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The Federal Planning Agency for America's Capital January 2010 
AIA Logo
NCPC's Monumental Core Framework Plan to receive the American Institute of Architects' 2010 Institute Honor Award for Regional and Urban Design.
Next Commission Meeting
February 4, 2010 . 12:30 PM  
Latest Commission Actions
Upcoming Events
EcoDistricts & Executive Order
January 26, 6:00 PM  RSVP
 Monument Wars w/ Kirk Savage
Cosponsor - The Smithsonian American Art Museum 
March 10, 6:30 PM  RSVP  
February 2, 5:30 PM  RSVP
  Activating Federal Placews Brochure 
Activating Federal Places
Federal office buildings often lack character and street-level activity by not including the type of mixed-use amenities that contribute to a vibrant city center.
NCPC's Activating Federal Places is a new how-to-guide for federal agencies. The handbook addresses current challenges, offers innovative solutions, and showcases successful precedents in the nation's capital and beyond.
Speaker Series Continues:
EcoDistricts & Executive Order on the Environment

EcoDistricts & Executive Order

Rob Bennett, executive director of the Portland + Oregon Sustainability Institute and Michelle Moore, federal environmental executive of the White House Council on Environmental Quality will team up for the next installment of NCPC's Speaker Series. The January 26 event begins at 6:00 PM and will be held at NCPC.
Join us to learn more about the pioneering ecodistrict approach to creating resource efficient communities and how federal agencies must measure, manage and reduce, greenhouse gas emissions, per a recent presidential Executive Order.  |  202.482.7290
Shape 10th Street Corridor: Public Meeting February 2
The 10th Street, SW Corridor is envisioned in the Monumental Core Framework Plan as a lively, mixed-use community. Attend and hear ideas for moving this vision into action. Join the conversation and help shape this important precinct into a model 21st century showcase of sustainable development. The February 2 scoping meeting kicks off at 5:30 PM at NCPC.  |  202.482.7200
CommorationCommemoration Study Underway 
NCPC and the National Park Service have commenced Washington as Commemoration, a study to explore the themes represented in Washington's commemorative landscape. The project scope includes developing a commemorative works database of historical and factual information. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for how to participate. Learn more about commemoration
U.S. Coast Guard to be First DHS Occupant at St. Elizabeths
With preliminary and final site and building plans approved by NCPC on January 7, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) is closer to calling St. Elizabeths home. Approximately 14,000 of 26,000 Department of Homeland Security employees will be housed at St. Elizabeths, beginning with the USCG headquarters. At build-out, the development will be the largest project in the history of the General Services Administration and the largest federal project in the National Capital Region since the Pentagon in 1941. Construction is scheduled to begin in February, with initial occupancy in 2013. Read more