers long before the big moving day arrives, and you're not stuck trying to catch the cats and cram them unwillingly into the boxes.

2. Withhold food the morning of the trip. Some kitties get carsick, and travel better on an empty stomach. Don't withhold water, though.

3. Use Feliway spray inside the carriers. This can also be done during the period of acclimating the cats to the carriers.

4. If the cats are agitated in the car, try covering the carrier with a towel to block their view to the outside.

5. Resist the urge to let the kitties out of the carriers for a "break". The last thing anyone wants is for one of them to escape at a rest area and be lost forever!

6. If an overnight stay at a hotel is needed, set the kitties up in the bathroom with their litter box, food, and water. A smaller room will be less scary, and there will be fewer places to hide or get trapped. Keep the carrier in the room with them for a secure hiding place.

7. For a few cats that really panic when traveling, a mild sedative prescribed by the vet can be helpful.

8. After arrival at the new place, again confining the cats to 1 room with all their familiar things for a few days can help to smooth the transition.

Good luck with your preparations! Hopefully we'll be able to see you again before you leave.




The Last Word    
Summer parasites? No thanks!

Harvey with Elizabeth
If your cat goes outdoors in the summer, now is the time to be sure you are stocked up on parasite prevention medication. This is especially important if there are young children in your house. Cats can become infected and bring parasites into the house, exposing family members. Of particular concern is the feline roundworm. Infected cats can pass microscopic roundworm eggs in their stool, and can contaminate the cat's fur. Family members may then pet the cat, inadvertently exposing themselves to the parasite eggs. Visceral larval migrans is a serious disease that can result from exposure to roundworm larvae, especially in young children or immunocompromised individuals. Monthly parasite preventatives are safe and easy to apply. Our office recommends Revolution, as it prevents infection from fleas, heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, and even ear mites and skin mites. Call our office today to request Revolution for your cat. You can also order it through our online pharmacy. A username and password is required to set up an account.
My indoor-outdoor cat, Harvey, loves to be outside. He's already started his Revolution for the summer! 
Dr. Kerry Lewis
Riverside Cat Hospital