Claims Journal
Article Touts Advantages of Structured Settlements
During Claims Negotiations 
I was recently interviewed, in my capacity as President of the National Structured Settlements Trade Association (NSSTA), for an article which appears in the October 31 issue of Claims Journal.
Entitled "Benefits of Using Structured Settlements in Claims Negotiations," the article highlights the use of structured settlements from a defense perspective.
The benefits of structured settlements to an injured party anticipating a physical injury settlement are widely accepted:
  • Income tax-free future cash flows 
  • Competitive rates of return
  • Safety
  • Security
  • Conservation of settlement proceeds

But defendant carriers routinely incorporate structured settlements into their evaluation and negotiation strategy for a host of reasons beyond those most professionals assume.


The author also interviewed Jim Martin, Vice President, Commercial Liability Claims at CNA and Ismael Acevedo, Vice President, Structured Settlements for Chartis who shared their perspectives. 


Used properly, a structured settlement can be a helpful and effective tool that benefits defendant and plaintiff alike in their quest to bring about a fair and equitable resolution to an injury claim dispute.


I hope you enjoy the article!  


Thank you for the continued opportunity to be of service and best wishes for continued Struccess!  


Dan Finn, CPCU, CSSC

Certified Structured Settlement Consultant

[email protected]  

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