September 2011 Newsletter 

Tuyết Sơn Thiền Tự

Mt Adams Zen Buddhist Temple



We are a small Thien (Zen) Buddhist Temple practicing  "laughing farmer zen" - living our practice, sitting zazen, being here - right now!

Meditation Times
at out temple

Morning Services
- 6:30 AM
Services are M-F mornings

Evening Services - 6:30 PM
Thursday and Friday Evenings

Weekend Services - 9AM
No service on Sept 3 or 4
No service on Sept 10 or 11
Saturday service on Sept 17 and then regularly on Saturdays for the winter months.
Event Calendar



2-5 Trout Lake Foundation sale 

2 - day of fasting and prayer

5 Prison meditation - CRCC

11 - 9/11 memorial

6,13,20, 27 - Theravada teachings at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon 

12 - Full Moon 

16 - Plum Mountain Sanga Board Meeting - here  

18 Buddhist Movie night - 6PM at The Abbey

23 - Buddhist Pizza Night at Debbie's (360.951.2329) RSVP

25 - Autumn Equinox Druid celebration at The Abbey.  



1- NWDA Teacher's meeting
4,11,18,25 - Theravada teachings at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon
7 - Buddhist Lunch and housewarming at Denise's (509.637.4728) RSVP
10 - Buddhist Movie Night @ The Abbey
17 - Prison meditation - CRCC

12 - Full Moon

31 - Kozen to Vietnam

Thich Nhat Hanh 

Thich Nhat Hanh Speaks:

 "The greatest gift we can give another is to be fully present in loving kindness." 


"People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar."

Loving Kindness Practices (metta)

When we encounter any conflict with another, we can keep our heart in Loving Kindness (metta).

Keep the person you are in conflict with in your mind and say: 


May you be well

May you be happy

May you know love

May you know peace


We may need to say this mantra more than once to focus our minds.  From these simple words, our hearts can find peace and our mind can arise above the errors and vanities of self - allowing us to awaken into spiritual peace.

Special meditations and merit offerings go out to: 


Tim H - recovering from surgery.


Kobai - recovering from surgery, having proved that his critics were all wrong, he does indeed have a heart and now has medical documentation to prove it!

Dave & Emily - soon to be married.

Dorothy  - recovering from a nasty fall.

Mark & Julie - proud new parents of Jamie Lee

Our ongoing temple supporters & sponsors, who have helped the temple on a regular basis.  We thank you for your dana:

Debbie Nelson
Denise Morrison
Skip Chasey
Myrna and Scott Clemens
Dave Martin
Keith & Corky Fredrickson
Peter Groetzinger
Rev. Kirk Thomas

Without you we could not do all that we have done.

Kozen sunflowers

Dear Dharma Friends,


We are at the end of our growing season.  Minh Tinh is out in the sunflower garden, getting ready for harvest.


Our temple will join with other local churches in a week long preparation for the anniversary of 9-11.  On Friday Sept 2nd, we ask that you join us and spend part of the day fasting and praying for all effected by the tragic events of 9-11.  Other churches will pray and fast on days leading up to 9/11. 


As we think of the events of 9/11, it reminds us to find peace within our selves, our families, our neighbors, and our world.  Life is uncertain - every minute is precious - let us not waste our life. 


All beings have a Buddha Nature - from the saint to the most depraved murderer - all have a Buddha nature. All beings are doing the very best that they can to live.  May all those who suffer with ignorance, greed and desire find peaceful ways to live and to realize their Buddha Nature.  


In loving kindness, 

Thich Minh Tinh

Green Living

Animal Welfare Approved labels - means something real


Greener Choices, the food label evaluation arm of Consumer Reports, recently evaluated the Animal Welfare Approved label on its transparency and meaning to the consumer. After examining AWA's structure, standards, background, practices and policies, the independent organization concluded that, "Animal Welfare Approved is a highly meaningful label that says animals raised for meat, dairy or egg production were treated humanely from birth to slaughter." Read the full evaluation here.

The Abbey's egg production is rated as Animal Welfare Approved.  We do not kill any animal for food.
  We believe in the interconnectedness of all living things.  Being kind and humane to animals is a basic act of metta (loving kindness).

Good Works - 9/11 Tenth Year Observance:

Wisdom From our Faith Traditions


Gorge Ecumenical Ministries (GEM) invites people of faith from throughout the Columbia Gorge to join together on September 11, 2011 for a time of remembrance, reflection and healing.


The event, Wisdom From our Faith Traditions, will begin at 5 p.m. on September 11 at Wilson Park (211 May St.) in Hood River with a shared potluck meal.   The interfaith observance will include poems, prayers, blessings and music. We will gather to remember the events of September 11, 2001 and to reflect upon the wisdom of our faith traditions as we seek healing and peace in our world.


As you are able, please bring a lawn chair or picnic blanket, place setting and food to share.


For further information contact Rev. John Boonstra at 541-505-6282.

New Classroom

Our new classroom in front of our Kitchen Garden.


Ksitigarbha's newly planted  garden

Quotes from the Buddha


"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him".  


"All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain"?

Mt Adams Zen Buddhist Temple, PO Box 487, Trout Lake WA 98650

509.395.2030   (e-mail -put in the @ sign) kozen1at

Temple name in Vietnamese: Tuyết Sơn Thiền Tự

Temple name in Chinese & Japanese: 雪山禅寺