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Teaching Jewish Chinese. A first person report on the Jews of Kaifeng    

Ilan Yavor with Chinese Students 
Ilan Yavor (second from left) with his class of Chinese students in Israel

Ilan Yavor is an American-Israeli who has spent time with the Kaifeng Jewish community both in China and Israel. With the help of Shavei Israel, he found himself teaching Jewish history to 7 young Chinese Jewish Chinese! He shares his fascinating story.    




It was only after I made aliyah more than 12 years ago that I began grasping how diverse the Jewish people has become, having incorporated foreign peoples and cultures into its main body. In just over 60 years, the State of Israel has progressed from being a haven for Eastern European ideologues and refugees to being a burgeoning multi-ethnic society, the envy of nations throughout Europe and the Middle East.


But one Shabbat on the Bar Ilan University campus, I discovered that I hadn't known the half of it. For sitting in front of me was a young man whose facial features were undeniably East Asian. He spoke no Hebrew, but his English was impressive. He proudly informed me that he was a scion of a once large and prosperous Jewish community from the city of Kaifeng in eastern China.


Read more about this moving first person report.   

[VIDEO] Portuguese Crypto-Jews return to Judaism!  


Prof. Yosef Prophilip, descendat of Bnei Anousim, featured in film
Prof. Yosef Prophilip, descendent of Bnei Anousim, featured in film

Take a few moments to watch this inspiring and educational video about the growing numbers of Portuguese crypto-Jews seeking to return to their Jewish roots.


Hear their stories, watch them enjoy some of the Jewish celebrations that their ancestors were forbidden to worship, and see their joy as they make their way back to Judaism. 


Click here to watch this very special video

Update: Petition for Captain Barros Basto 


Thank you very much for helping us make the petition effort a huge success.


Captain Basto 3
Captain Barros Basto
Last month we asked for your help in signing a petition asking the president of Portugal to pardon Captain Arthur Carlos de Barros Basto, a Jewish war hero who was unjustly drummed out of the Portuguese military nearly seven decades ago. With your help, we surpassed our goal and garnered over 1,000 signatures. 


We have now submitted the petition to the president of the Portuguese Parliament. Moreover, we succeeded in receiving a significant amount of press attention in Portugal. 


We hope that this petition, together with all of our efforts, will help bring about the final rehabilitation of Captain Arthur Barros Basto. 


Read the full story about Captain Barros Basto on our website. Add your name to the petition. Click here, here and here to see some of the press reaction to our petition. 

Roots #25 - Dec. 8, 2011


We are an IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. 

Shavei Israel reaches out and assists Lost Tribes and "Hidden Jews" seeking to return to the Jewish people. These include the Bnei Menashe of India, the Bnei Anousim of Spain, Portugal & South America, the "Hidden Jews" of Poland and others. We welcome your support.  

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Shavei Israel

58 King George Street, 4th floor

Jerusalem, Israel 94262

Tel: +972-2-625-6230

Fax: +972-2-625-6233 


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Support a "Hidden Jew" from Poland to learn in Israel 

click here to donate


Return the lost Jews to the nation of Israel click here to donate


Help a Chinese Jew study Torah in Israel click here to donate