The official newsletter of "The Epicurean Club of Boston" America's Oldest Professional Chef's Association |
From Our President's Table |
 In addition to awarding the Chef of the Year at the 115th President's Ball we will be honoring:
ECB Humanitarian Award Michael Ty, CEC ACC, President of the American Culinary Federation, for his tireless work with Chef and the Child Fund.
ECB Service to the Industry Award Peter Christie , Executive Director of the Massachusetts Restaurant Association . ECB Purveyor of the Year Award
Michael Kaloyanides, President of New England Coffee Company. Our October meeting was a great hit with the members! First Chef Stefan Ryll, CEC did a sausage making demonstration for us, issuing three ACF educational points for us. Then our member and host Chef J. Desmond Keefe, Director of SNHU Culinary arts department, together with several students presented us with a menu of four courses. We swore in two new members of the ACF The Epicurean Club of Boston. It was a beautiful fall day for a ride to New Hampshire and a fine time was had by all. November 16th ,our next regular meeting of The Epicurean Club of Boston, Meeting will be hosted by a new member; Sandy Oulton, it will be held in conjunction with Trademark Equipment, Rational, and Irinox Blast Chillers. Trademark Equipment hosts Nov. 16th ACF meeting. 6:30pm-8;30,9 With educational demonstrations on The Rational Self Cooking Center and Irinox Blast Chiller. Location is Irinox USA- 50 Oliver ST, North Easton MA. No Charge. Lots of Food, Beer, Wine, Raffles (one to include game 20 Celtics tickets). January 18th, 2010 we are planning a very exciting evening at the newest Le Cordon Blue College of Culinary Arts, Boston ....More to come...The facility is not to be believed. Hope you can get to this meeting with our Host for the evening Lead Chef Instructor, Chef Jeff Mushin. Monies raised at this event are for ACF memberships. We would like to see some National Officers at this meeting, to help boost ACF Memberships. We will also swear in the new board at this meeting. February meeting is being planned by ECB member Kevin Lear he is working on an exciting menu and an educational component too! The venue will be Bokx 109 American Prime at the Indigo Hotel. Date is still being worked on. We are looking for venues for the March, April, May and June meetings, any suggestions, please let me know. Elections, please contact our Chairman of the Board, Americo DiFronzo, CEC, AAC at DIFRONZOA@AOL.COM, AND let him know you would like to run for the board of directors for the ACF Epicurean Club of Boston. Also on the election committee are Al McPhee, David Gavin, James Young and Frank Trecarichi. Further nominations will only be accepted up until the November meeting and must be accompanied by ten signatures of ECB active or retired members in good standing. After the last call for nominees at the November membership meeting, the slate will be officially closed. Board Election Slate 2010-2012 President James DiMarzio, CEC Vice President Doug Patten, CEC, CCA Treasurer Jeffrey D. Barr Financial Secretary Rico DiFronzo, CEC, AAC Secretary/Clerk Jeffrey Cincotta Board of Directors Chairperson Denise Graffeo, CEC, AAC James F.Connolly CEC Doug Corrigan J. Desmond Keefe David Gauvin Anthony Graffeo, CEC, AAC Al McPhee Steven Sharad Appointed Position Sergeant of Arms Sean "Rory" Gallagher
'E' NEWSLETTER; Now, that you have seen what the new editor of our newsletter Jeffrey D. Barr can do, we hope you will contribute too! Send any submissions you have to email: acfecb@gmail.com the last Thursday of each month will be the deadline for submissions. If you have member news please send it along. Also, if you change your address or email please let us know as soon as possible. WEBSITE; Our Webmaster, Warren Frank, is constantly working to give our website the latest information available. Check it out for next meetings, locations, other culinary activities in our area and much more. There is a super new map Warren has developed for us showing upcoming events, directions and more. Short cut is www.acfecb.com. MEMBER NEWS; James DiMarzio, CEC and Rico DiFronzo, CEC, AAC have been re-certified by the American Culinary Federations as Certified Executive Chefs. A former hotel chef, Chef Jeff Merry now helps customers by developing center-of-the-plate solutions in the AGAR Test Kitchen MRA NEWS, Please click on the links provided and you will see other ways to amass certification points; we have been working with Heather Carneiro, Ed coordinator of the Massachusetts Restaurant Association and the ACF to bring you more educational opportunities. Visit them at www.marestaurantassoc.org Purveyor Spotlight: Our purveyors are really important to all of us; we are asking you our purveyors to send in a bio of your company with links etc., so we can showcase your products. Also through our NEW "Enewsletter" and our REVAMPED "website" hope to add a value added section. The value added section would be available to only members using their ACF member number. Then you the purveyor could put a discount or any other promotion you want in that section and the promotion would only be available to ECB members. Please let us hear from you about this. I already talked to a few purveyors about this and they seem excited about it. Call me 781 231 0074 or email me with your input, thanks.
ACF The Epicurean Club of Boston MA 041 January we started our year off with our January Meeting held at Sid Wainer & Son in New Bedford, Mass. We invited both the ACF Rhode Island Chapter and the ACF Cape Cod and the Islands Chapter to hear all the ACF Presidential Candidates speak on their platform for ACF National office.... Continued Click Here Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Denise S. Graffeo, CEC, AAC top of page |
Next Meeting
November ACF Boston Chapter Meeting
November 16th 6:30pm- 9pm
Irinox USA
50 Oliver St
North Easton MA 02356
No Charge
Galaxy of Food, Beer, Wine and lots of fun
With educational demonstrations on Irinox Blast Chillers
and the Rational SelfCooking Center

Tim Murray
Corporate Executive Chef

Sandra Oulton
Trademark Equipment / Chef Trainer for Rational USA
Lakeside / Geneva
Dunkin Donuts
New Age
Trademark Equipment (Game 20 Celtics Tickets)
Walkin and Talkin! What is an Ombudsman?
Why Should You Know How to Tip in Chili?
For these important Facts...
Featured Recipe of the Month
Submitted By
Garelick Farms.Com
"Spiced Pumpkin Bread"
Ingredients · 3-1/4 to 3-3/4 cups all-purpose flour · 2 packages active dry yeast · 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger · 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg · 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves · 3/4 cup Garelick Farms Milk · 1/4 cup packed brown sugar · 2 tablespoons margarine or butter · 1/2 teaspoon salt · 1/2 cup canned pumpkin · 3/4 cup raisins · Milk
Directions 1. In a large mixing bowl stir together 1-1/2 cups of the flour, the yeast, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves; set aside. In a 1-quart saucepan heat and stir Garelick Farms Milk, brown sugar, margarine or butter, and salt just until warm (120 degrees F to 130 degrees F) and margarine is almost melted. Add to the flour mixture; add pumpkin. 2. Beat with an electric mixer on low speed for 30 seconds, scraping the sides of the bowl constantly. Beat on high speed for 3 minutes. Using a wooden spoon, stir in raisins and as much of the remaining flour as you can. 3. Turn dough out onto lightly floured surface. Knead in enough of the remaining flour to make moderately stiff dough that is smooth and elastic (6 to 8 minutes total). Shape into a ball. Place in a lightly greased bowl; turn once to grease the surface. Cover and let rise in warm place until double (30 to 45 minutes). 4. Punch dough down. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface. Cover and let rest for 10 minutes. Lightly grease an 8x4x2-inch loaf pan. Shape dough into a loaf; place in the prepared pan. Cover and let rise until double (25 to 30 minutes). 5. Brush top with milk. Bake in a 375 degree F oven for 35 to 40 minutes or until loaf sounds hollow when tapped. If necessary, cover with foil the last 10 to 15 minutes to prevent over browning. Remove from pan. Cool on a wire rack. Makes 1 loaf (16 slices).
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Spectacular !!
Our October meeting was with another member of ECB, Chef J.. Desmond Keefe, CCE, CEC, He hosted an educational meeting for us at Southern New Hampshire University where Chef Keefe is the Culinary Director. He arranged an exciting Sausage making demonstration for us all. Stefan Ryll, Chef-Instructor of Culinary Arts at Southern New Hampshire University presented the seminar on sausage making.
Chef Ryll is a Certified Executive Chef, former Chapter Chef of the Year, and a long time member of the Professional Chefs of New Hampshire chapter. October's meeting was held at Southern New Hampshire University's Hospitality Building on North River Road, at the Manchester-Hooksett city line. Chef Keefe and Two (2) Culinary Students did all the meal preparations. In the dinning room hospitality students served a five course meal.
Membership Stimulus Plan
Any professional or culinarian member who brings in two  new
professional or culinarian members will receive a one-year national
membership extension on receipt of their local chapter membership dues.
Both the sponsoring member and the new members will receive this
one-year free national membership extension benefit. Login to the ACF Web site and review the program guidelines and additional information under the Members Only section.
Dear Chapter , Cooking With America's Championship Team Cookbook is available at a discount. Just in time for the gift giving season! ACF Culinary Team USA share their award-winning recipes with stunning, full-color photos. The cookbook is a must have for all culinarians and makes a perfect gift for food enthusiasts. For a limited time you can purchase a case of 10 for only $190 plus shipping. That's $19.00 a piece, a discount of 24% off the regular price of $25.00. This special offer is only available by phone.
Please call (800) 624-9458, X105,
and place your order today. Sincerely, Linda Leo Membership Manager P.S. Special offer available until January 31, 2010. Order your case today!
Our Associate Members
Visit there websites below
www.freshideas.com www.agarsupply.com
www.progressivegourmet.com | |

Epicurean Club
Financial Secretary
Board of Directors
Al McPhee
Steve Sharad, CEC
Jim Sautter, CEC
Sargent at Arms
Doug Corrigan
Academy Chair Anthony Graffeo, CEC, AAC
It's Time to Vote for Epicurean Club Officers & Board Members
The ballot for officers and members of the board nominations were
officially opened at the September membership meeting. At this same meeting, all incumbent officers seeking an additional term made
their intentions known
and received a place on
the ballot without nomination.
Additional Nominations where made by an ECB active, or retired member
at the October meeting 2 additional members were nominated from the floor.
One of the seated officers stepped down from the upcoming slate. the
changes are below.
The slate as it stands from
the October Membership meeting on the Ballot is:
James DiMarzio, CEC
Vice President Doug Patten, CEC, CCA
Jeffrey D. Barr
Financial Secretary Rico DiFronzo, CEC, AAC
Jeffrey Cincotta
Board of Directors
James F. Connolly CEC Doug Corrigan
David Gauvin
Anthony Graffeo, CEC, AAC
J. Desmond Keefe
Al McPhee
Steven Sharad
"Sargent of Arms" Sean "Rory" Gallagher
will accept the position.
The nominees were
present before the body
and accepted this nomination
on the floor. The ballot
shall remain open until
the November
membership meeting,
where and up
until the November membership meeting, further nominations will only be accepted in the following manner:
a) The nominator must
be an ECB active or
retired member in good standing.
b) The nominee must be
an active or retired
member in good standing. Ten signatures of ECB active, retired in good standing must accompany the nomination. They are subject to approval by the Nomination & Election Committee.
c) Nominees are expected
to be present at the November members meeting to accept the nomination. After the last call for nominees at the November membership meeting, the slate will then be officially closed and presented to the body by
the Nominations and Elections Chairperson.
d) Nominees will prepare
a mission statement for
the newsletter that
explains their
commitment and
vision as to how they will execute the duties of the office they are nominated for.
Section 4) The
Chairperson of the Nominations and
Elections Committee
shall present a slate of nominees for publication
in the notice for the
October membership meeting, and orally
present that slate at said meeting, then an
updated slate at
subsequent meetings. |
If you have a non-member colleague, friend, employee, or maybe your boss that you want to forward this newsletter to, Do it!
They can click below and
Featured Chef
ACF President Michael Ty CEC AAC
Thank you for coming to Boston for the 115th Annual President's Ball and Chef of the Year Gala.
Michael Ty was born of Chinese parents in Manila, Philippine, the third of six children. His father is a physician and his mother is a musician. His family immigrated to the United States in the 1966 and settled initially in Waterbury, Connecticut. In 1968, they moved to Waverly, New York where he resided till his move to Las Vegas in 1975.
Michael received his Associate of Science degree in Culinary Arts from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Cobleskill in 1973. He continued his education with coursework at the University of Nevada Las Vegas in the Harrah's College of Hotel Administration Food and Beverage Program.
One of the highlights of his career at Caesar's Palace here in Las Vegas moving up through the ranks until he was promoted to Executive Chef in 1982 and Food Director in 1985. In 1989 he assumed the position of Executive Chef at the world renowned Desert Inn. From 1996 to 2000 Michael served as Executive Chef of Lawry's The Prime Rib. Currently he owns and operates Hospitality Culinaire, Inc. and MT Cuisine, LLC both here in Las Vegas.
The American Culinary Federation (ACF) has recognized Mr. Ty with a wide variety of awards over the years including: ACF Western Region Chef of the Year in 1991, 1994, and 1997; ACF Western Region Chef Professionalism Award in 1991; induction into the American Academy of Chefs (the Honor Society of the ACF) in 1991; American Academy of Chefs Chair's Medal in 1996; ACF National Chef of the Year in 1997; and numerous ACF Presidential Medallions.
Michael has served as Chairman of the Board of the ACF, President of National ACF, President of the Las Vegas Chapter of ACF, the National President of the ACF Chef and Child Foundation. He serves on the Advisory Boards for SUNY at Cobleskill, UNLV Harrah's College of Hotel Administration, the Art Institute of Las Vegas, and Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts Las Vegas.
He received an Industry Achievement Award from the Food and Beverage Program at UNLV. He served as Distinguished Visiting Chef at Johnson and Wales University where he also received Honorary Doctorate degree. The Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce presented him a Community Achievement Award.
In September of 2008, Michael was inducted into the State University of New York, School of Business Hall of Fame. This award recognizes graduates who have obtained outstanding achievement in a specific field of endeavor, in civic affairs, in humanitarian affairs, and or in activities which merit special recognition.
Michael is the father of four children ranging in age from 15 to 28 years
His favorite recipe creation- Lobster Treasure Pouch
He entered the Culinary Profession in 1969.
Upcoming Events
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Nov 8
115th Pres. Ball Colonade Hotel
Nov 16
General Meeting at Trademark Equipment, Easton Ma.
Last Day For ECB Newsletter Submissions to
acfecb@gmail.com December
Elections ( watch for more info)
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Associate Member of the Month
About Garelick Farms
In 1931, two brothers, Israel and Max Garelick, borrowed $10,000 to buy their first farm in rural Franklin, Massachusetts. Today, the original Garelick Brothers farmstead is New England's largest dairy. And Garelick Farms supports over 1,000 local farms throughout Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont, Maine and upstate New York. While the Garelick Farms family has grown from two brothers to over 1,600 employees, one thing has never changed, and that's our unwavering commitment to providing the best products to meet your family's needs.
We at the Epicurean Club of Boston want to acknowledge both registered Members . Active Member, Doug Corrigan, and Asst Member Paul Hatrz Jr.. They never say no, and have been every New Products Showcase, Culinary Competition at BU, and was a sponsor of the 2009 ACF Northeast Conference. Our Associat Member Garelick Farms is also a big contributer to The Greater Boston Food Bank, donating a great amount of food to feed the hungry. Garelick asks that other also due the same.
Thank you Garelick Farm and Dean Foods for your Continued Patronage
©2006-2009 Garelick Farms. All rights reserved.
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E-Newsletter News
The first issue of the E-newsletter according to the recipients was overwhelmingly successful. The open rate went up to 87% of the people that received it. A lot of you have found the integrative links. What we have not seen are a lot of people responding to the opportunity to respond to this message. If the type is highlighted in blue or red it is a link to the web or email. Just click and your on your way there. No need to cut and paste.
I am looking for computer literate members that would like to be on the Newsletter committee. If you are interested, go to the email address just below and submit what you can bring to the table.
Please comment on the newsletter using our response survey below. It is only one question. Comments are excepted and welcomed.
Unlike the past, We will be happy to include your submissions in future issues. It's "Easy", all you have to do is email us at our new newsletter email address, acfecb@gmail.com with your content. the deadline for all submission will be the last Thursday of the month.
Submissions will be brought to the board for review the first week of the month. (Submission suggestions are your favorite recipe from your kitchen with a "Photo", Event Photo's, Upcoming events, or announcements.) We are liberal, but to a point. Advertising requires a fee so be careful. But let the games begin, send all and hope we can include your submission.
Jeffrey D. Barr ACF / Epicurean Club of Boston
This Month's Header Picture: Pasta Cooking at Sweet Basil Needham
Submitted By: Chef/Owner David Becker
Save Time |
If you are coming to a Monthly Meeting and or Upcoming Special Event, like the Culinary Competition as a competitor at BU, or the 115th President's Ball. Please make a reservation on line Click Here or by phone.
You can Use your Credit Card to Pay. Mastercharge, Visa, or American Express. Swipe sign and enjoy. If you do though, Please fulfill your obligation and come to the meeting or event.
Many times there are only limited space and we have to stop taking reservations due to volume. Avoid a bill for a meeting that you reserved for and didn't attend. Call at least 24 hours before the meeting to cancel.
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Chapter Achievements (continued)
We had a great attendance and asked all present to help with our planned ACF Regional to be held in February of 2009. Many in attendance that night signed up for our "Ambassador" program instituted by Jeffrey D. Barr, for the ACF Regional Conference to be held in Boston. February we held the American Culinary Federation Northeast Conference at the Westin on the Water Front Hotel in Boston, Ma. on February 7-9th where over 600 chefs from across New England and the country attended the event. During the conference our Chairperson Americo DiFronzo, CEC, AAC presented all the competing junior culinary teams a check from the members of the ACF The Epicurean Club of Boston. We went totally green with this conference using email and our website for planning and execution. We also had a very successful meeting at Babson College hosted by member Doug Pattern, CEC, AAC where we were joined by members of the Boston Les Dames d'Escoffier Society. March we attended an urban "redo" building in a very run down section of Lawrence, Ma. Multigrain breads had just redone an abandoned factory and put many out of work people back to work. The tour of the factory and the process of the bread making and baking were fascinating. This evening generated one CEU. April, we attended a dinner prepared by a member Chef James Young, CCC. During this dinner and meeting we the members of ACF The Epicurean Club of Boston tasted wines provided by Commonwealth Wines they had on hand their chief wine buyer to educate on what we were drinking and why the wines went with the foods the Chef prepared. In addition we were treated to Angus Beef and Sysco Corporation had their chief meat buyer on hand to explain to our members what makes Angus the meat it is. This evening generated three CEU's. May was our scholarship dinner we were hosted by Chef Member Nicholas Calias, CEC at the Colonnade Hotel in Boston. We invited our scholarship recipients from several culinary schools and presented them with scholarship monies which totaled over 8000.00 dollars. The meal was a work of art and well received by both members and guests. June we ventured to the western part of our state and fellow member and Chef Christopher Blanchard, CEC, treated us to a tour of his painstaking renovation of his families BLANCHARD'S 101 DINER located in Worcester, Ma. He also demonstrated Dry smoking on the BBQ. This generated one CEU. We swore in two new members that night. July, our Board was active in planning for our upcoming 115th Anniversary of our President's Ball. Getting our election slate in order for the upcoming election in December of 2009; also working on a fund raiser to happen in June of 2010, chairman will be Jeffrey D. Barr. August, much time was spent planning the fall schedule of events for our members. Plus publishing the first issue of our ENEWSLETTER and preparing our members for the demise of our old style printed newsletter. I worked with Jeffrey D. Barr, Editor, on this. Chef Barr handled the computer side of this and I mailed a letter to all members telling them what to expect and collect current email addresses. Just making sure we had the emails was a Hugh effort. We are still sending the offline members a postcard so they can keep up with where the regular meetings are held. September, our first ENEWSLETTER was sent. Our regular meeting of the membership was held at Jacob Wirth Restaurant and hosted by member Chef David Osella, we had a program conducted by Norman Hass titled: The Colombian chocolate Advantage which was approved for three CEU's. Also, our board selected by vote three candidates for our Chef of the Year Award, Jeffrey D. Barr, Jeffrey Cincotta and Douglas Patten, CEC, CCA. We voted for our Purveyor of the Year Award which will be given to Michael Kaloyanides from New England Coffee, our Service to the Industry Award will be given to Peter Christie, Ex. Director of the Massachusetts Restaurant Association. And the board of ECB also voted to give an award issued by our Club only once before, the Humanitarian Award will go to ACF President, Michael Ty, CEC, AAC. October 4th we held a Boston Culinary Classic ACF Approved Culinary Salon at Boston University; co-chairs of this event are ECB members Jeffrey Cincotta and Doug Patten, CEC,CCA.. More is listed on our website with medals and recognition at www.acfecb.com. . Also in this month of October our regular meeting was held at Southern New Hampshire University and was hosted by member J. Desmond Keefe, Director of Culinary Arts he show cased their culinary students and had a Certified Executive chef Sephan Ryll give us a sausage making demonstration; which was approved for three CEU's. November will be our 115TH ANIVERSARY PRESIDENT'S BALL, Our chef member Nicholas Calias, CEC, will once again host us at the Colonnade Hotel in Boston. And also in November on the 16th a new member Sandy Oulton , certified chef Trainer for Rational USA, will host a meeting featuring Tim Murray Corporate Ex. Chef of Irinox USA, the team will demonstrate New Technology in Restaurant Equipment. We were issued three CEU's for this event. We are expecting too swear in new ACF members at this event. January 18th we are planning an event with new member Jeff Mushin, Chef Instructor at Le cordon Bleu where we will raise monies for these culinary students to become members of the American Culinary Federation. Sincerely. Denise S. Graffeo President of ACF The Epicurean Club of Boston REPORT OF MY LAST YEAR OF OFFICE Thanks to all Members and Friends
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