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Important Articles!
Discount Holiday World Tickets Available!
Cokesbury Discount for West District
Operation Classroom News
Positions open at United Methodist Temple
DS Installation Service
Tips and Tactics for Vital Congregations
Use a video projector if possible, but allow at least on inch of screen for every person if you use a TV instead. For example, keep your audience to 24 or less if you have a 24-inch TV - or split the group and use two TVs if necessary.
For great DVD resources, visit
West District Center
118 W. Seminary St.
Greencastle, IN 46135

Visit us on the web!


Office Hours:
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Parking is available in the lot located at Maple Street and Seminary Street.  Please call ahead if you will need to utilize the handicapped access ramp that is available.

West District Mission Opportunities 


Local Church Events  


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West District Staff
Judi Purvis
Rev. Judi Purvis

John Davis

Rev. John Davis
Associate Superintendent

Katie Purple

Katie Swisher
District Assistant
West District News
June 19, 2012
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*The West District Center will be closed next week (June 25-29) as Judi moves out, John Groves moves in, and Katie moves to a new home.  If you have an emergency, please call the office at 765-276-4797, and follow the prompts to be connected to John Davis.  Thanks!
Judi Purvis
A message from Judi and David Purvis


Dear Friends,


David and I are so blessed and grateful for the many cards and well wishes we have received over the past days.  Thank you for your kindness. 


We also want to give a special "thank you" to United Methodist Temple and Katie Swisher for preparing such a wonderful retirement/farewell reception for us last Sunday.  The splashes of yellow everywhere - which is my favorite color - was very thoughtful and the cake was exceptional.  But most of all, David and I want to thank all those who took time from extraordinary busy schedules to come and wish us well. 


God bless you all!

Judi and David

Holiday World Logo
Discount Holiday World Tickets Available!

The District Office is assisting the Santa Claus Campground Corporation in selling discounted Holiday World admission tickets to raise money for upkeep and maintenance of the campground.  Tickets are only $32 each (regularly $44.95), and are valid from June 30th and July 18th.   


The District only has 50 tickets available, so get yours before they're gone!  Call the office to secure the tickets (765-276-4797), send a check for the total (made payable to Santa Claus Campground Corporation), and I'll send the tickets to you. If you're close to the office, we can also arrange a time to come pick them up. 

Thanks for helping support Santa Claus Campground Corporation!


Cokesbury is partnering with the West District Office to offer you 20% off Hymnals and 15% off all Worship & Song materials. In order to receive the discount you must place your order through Chris Burkhart who is our Cokesbury sales representative for the state of Indiana. Just mention this ad when you call.   Click here to download the flyer for this exclusive offer! 


Contact Chris Burkhart, Cokesbury Sales Representative, to take advantage of this great deal! or 317-782-8633.  


We had 20 people that signed in to help with packing on April 12th.  Seven churches were represented, and three pastors gave their time to help with this mission.


There were 46 boxes packed with school supplies, text books, sewing material with patterns and other items.  Also shipped were seven shovels, two picks, four rakes, one pitchfork, one garden hoe and five handsaws.


We want to thank the Cloverdale UMC for hosting our Spring Packing.  The ladies served a wonderful lunch.


The next packing will be in the Fall at Breden UMC in Terre Haute.  The date has not been set.  Now is the time to look for good used tennis shoes, flip flops, any school related items such as manual typewriters.  Bicycles are used by pastors and school teachers as transportation.  Also needed are non-electric hand tools for carpentry or agriculture for the vocational students.


If any individual or church is interested in sponsoring a student, scholarships are $100 per student.  You can contact me directly or go to www.operationclassroom for more details.


Again, thank you Cloverdale UMC and everyone who helped with this mission.  See you in the Fall!


Bill Green

District Coordinator


Simpson Chapel United Methodist Church is in need of a projector.  If you have one you would like to sell or donate, please contact Pastor Lowell Robinson at 812-829-2857.
Grand Piano Needs New Home
Arlington UMC has a small grand piano that needs a good home.  The piano is just under five feet in length, and although it's been well-played for decades, it does have life left in it.  Arlington would like to donate this piano to a church or group that could benefit from having it.  If you are interested in this piano, please contact Tim Smith at  
Sunday School Literature Available
Freedom United Methodist Church has adult Sunday School material available if anyone would like it.  They are offering to donate it.  If you are interested, please click here to contact Linda Welch.



Position Offered:    Youth Team Leader for United Methodist Temple


UM Temple invites applications for the position of youth team leader.   This is a part-time position of 5-10 hours a week.   This person should be dynamic, creative, resourceful, and able to establish and maintain an easy rapport with junior high through high school age youth.  The ideal candidate will have demonstrated ability to plan, conduct and/or direct a meaningful program of learning and Christian worship experiences appropriate for youth.  Successful education, training and experience in working with youth is expected. 

Salary:  This position will be paid at a rate commensurate with the experience level of the person. There will be a three month trial period, with a review and a renewal. 


Interested parties should present a resume with three references to:  Margaret Fulsom, 5301 Hwy 41 South, Terre Haute, IN   47802. 


Position Offered:   Nursery Team Leader at United Methodist Temple 


Hours:   Sunday morning 8:30 am-12:30 pm

Job description:  The Nursery team leader will be responsible for the care of our nursery aged children and will assist in the scheduling of volunteers. This person will have experience in teaching or have other child care experience. 


Specific Responsibilities: 

1.       Teaching the nursery aged children from 8:30 am -12:30 every Sunday.  Applicants must be faith based.

2.       Assist with the scheduling of volunteers in the nursery in accordance with our safe sanctuary policies. 

3.       Utilize extra time (if there are not children present) with KIDS OWN WORSHIP/Children's Sunday school classes as needed by United Methodist Temple.

4.       Pass a police check, have their own transportation, and be willing to learn the job.

5.       Requires a person who is well organized and able to function well to guarantee the care of the children of our congregation. 


Salary:  This person will be paid at a rate that is equivalent to the person's experience level.  There will be a 3 month trial period, with review and renewal possible.

Contact:  Margaret Fulsom, secretary of UM Temple, 812-299-1898. Resumes expected showing work experience. They may be turned in at the UM Temple office at 5301 Hwy 41 South, Terre Haute, IN  47802.


Local Church Events Calendar 

In an effort to keep this newsletter as concise as possible, we are listing local church events only on the district web site.  To view these events, simply CLICK HERE, and you will be directed to it.  If your church has an event you would like featured on this calendar, please e-mail the details to Katie Swisher at
United Methodist Men of Vigo County
Breakfast and Quarterly Meeting Saturday, June 23, 2012  8:00 a.m.  
United Methodist Temple 


Rev. Dr. Steve Cain will bring a report on his work in the 1980's in the Northeast of Brazil, in anticipation of a return trip to expand the CRECHE GENTE NOVA in Olinda, Pernambuco.   Bring your questions as we look at the mission work there, and discover the unique flavor of the Brazilian Methodist Chuch (Igreja Metodista do Brasil.)    The first Methodist work was begun in 1876 in Rio De Janeiro, and the church grew steadily for decades after this initial period.   Methodists arrived only in 1960 in the Nordeste,  the oldest, most agrarian area of Brazil, due to missional agreements.     Come and learn the whys and wherefores of mission in this unique and beautiful part of the world.  Come and understand the partner missional philosophy of the General Board of Global Ministries and why this methodology not only works but advances the Kingdom of God in a most natural way.    The breakfast begins at 8 am.   Join us to make United Methodist Men a reality in greater Terre Haute. 

District Superintendent Installation Service John Groves 
Rev. John Groves
Sunday, September 9, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
Crawfordsville First UMC
212 E Wabash, Crawfordsville 


All are invited to attend the Installation Service for our new District Superintendent, Rev. John Groves.  There will be a special installation worship service followed by time for fellowship and refreshments.  We look forward to seeing you there for this important service!

Israel Trip 
November 12-21, 2012 
Hosted by Rev. Dave & Mary Marty 


On November 12-21 Dave Marty and his wife Mary will be co-hosting a trip to Israel arranged through Educational Opportunities and the Jerusalem Center for Biblical Studies.  Click here for a draft of the itinerary for the tour entitled "Pathways Through the Bible."  Anyone who might be interested should contact Dave directly either by e-mail ( or phone (765-569-5356).