It's really as simple as that.
While the public's need, demand and appetite for traditional structured settlements may wax and wane from time to time based on certain economic and non-economic considerations, one truism about settling damage claims remains unchanged:
"Failure to structure a personal, non-physical injury claim almost always
results in the plaintiff paying more income taxes than necessary."
This is my sincere personal belief and professional conclusion based on some rather exhaustive analyses of hundreds of cases over the years.
If you are a . . .
- Claims Professional
- Plaintiff Attorney
- Defense Attorney
- Business Owner
- Mediator
- Individual
- Anyone Else
And you are involved in a dispute involving . . .
- Punitive Damages
- Employment Litigation
- Divorce
- Civil Rights
- Business Conflicts
- Harassment
- Many Other Taxable Damage Claims
You will more than likely . . .
- Pay, or cause to be paid, more taxes than necessary if you negotiate a CASH resolution.
It's really as simple as that.
But it doesn't need to be this way. Properly structured non-physical injury claims can help mitigate one's tax position. Find out how and why by going to our YouTube channel to watch:
This webinar is approximately 30 minutes in length but well, well worth your time.
Over the years, we have helped many smart plaintiff attorneys arrange for the deferring of their attorney fees because of the anticipated and decided tax advantage.
Surprisingly, far too many taxable damages claims are still negotiated for cash.
Such a shame. Such a waste. And so unnecessary.
I hope you enjoy the webinar we created for you and find the information helpful. Please call next time you have a taxable settlement matter you need evaluated. I'm confident I can show you how you can put more of your recovery into your own pocket instead of the taxman's.
CAVEAT: It's vital to call BEFORE your case settles!