, I hope you enjoyed a great Labor Day Weekend! Now that school is back in session, most clients have returned from summer break. I have requests for a workout partner for Semi-privates and to add another Mat class to the schedule. Please let me know if you're interested, and I'll match schedules and preferences.
Next time you're surfing the web, please post a review of the studio on Google or Yahoo! or connect with us on FaceBook, Twitter or one of the blogs. Feel free to offer comments and suggestions.
See you soon! Karen
New Features - Easier password recovery
- Classes on the appointment schedule link directly to the class schedule
- Clients can get their schedules via email
Web Scheduler |
To get an Email with your schedule, go to My Info Tab => Click on My Schedule => Email Schedule Button is at the top right.
Clients can check their schedules, balances, visit history, purchase history, change contact information, register for classes, request an appointment and more, all through the web scheduler. If you have questions or need assistance, please let us know. |
Review Any Body's Pilates
Teaser on Tower | Share your experience at the studio with others - post a review on Any Body's Pilates' Google or Yahoo! sites.
Any Body's Pilates loves client referrals. If your friend
purchases a series or package, we'll reward you with a FREE class.
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Back To School - Mat Class Schedule Any Body's Pilates offers 5 Mat classes per week and we are willing to offer more, provided there is interest. Please call, Email or talk with us about your schedule preferences.
Because space is limited, class registration is recommended, with priority to those who sign up in advance (24 hour cancellation required). Clients can register online, by Email, by phone (843.225.6523), text (650.704.7170), or at the studio.
Mat Classes: MONDAY 10:00 AMFront Support | TUESDAY 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY 6:00 AM THURSDAY 8:30 AM SATURDAY 10:00 AM