Life Balance
Do you offer yourself rewards? I'm not talking about the mega-jackpot, won-the-lotto type of payout. A reward can be as simple as a walk around the block or some quiet time to read an article you've been trying to get around to reading. Too often we do the job for the job's sake and don't take the time to step back and acknowledge that we did something pretty impressive. Sometimes we've got a dirty job to do and need a bit of incentive. Rewards can work in both cases. So the next time you need a bit of motivation, try offering yourself a small reward. It will make the job go a lot smoother! |
From the Bookshelf
When was the last time you based your plans on a hazard map? Did you know how accurate that information was or the purpose for which the map was originally designed? These are some of the questions raised in Mark Monmonier's Cartographies of Danger: Mapping Hazards in the America. Monmonier describes the mapping products we commonly use in disaster planning, such as FEMA's flood plain maps and earthquake zone maps and shows demonstrates not only their utility but how they can be misused. In the end, our mapping products influence our perception of risk. You'll never look at map the same way again! |
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Need a speaker for your next conference? I offer keynotes, seminars and workshops. You can find more details on my website or on my SpeakerMix page.
| Lucien Canton Seminar Excerpts |