We are a small Thien (Zen) Buddhist Temple practicing "laughing farmer zen" - living our practice, sitting zazen, being here - right now!
April 2011
1 - Buddhist movie night at the Abbey - 6 pm - join us
3 - New Moon* 8 - Buddha's Birthday - Japan (or May) 10 - Hood River zazen (Dharma Rain) 12 - Zen Lunch at The Abbey, call 509.395.2030 15 - 17 three-day Meditation retreat 16 - one day meditation retreat 16 - Trout Lake Run - school fundraiser 18 - Full Moon* 21 - Prison Ministry CRCC 22 - Earth Day 24 - Easter (Christian Holiday) 24 - Hood River zazen (Dharma Rain) 29 - Buddhist movie night at the Abbey 6PM May 2011 1 - Beltane Druid Ceremony at Trout Lake Abbey 1PM 3 - New Moon* 5 - Cinco de Mayo (Mexican Holiday) 8 - Mother's Day 8 - Buddha's Birthday Japan (or April) 8 - Hood River zazen (Dharma Rain) 10 - Buddha's Birthday Day (traditional Chinese calendar) 12 - Celebrate Buddha's Birthday (Vesakha) 16 - Prison Ministry CRCC 17 - Full Moon* 17 - Buddhist Lunch at Keith and Corkey's, call - 503.890.4229 21 - Temple Closed (Retreat) 20 - 22 Coexist Interfaith retreat at http://www.coexistcelebration.org/ 21 - Armed Forces Day 22 - Hood River zazen (Dharma Rain) 30 - Memorial Day * Buddhist Ceremonies Thien (Zen) services are in blue |
Thich Nhat Hanh Speaks:
"The greatest gift you can offer loved ones is your true presence".
"When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help. That's the message he is sending."
"Because you are alive, everything is possible."
"Our own life has to be our message."
COEXIST CELEBRATION www.coexistcelebration.org/
May 20 - 22
COEXIST is about....
...creating a place where we can all come together and celebrate the deepest truth: that ultimately we are ONE HUMAN FAMILY. Whatever your spiritual practice, whatever religious community you belong to, we promote acceptance among all races and all religions - locally as well as globally - experiencing love and peace within so we can take it out into the world!
"...Imagine all the people, living life in peace..." I want our children and grandchildren to inherit a world of peace. I want them to read about a time in history when humanity used to be at 'war' and they would wonder why. Like John Lennon's song, ..."you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you will join us and the world will be as one..." Barry Dennis
Living in the Mystic Heart conference May 20 - 22.
Dear Dharma Friends,
Happy Spring! I ran across a wonderful quote by Marianne Williamson. While more could be said from a Buddhist perspective, this quote captures a wonderful and often overlooked concept. The quote can be found in A Return to Love - a book based upon A Course in Miracles.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
In joy and peace, Minh Tinh
Finding the balance in The Middle Way,
changes in monastic life
Buddha taught the "Middle Way". From the inception, monks were instructed to not kill animals for food. However monks were enjoined to eat whatever was donated to them. Buddha himself ate meat. Monks were also instructed to not eat an evening meal. There were many other rules created during Buddha's lifetime and also many socially acquired regulations after his death. Theravada monks follow these rules more closely than do Mahayana monks.
Many Buddhist monks follow a similar rule, but many do not.
As you may know, monastics at this temple are vegetarian. In our practice we had decided to follow these guidelines regarding meal times and types:
1. We live within a Vegan diet, which means no meat (beef, pork, fish, or poultry), milk or eggs. (Except for our own eggs which involve no killing),
A. No commercial eggs due to the suffering and the inhumane manner that commercially raised chickens are subjected to.
B. No milk as young male calves are not kept and usually sold off as meat sources.
2. No evening meal
A. Fruit juice, soy-milk, or fruit is allowed.
After working within these guidelines for a while, we found that our choices caused us to forgo some social and religious activities involving individuals and other faith's activities.
So we have modified our life rule here.
1. We do not buy any milk products, however we will drink or eat them if offered by another person.
2. We will not normally have an evening meal. Exceptions are when we are ill, traveling, or involved in a social situation with others (i.e. will not go out to dinner on our own, but we will attend and eat at a birthday party in the evening).
3. We will continue to avoid commercial eggs and any form of flesh (beef, pork, poultry, or fish).
In making these new choices we were motivated by concern for following the rules as we understand them along with the development of Buddhist practices within the United States. We again and again return to the Middle Way as Buddha taught us - our life is based neither on privation or over-indulgences. May our efforts bring peace into our lives and may this peace encourage others to find peace in themselves in harmony with all living beings.
Join us for Our 3 day meditation retreat on April 15 -17. You can join us for the whole weekend or just a 1 day retreat on Saturday April 16.
The retreat will include several types of meditation, Metta - Loving kindness practices, chantings, mindful eating, Sutra study, and Explanations of some great Buddhist teachings. Our suggested donation for the weekend is $100.00. Our suggested donation for Saturday only is $50.00. If you cannot afford this donation - please contact us - no one is refused entry for financial reasons.
Our Meditation retreats are a live-in, traditional Thien (Zen) style retreat. Our retreat is an opportunity to cultivate concentration and awareness. We step back and slow down from our usual busy lives to engage, with full attention, whatever it is we are doing. Please tend to outside personal business before taking up this opportunity. Participants are requested to stay for the entire duration of the retreat, we sleep on the floor.
Food The food served will be vegetarian food, which may contain eggs and dairy products. Wheat free and dairy free food can be provided if requested; please let us know of any food allergies PRIOR to the event. Dana You may wish to donate food. We can accept organic fruits and vegetables, organic milk products, coffee, peanut butter & nuts. What to wear Please wear modest, subdued colored clothing in the meditation hall, no shorts, sleeveless tops, or items with advertising or logos printed on them. Please bring: Personal toiletries but no strongly scented toiletries. Sleeping mat, futon, air mattress Oryoki bowls (if you have them) Clothes for light work, coats, rain gear & outdoor shoes Bedding (blankets, linens, and towels). Flashlight Allergy medications, vitamins & supplements are allowed Can I bring? No pets No non-prescription drugs - (except as above) No alcohol No electronics - radios, i-pods, cell phone (may be kept in your car), etc No reading or listening material Call for details and reservations - 509.395.2030 |
Dogen speaks
"When you let go of your mind and body and forget them completely, when you throw yourself into Buddha's abode, when everything is done by the Buddha, when you follow the Buddha Mind without effort or anxiety-you break free from life's suffering and become the Buddha".
" Since the object of Zen consists in actually experiencing the Buddha Mind, Dogen made no special effort to provide a tool for analyzing theoretical reality. While Dogen denied man and the world on one hand, he usually affirmed them on the other".
Comment by Prof. Masunaga Reiho |
Inka Shomei |
is a Zen or Buddhist term from the Japanese language that translates into "the legitimate seal of clearly furnished proof." It is a confirmation made by a master that his student has completed his training with said master.
Once the student has received Inka, and the master has ensured himself that the student has the proper skills (like the ability to lead others), then the master will proclaim the student his hassu (Dharma successor), and the student may move away from the master in order to found another Zen Center or Monastery.
In some systems in Japan Inka Shomei is not in "fashion". One, of several reasons, is that sons inherit the family temple and it becomes a role rather than a truly awakened position.
Empty Mind sayings |
Do not speak - unless it improves on silence.
"You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger". Buddha
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.
Japanese Proverb
"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves". Buddha
"If you have no feelings about worldly things, they are all Buddhism; if you have feelings about Buddhism, it is a worldly thing". Zen Proverb
"Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it". Helen Keller
Northwest Buddhist Resources
Who Are We?
Mt Adams Zen Buddhist Temple at Trout Lake Abbey
46 Stoller Road Trout Lake, WA 98650 e-mail: sokozen@azszc.org 509.395.2030 website http://www.mtadamszen.org/
Temple Services: Monday - Friday 6:30 AM Thursday & Friday 6:30 PM Saturday 9:00 AM Sunday Closed We are affiliated with the Desert Zen Center We are of Soto (from Japan) and Rinzai (from Vietnam & Japan) Zen traditions in the teaching of Rev. Soyu Matsuoka Roshi, Saito Seiwa Roshi, Venerable Thich Anh Giao, and Most Venerable H.T. Thích Thiên Ân.
| The temple currently has no outstanding debts.
Thank you to the many individuals who support our efforts. We're saving up our money for a new foundation underneath the temple.
Volunteers needed: 1.Help with our gardens 2. Help canning and drying our produce 3. Sat market sales help July-Aug Donations needed: 1. Airline miles on either American or Alaska. 2. A new PC with extra memory and RAM |
Please do not get too "hung-up" on rituals...
There was once a priest who had traveled very far to perform a very uncommon ritual in a remote village where his niece lived. When everything was prepared and the ceremony was about to begin, a stray dog wandered into the area. The priest being in a bit of a hurry, simply took the dog aside and tied it to a nearby tree and performed the ceremony.
The priest's name was lost over time, but years later when asked about how to perform the ceremony, the attendees responded, "first you get a dog and tie it to a tree".
Remember not to confuse the finger pointing and the moon. They really are not and are the same - laughing.
"First you get a dog..." laughing... I love this story as it points out the very thin line between real practice and simple form.
The Great Wheel
The Eightfold Noble Path Thich Tam Tri/Denise Morrison Last month we discussed the first two steps of the path; Right View and Right Intention. This month we'll look at the next three steps: Right Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood. These are the Moral Discipline or Sila (Pali) portion of the Path. If we incorporate Right View and Right Intention into our behavior, we begin the path of ethical conduct. Right Speech means speaking in a way that is truthful, helpful, friendly and necessary. It means not telling lies about other people, nor even telling the negative truth about another person if it means making them appear "bad" and ourselves "good". It means using warm and gentle speech without insult, sarcasm or any method that detracts from someone's dignity. Even if we are helping someone to change their behavior, we can help them in a kind and positive way without harsh speech. Right speech also means that we avoid idle chatter and really think about the usefulness of a conversation before we engage in it. Much of Right Speech is about dissolving the ego. When we see that we are all part of the Infinite, there is no reason to make ourselves look better. Right Action is based on the first three precepts. Right Action means not engaging in activities that would bring harm to others. Literally, it entails not taking life, not stealing, and not engaging in sexual misconduct. The longer we follow the Way, the more we realize that these can be expanded to include a lot more. Not killing can be expanded to ALL species, and could include not causing harm in any way. Not stealing can be expanded to cash register honesty, or not using/buying resources that we don't need because it might mean that someone else goes without. Not engaging in sexual conduct might include not getting into situations where sexual temptation would become too great. With continued practice, each of us will find the expanded definition of what these entail on our own. Right Livelihood means gaining our livelihood legally and peacefully. The Buddha advised against four types of professions: dealing in weapons, dealing in living beings (eg. prostitution), meat production or butchery, selling intoxicants, and selling poisons. Because we are all connected, right livelihood involves not gaining wealth by harming other beings. We can also consider balance in our livelihood, and what we do with our wealth. The Buddha said: "Herein, Vyagghapajja, a householder knowing his income and expenses leads a balanced life, neither extravagant nor miserly, knowing that thus his income will stand in excess of his expenses, but not his expenses in excess of his income." Anguttara Nikaya Moral conduct is based on Right View: there is no being which is not part of the infinite. We are all connected, and in harming others, we harm ourselves. When we speak, act, and live in loving kindness, we free others, and ultimately ourselves, from suffering. |
Green Living
Part of our Buddhist Practice includes living well with the earth and all the creatures that abide here. Our Certified Organic Farm and mindful practice of Loving Kindness includes a sustainable and harm free life style. May we all find peace.
In Buddhist thought, every act carries karmic responsibility; every act we do effects the whole world. May we all move towards doing no harm and doing only good. Ecological Groups & Issues (click on links) For Washington State voters - Yes on 1130 campaign - a statewide initiative to prevent the confinement of egg-laying hens in Washington. This measure makes egg producers responsible to improve the deplorable and tragic condition in which chickens are raised. Green Sanga - Buddhist Environmental Action USDA Organic - US department of Agriculture - Organic Program Animal Welfare Approved - Ethical Standards for animals SPCA - Prevent cruelty to animals The Humane Society - treat animals humanely |
The Very Reverend Saito Siewa Samma has started building a new temple in Japan. This new temple will be built on the same site as the older temple that was recently demolished.  | Dedication of a new Temple |
Saito Roshi is one of Kozen's teachers and we wish the very best for Saito Roshi and his congregation. May the Dharma flow out from there like a river, filling the universe with peace. You can find photos of the old temple at http://www10.ocn.ne.jp/~shosenji/. It is a lovely little temple in Kanagawa-ken
Buddhist Woodworking Reverend Ken McGuire has started a woodworking company specifically for Buddhist Altars and supplies. You can view some of his wonderful work at the Trout Lake Zen Temple or online at http://zenfurnishings.net/ by Ken's workshop.
Free Trade coffee that goes for a good cause: The Presbyterian Coffee Project provides free trade, sustainable, worker-friendly coffee. In the greater Trout Lake area you can purchase it from our temple or the Trout Lake Presbyterian Church.
Local Churches/ Groups
Trout Lake Presbyterian - Sunday service at 11:15 am http://www.troutlake.org/main/custom.asp?recid=15&id=38 Sunday Service at 10AM (Summer schedule), Trout Lake
Bethel Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) http://church.gorge.net/bethel/ Sunday Service at 10AM in White Salmon
Mid-Columbia Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. http://mcuuf.org/index.php Sunday Service at 10AM at the Rockford Grange, Hood River
Minh Quang Temple 14719 SE Powell Blvd. Portland, OR 97236 We have come to respect and enjoy attending a Vietnamese Buddhist temple in Portland, Oregon. On some weekends many of the temple members do not speak English. The service is in Vietnamese. The heart and spirit there is most wonderful - a loving and kind Buddhist Practice.
Hood River Zen - affiliated with Dharma Rain
Local Providers of Care
Cookie Gilpatrick LMT Massage Therapist Yoga Instructor Trout Lake and Hood River cell 541.490.9077 home 509.395.2468 Karen Hoffman LMT Massage Therapist Trout Lake and White Salmon cell 509.637.4995 Dave Martin MSOM, LAc Acupuncture and Classical Chinese Medicine 410 E. Jewett Blvd, White Salmon WA office 509.493.1241 Denise Morrison PA-C Mid Columbia Family Health Center
http://www.mcfhc.com/ Jennifer Silapie ND Naturopathic Physician 251 N. Main Ave, White Salmon 509.493.3300
These individuals are recommended because of the quality of their practice, not because of any religious beliefs.
Trout Lake Washington Summer Activities 2011
We're very proud of Trout Lake and it's setting in a natural wonderland of forests, mountains, and rivers. Think about a vacation to our little village.
Trout Lake Run - June 16
Trout Lake Bike Tour - June 25
Festival of the Arts - July 15
Trout Lake Fair - Aug 5-7
Community Foundation Rummage Sale - Labor Day Weekend
September 2-4
Saturday Market - every Saturday in July & August