Emergency Management Solutions Newsletter
January 2011

In This Issue
Featured White Paper
Professional Development
Life Balance for Emergency Managers
From the Bookshelf
Speaking Engagements

Featured White Paper  


Consultants: Are They Really Worth the Money?


Getting More for Your Consulting Dollars


he past several years have seen a growth in outsourcing and an increase in the number of consultants of varying types. The bad economy has spurred the growth of entrepreneurship as people realize that jobs just aren't there and start their own businesses instead. The government and many companies see outsourcing as way to reduce overhead costs and purchase services as needed.

The interesting thing is that there is no certifying body or job qualification to becoming a consultant. You're a consultant if you say you are and if someone is willing to pay you for your services.

 So with all the money being spent on consultants, it begs the question, "Are they really worth it?"



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Welcome to the January issue of Emergency Management Solutions

As a consultant, I frequently find that clients don't really know how they can get the best value from me. This particularly true of my clients in the government sector who are locked into a certain mindset when it comes to contracting. In this month's whitepaper, I share some of my ideas about what it means to be a consultant. I hope you find it useful.

If you are having trouble viewing the white paper, try clicking on the link at the top of the page. Alternatively, you can always find my white paper on my blog site, Canton on Emergency Management.
Lucien Canton
I Need Your Help!


I've recently signed up for SpeakerWiki, a database for professional speakers. My ranking depends in part on reviews from people like you. If you have heard me speak and would like to give me a review, please go to http://speakerwiki.org/speakers/Lucien_Canton. You'll find a review box in the upper right hand corner of the page.


Many thanks!

Professional Development 

Ever wonder why some professionals always seem to know what's going on in their profession? One good way is to be part of a virtual community that shares information and ideas.


The concept really isn't all that new. Before computers we did things locally and in person. From group meetings we moved to email lists. Social media has just continued that trend.


For those of us who are not really joiners or don't have time to attend a lot of meetings, social media offers the opportunity to network with your peers in a way that can be adapted to suite your needs. The trick is to not let your self get drawn into reading every single posting but to look for trends. For example, when I see the same header on mulitple postings, it signals that my colleagues are involved in a dialogue on some issue and I check in to see if it is of interest,


I have built a good part of my virtual professional library from documents or links to documents shared by colleagues in virtual communities. I hear about major events many times before they hit the news and often from colleagues involved in responding to them. I have shared and received work products and have given and received help and advice. If nothing else, you'll get a sense of what is of concern to your peers.


Anyway you look at it, it's better than sitting alone in your office wishing you had help!

Life Balance for Emergency Managers 

This past month has seen the loss of a close friend of many years. I also heard from a good friend who has lost a well loved member of his family. As emergency managers we are used to sacrifice and loss but our dedication of the moment sometimes means that we don't give ourselves time to grieve. We also tend to ignore the symptoms of post-traumatic stress, as if we are somehow magically immune to the normal reactions that affect others.


Mental health is as important as physical health. If fact, it can directly affect your physical health. Take the time to grieve; take the time to relieve stress. In the end, you'll be able to do a better job and you'll live longer.

From the Bookshelf

Okay, I usually don't do shameless plugs but...CRC Press has just released Principles of Emergency Management and Emergency Operations Centers written by my colleague and friend of many years, Mike Fagel. The book covers a wide range of topics, including a few you don't usually find in emergency management books, such as stress management and legal issues. The contributors to the book are an impressive cross section of our profession's subject matter experts.

Somehow I snuck in there, co-authoring a chapter on EOC management with Nicholas Staikos.

Speaking Engagements
February 8: Ten Reasons Plans Fail Textile Rental Services Association regional meeting, Los Angeles, CA

February 8: Ten Reasons Plans Fail Textile Rental Services Association regional meeting, San Francisco, CA
April 16: Social Media and Disaster Preparedness Redwood City Chamber of Commerce 42nd Annual Progress Seminar, Monterey CA

September 28: Social Media and Disaster Management, TAK Response Conference and Exhibition, San Jose, CA
Need a speaker for your next conference? I offer keynotes, seminars and workshops. You can find more details on my website  or on my new SpeakerWiki page.