We are a small Thien (Zen) Buddhist Temple practicing "laughing farmer zen" - living our practice, sitting zazen, being here - right now!
December 2011
1: World AIDS Day--Day to pray for healing of all those suffering with AIDS and HIV.
3: All Day Meditation Intensive here 5AM - 3PM
3: Mindfulness Day--Zen Buddhist day for mindfully seeing and acting with compassion for the poor and oppressed.
8: Rohatsu--Zen Buddhist celebration of the Buddha's enlightenment.
10: Amitabha Buddha Day--Day Tibetan and Mahayana Buddhists do good deeds and chant the name of Buddha God Amitabha/Omito/Amida to gain entry to His Pure Land and aid in attaining nirvana.
January 2012
1: World Peace Day--Day to meditate for peace throughout the world
7: Mindfulness Day--Zen Buddhist day for being mindful of the peace, joy, and beauty of the moment.
9: Amitabha Buddha Day--Day Tibetan and Mahayana Buddhists do good deeds and chant the name of Buddha Amitabha, Omito, Amida, A Di Da Phat to gain entry to the Pure Land and aid in attaining nirvana.
15: World Religions Day--Day to contemplate all religions as different paths to the one universal Deity of many names and aspects.
23 to 26: Hsih Nien/Suhl/Tet--Chinese and East Asian Lunar New Year (Year 4710: the Dragon).
Happy Chinese New Year
Thich Nhat Hanh Speaks:
"If you suffer and make your loved ones suffer, there is nothing that can justify your desire."
"When you say something really unkind, when you do something in retaliation your anger increases. You make the other person suffer, and he will try hard to say or to do something back to get relief from his suffering. That is how conflict escalates."
"By eating meat we share the responsibility of climate change, the destruction of our forests, and the poisoning of our air and water. The simple act of becoming a vegetarian will make a difference in the health of our planet."

| Dogen Zenji |
" Understand clearly that when a great need appears a great use appears also; when there is a small need there is small use; it is obvious, then, that full use is made of all things at all times according to the necessity thereof".
"Do not think you will necessarily be aware of your own enlightenment".
"A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it".
Empty Mind Sayings
"I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars". Walt Whitman
"I saw my life as an arc and that it would end, and compared to that nothing mattered." "You're born alone, you're going to die alone. And does anything else really matter? I mean, what exactly is it that you have to lose, Steve? You know? There's nothing."
Steve Jobs (Apple CEO)
" Love tells me I am everything. Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Between the two, my life flows." Sri Nisargadatta
Northwest Buddhist Resources
click on links below
Special Note: I have just read Keys to Buddhism by Zen Master Thich Thanh Tu, founder of the Bamboo Grove Zen Order. It is a wonderful book by an enlightened master, do read it. I had the honor to meet this wonderful teacher and I have great admiration for his work. There is a temple in the US, The Vietnamese Buddhist Meditation Congregation Inc (Thien Vien Dai Nang) at 6326 Camiono del Rey, Bonsall CA 92003, telephone 760.945.5588
 Kozen meets the Very Venerable Thich Thank Tu.
 Boating in the Delta. For many this is a primary form of transportation to farms and temples.  Thich Vinh Minh and Kozen at a Thien (Zen) Temple. The young monk plans to come to the US and stay at our temple for 6 months. |
Dear Dharma Friends,
The cold, bleak winter is with us in the Pacific Northwest and more lies ahead. Let us remember that joy is ours just by deciding to have joy. Celebrate life without having to justify it. The very best of the holidays to us all.
In loving kindness,Thich Minh Tinh Than Can Phan sent me a poem:
禪寺雪山一住持, 釋迦教理行慈悲 明心見性由修煉, 淨土還元拜阿彌
My Vietnam Journey
Vietnam was a delightful experience. The people were warm and friendly, the food was delicious, and the countryside was breathtaking. By US standards the average Vietnamese is very poor financially and is very rich in spiritual wealth. I met so many people who lived and practiced their faith; it was wonderful.
I met one husband and wife who owned their own company. They provided food, shelter, education for the children, childcare, healthcare, etc. for their employees. They managed their employees based upon Buddhist values. (I wanted to write more about them but they have refused to be publicly acknowledged).
Please see the photos below of some of the bright spots in my travels and some of the wonderful people I met in Vietnam.
Good Works While I was in Vietnam in November I met an extraordinary monk, the Venerable Thich Nhat Tu. In addition to being the Abbot of a temple, he is an educator, a lecturer, and the Deputy Secretary of the Buddhist Research Institute. Some of his Dharma talks have been translated into English and I hope to encourage him to translate more of his works. He has a wonderful Dharma-filled heart and despite his very busy schedule he was able to meet with me during my travels. He donated the printing costs of Chanting Books (in English, Vietnamese, and Japanese), which will be used by 3 American run Vietnamese Buddhist temples (our temple included). He also gave me his book, Inner Freedom which is in English and addresses the true nature of freedom for those in prison (and those of us looking for freedom regardless of our living circumstances). I will be sending copies of his book to as many prisons as possible - it is truly a wonderful and inspiring work of compassionate Dharma teachings. He also wrote a very scholarly book. Buddhist Soteriological Ethics, which has been translated into English and I am in the process of reading. My personal gratitude and appreciation for this monk's work is very great. I hope he will become widely read in the English speaking world; he has a great and compassionate understanding of the Buddha's teachings.
Vietnam Photos
 A Thien run orphanage and senior care center. Children of all ages and seniors with limited resources find shelter at this country temple.
Everywhere I went I met monks and lay people with strong Buddhist practices
Kozen at an ordination ceremony for over 1,000 monks and nuns, in a beautiful 3 story temple.
Many monks and lay people spent time showing me temples and the beauty of the country and food of Vietnam.
Buddhist Woodworking
Reverend Ken McGuire has started a new woodworking company specifically for Buddhist Altars and supplies. You can view some of his wonderful work at the Trout Lake Zen Temple or online at
http://zenfurnishings.net/ by Ken's workshop.
Free Trade coffee that goes for a good cause: The Presbyterian Coffee Project provides free trade, sustainable, worker friendly coffee. In the greater Trout Lake area you can purchase it from our temple at our farm store.
Local Churches that teach and practice an embracing, kind, and loving faith. Trout Lake Presbyterian - Sunday service at 11:15 am http://www.troutlake.org/main/custom.asp?recid=15&id=38 Sunday Service at 10AM (Summer schedule), Trout Lake
Bethel Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) http://church.gorge.net/bethel/ Sunday Service at 10AM in White Salmon
Mid-Columbia Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. http://mcuuf.org/index.php Sunday Service at 10AM at the Rockford Grange, Hood River Minh Quang Temple 14719 SE Powell Blvd. Portland, OR Hood River Zen - affiliated with Dharma Rain
Local Providers of Care Cookie Gilpatrick LMT Massage Therapist Yoga Instructor Trout Lake and Hood River cell 541.490.9077 home 509.395.2468 Karen Hoffman LMT Massage Therapist Trout Lake and White Salmon cell 509.637.4995 Newly Opened Dave Martin MSOM, LAc Acupuncture and Classical Chinese Medicine 410 E. Jewett Blvd, White Salmon WA office 509.493.1241 Denise Morrison PA-C Mid Columbia Family Health Center http://www.mcfhc.com/ Jennifer Silapie ND Naturopathic Physician 251 N. Main Ave, White Salmon 509.493.3300
These individuals are recommended because of the quality of their practice, not because of any religious beliefs. A haiku poem by Dave Martin The snow capped mountain ripples in my vision I await the still waters of mind to reflect its serenity once again. |