National Heights Baptist Church
Love God ~ Love People ~ Grow Together |
Christmas Offering reaches new milestone!
Thank you for your faithful giving

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions
NHBC Goal ~ $16,000 * Received ~$17,751.29 |
National Heights Church Family,
Thank you for your generous Christmas gifts for our staff. Your kindness makes serving the Lord at NHBC a blessing. God has blessed us with a gifted staff to equip all of us as we work in God's kingdom. Thank you for the
privilege of serving with you. We look
forward to what God is going to do in 2012!
~ Pastor Weatherford
Thank you to the NHBC family and especially The Heights Team and congregation, for a great ministry together. We'll really know only when we get to heaven the real impact this ministry made on our community. We are SO appreciative of the love gift and offering -- God bless each of you!
~ Doug & Clydene Watson |
 Resolutions? Make a plan! New Year's Resolutions: We all make them, and we all break them! Here are some of the top resolutions that people make according to some surveys: Lose weight, exercise more, begin recycling, stop a habit that is unhealthy. There are many resolutions that we make. I heard on talk radio the other day that one of the reasons that we don't stick to our resolutions is because we never plan to actually accomplish these things. We just make these feel-good promises to ourselves so that the year seems brighter. But, what if we did make a plan? What if we didn't just make a resolution, but we figured out the steps that it would take to accomplish that plan, and we followed them one by one. Maybe one of your resolutions is to get more involved at church. I want you to know that there are a couple areas of service that we could use a few more volunteers. Two specific areas are in our audio and visual ministries. Right now we have a handful of people that work in these areas every single Sunday. And, I personally appreciate the work that they do, but we are searching for volunteers to help on a rotation basis. If you want to get involved in one of these things, the plan is simple-let me know. I'll make sure that we get you plugged in and serving. You can actually accomplish your goal to get more involved. All it takes is a phone call or an email! Call the church office or email me at jroberts@nationalheights.org and let me know! ~ Joshua Roberts |
From the Pastor's Desk
I can't wait for 2012! The new year will be an exciting time to be at National Heights. While we worship together on Sunday mornings for the next three months at 8:30 and 11:00, I hope you will join me in praying for God's direction for "what's next." As we consider the many options for reaching our community for Christ, I'm asking myself a series of questions: What kinds of ministries will reach my neighbors? What types of worship opportunities will clearly convey the gospel to the people I meet at the local restaurant or in the check out line at the grocery? How can we best convey the message of the gospel to our friends and family in a way they will understand and respond? As we pray, I believe God is going to lead us in exciting directions as we seek to share his Good News. I can't wait to see what God is going to do through you!
~Vaughn Weatherford |
Audio and Visual Ministries
Searching For More Volunteers
If you know how to play solitaire, check your email, and log into facebook on the computer, then I KNOW that you would be able to help out in the area of Visual Ministry. The program that we use is called EasyWorship. And, it's called that because, well, it's easy! Of course, it takes a little bit to figure out, but Joshua would be more than happy to sit down with you and show you the easy process that it takes to get the words and slides from the computer to the screen. If you'd like to help with this, please have a conversation with Joshua or send him an email at jroberts@nationalheights.org.
If you know how to turn on the radio in your car, switch to a CD and back again, turn up/down the volume, then I KNOW that you would be able to help out in the area of Audio Ministry. The sound board looks a little overwhelming, but once you have an understanding of what those knobs do, you'd be able to operate the sound system during our worship services without any problems. Of course, it takes a little bit of listening to figure out when things aren't balanced and adjust them just so, but Joshua would be more than happy to sit down with you and show you how to listen to the sound so that it amplifies (no pun intended) instead of distracts from the worship experience. If you'd like to help with this, please have a conversation with Joshua or send him an email at jroberts@nationalheights.org. You can also call the church office.
Our goal in both of these ministries is to have enough people serving so that we can rotate through on a monthly or semi-monthly basis. This keeps it from being such a huge commitment, and allows many more of us to be an integral part of what God is doing at National Heights Baptist Church.

You are invited -- All-Church Fellowship Dinner - just for fun - hosted by the Mixed Age Class Wednesday, January 11, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. The menu will include beef or chicken chipotle wraps, salad and dessert. Cost will be $4 per person or a maximum of $12 per family (to cover food costs). Invite friends to come with you -- this is a great opportunity to introduce them to the NHBC family!
Women on Mission start new year with study
Tuesday Women on Mission will meet on January 10 and January 24. The meeting January 10 will begin at 9:30 a.m. with coffee, muffins, and sharing in the church fellowship room. Hostesses are Mary McLemore and Sue Hale. After the time around the tables, the business meeting will begin at 10:00 with President Judy Divine in charge. The program follows at about 11:00. Marti Blattert will be sharing in a Bible Study using the topic, "Renewing Yourself in Christ." Her Scripture study will be taken from Ephesians 4:17 through 5:21. Bring your New Testaments please.
On January 24, the group will have a Work Day in the fellowship room of the church. The morning begins at 9:00 and adjourns about 11:45. No lunch is provided on work days, but a light snack is provided at about 10:00 by hostesses Mary McLemore and Sue Hale. Under the direction of Barbara Fisher, the women will be tacking quilts for Grand Oak Mission. Also during the morning, under the direction of Jean Conrad, the group will be making salvation bracelets later used by mission teams in Mexico. An offering will be taken to help provide food purchases for Grand Oak Mission clients. All women of the church are invited to come together for this time of work, sharing, and fun. |
Prime Timers set Games Day on January 19
Everyone 55 years and older is invited to bring your favorite table game and come to Prime Timers on Thursday, January 19, at 11:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Becky Bennett will serve as the game-time master of ceremonies and will lead two teams in a game of Pictionary. Another two teams will play a round of Minute-To-Win-It. Everyone will have opportunity to play favorite table games. Bring a dish to add to the Pot Luck luncheon and invite friends to come with you. Carolyn Kane and Sue Hale will be hostesses for the luncheon.
Care and Share meets January 26
The Care and Share ministry to widows of our church community will gather on Thursday morning, January 26, at Golden Corral North at 11:15 a.m. in the meeting room. The program for the morning will be given by Becky Bennett who will share thoughts related to beginning a new year as Christian women.
All widows of the church family are invited to attend. Questions may be directed to leaders Judy Divine and Mildred Burns or President Phyllis Sanford. |
Support group for Moms
Tuesday, January 10
6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Free childcare provided
All moms welcome -- bring a friend! |

Wednesday, January 25
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
The Blood Mobile will be parked
outside the west canopy entrance.
Donating blood requires about one
hour of your time and donors are
literally giving Life to others.
First time donors welcome! |
Use the following link for this month's calendar.
Income Report
Budgeted $40,112.83
Received 39,013.48
over budget $ 22,138.48 |
...to the family of
Amy Leggett in her
death November 19.
...to the family of
Bill Millard in his
death November 22.
...to the family of
Melvin Jarvis in his
death December 28.
...to the family of
Vera Chandler in her
death December 29. |
Door Greeters
Joan Crocker
Lynda Rose
Carol & Belle Bass
Archie & Carolyn Kane |
Tuesday @ 2My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations. (Isaiah 56:7b)
1/3 - Sunday School
1/10 - Children & Preschool Ministry
1/17 - Youth Ministry
1/24 - Worship
1/31 - Music |
on East
Bulletin board
A new display is in preparation for the east bulletin board with information about a number of simple ways you can support missions at NHBC -- everything from saving can labels and pull tabs to recycling your waste paper. Watch for it and check it out! |
Several groups at NHBC frequently include pot luck dinners or luncheons as a part of their meetings. The many individuals who take turns helping in the kitchen have requested that we remind participants to bring their dishes of food ready to serve or to be placed in the warming oven. There is not time or kitchen space enough for hostesses to prepare dishes for participants. Thanks for your understanding and help with this request. |
Games begin January 14 and prayers for kids and volunteers are appreciated. Thanks to our many
volunteers for
making possible
Upward for kids! |
Bring canned goods for the
Grand Oak Mission Sunday, February 5 |
Spring Brunch at
National Heights
Saturday, March 31
Invite your friends to mark their calendars, too!
More information coming soon.

Pastor's Sermons
& February
Morning Worship
Restoring Love
Hosea 1-6
God's love knows no limit.
Evening Worship
The Meaning of Life
Find the meaning of life
in Christ. |

* Thank you to the church family for your enthusiastic support of all the Christmas ministries at National Heights. Your generous donations provided Christmas food baskets for 20 families. Special thanks to the Mom 2 Mom group for adopting two of the families and providing gifts for them.
*A great number of volunteers prepared 350 goodie bags for the kids at Watkins Elementary School in record time! Principal Janine Forrester expressed her appreciation: Thank you so much for the gift bags that you sent for each of the students at Watkins. Your kindness and generosity to the students are so very appreciated. I'm sure it put smiles on each of their faces. Thank you and may you each be blessed for the kindness you have shown.
* Thanks for all the sweet treats and to the volunteers who prepared the gift bags for the Homebound ministry. We have received many expressions of delight and appreciation from the recipients. Notes are included in those printed below.
Thank you to the Servant Sunday group who came and helped around our property and to the Homebound Ministry for the Christmas treat bags for both of us. We appreciate our church family! ~ Jack & June Crawford
Thanks so much for your prayers and concerns for our daughter Sherry Cox after her surgery. She is doing very well. ~ Gary & Millie Dollins
We would like to thank the church family for the wonderful lunch provided for our family following Nina's funeral service. We appreciate the thoughtfulness of the people who prepared and served the food. ~ The family of Nina Beatie
Many thanks for your support and prayers for us this year. Recently we have had inquiries from North Dakota and indirectly for the Pennsylvania oil fields, but nothing is nailed down yet. It may be spring before anything opens up as some new fields will be opening up. Continue to pray for us as we seek God's will and direction. ~ Drew & Pam Crabtree
Thank you for the many thoughts and prayers for Curtis through surgery. He came through it well and we know it's the result of many prayers. Thanks to our Pastor Vaughn and Deacon Gary Mitchell who sat throughout the long day of waiting and also to Oral and Judy Wilson who came and finished the day with us. The "taxi" service was great, Oral and so nice to have a warm car for Curt. Thanks and God Bless you all,
~ Curtis & Ruth Scott
Thanks for the cards and prayers and gifts from my church family -- especially the Mixed Age Sunday School class. ~ Mary Wise
We would like to thank everyone who participated in the homebound treats. They were so good. Also thanks to our Deacon Harold and Becky Mabus, who delivered them to us. Our church family is very special to us. ~ John & Lois Wood
Thank you for the beautiful ivy plant that was sent to our family in memory of Bill. We truly appreciate all the kindness, prayers and support in this time of need. With love and prayers, ~ Linda Millard & family -- Bryan, Randy and Casondra
Thank you for your cards and the "sweet treats" from the church. I miss all of you! Wishing you a blessed holiday season and a good new year. God bless, ~Betty Highfill |
Closing Headline |
National Heights Baptist Church
3050 N. National, Springfield, MO 65803
Pastor - Dr. Vaughn Weatherford
Minister of Music - Joshua Roberts
Associate Pastor of Youth & Family Ministries - Jason Davis
Interim Preschool & Children's Minister - Jane Brown |