William T. Robinson III
American Bar Association President
The Importance of Structured Settlements
The Impact of Lack of Funding on the Civil Justice System
William T. "Bill" Robinson III, current president of the American Bar Association, recently addressed the National Structured Settlements Trade Association (NSSTA) at its Annual Meeting in La Jolla, California.
 | NSSTA President Dan Finn Welcomes ABA President Bill Robinson to its Annual Meeting |
In addition to sharing an impassioned and highly personal story about how valuable a structured settlement was to a client he once represented, Mr. Robinson highlighted a major risk to the very foundation of our civil justice system: Lack of Funding. His comments were recently adapted for an article which appears on page 8 in the October, 2011 issue of For The Defense, published by the Defense Research Institute.
Excerpts of Mr. Robinson's speech are also available for viewing in the VIDEOS section of our website. While there, you might wish to review other videos we host featuring excerpts of speeches from many other distinguished experts, including several high ranking Members of Congress, in support of structured settlements. The civil justice system is vital to our democracy. The structured settlements industry and the entire legal community can feel honored that such a respected attorney as Bill Robinson, who has won praise from both the defense and plaintiff bars, is so passionate about these two very important issues: Structured settlements and state court funding. Thank you for the continued opportunity to be of service and best wishes for continued Struccess! Dan Finn, CPCU, CSSC Certified Structured Settlement Consultant Dan@FinnFinancialGroup.com