Fourth Presbyterian Church

Dear Friends,

To those of you who participated in our April input-gathering sessions, thank you. Your insights and suggestions have been immensely helpful to us as we consider the qualities and qualifications our congregation seeks in our next Pastor. We are also grateful to all who have responded to the Pastoral Search Survey.

Just a few days remain to complete that survey, so if you have not already done so, we would ask that you please take a moment to complete the Pastoral Search Survey now:

Pastoral Search Survey 

If you would prefer to complete a paper copy of the survey, you can download the survey from the PNC web page or pick up a copy at the church reception desk. We are asking that all surveys please be completed by Sunday, May 13.

If you were not able to make it to one of the input sessions, we would still very much value your responses to the three questions we asked participants to consider:


1. What characteristics do you think are important in the new pastor?

2. What should that person understand about Fourth Church? 

3. What advice do you have for the PNC?


You can email your responses to or mail them to the church in care of the Pastor Nominating Committee.


Thank you very much for your input, which will help shape the criteria by which we evaluate candidates for Pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church.



Juli Crabtree and Doug Grissom, co-chairs

PNC members Pastor Nominating Committee: Juli Crabtree, co-chair; Doug Grissom, co-chair; Nicholette Andrews; Ranjan Daniels; Sam Evans; Joan Hall; Marc Miller; Mark Nelson; Brad Pierce; Arlene Raine; Hilary Richardson