Corney & Lind Lawyers


20 January 2010
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We hope that you and your family are safe and unaffected by recent devastating floods. If you have been we pray that you would experience the peace of Christ and His continued day by day surprise of renewed hope.


Due to the floods in Brisbane, we closed our office for a few days as access for our staff was problematic.  Otherwise our office and staff homes are all fine. We reopened our office for business as usual on Monday, 17 January 2011.

If you require any legal assistance with any flood related issues or any other general issues, please do not hesitate to contact our office on (07) 3252 0011.




Graham Corney, Andrew Lind and Alistair Macpherson

(for the rest of the Corney & Lind team)

School Enrolment Contracts need review  
The commencement of the Unfair Contracts regime mid last year means that all school enrolment contracts should now be reviewed. We can help. Read more...

CONTACT US if you would like your Enrolment Contract reviewed.

Not for Profit resources  


Recent additions to the Not for Profit Sector of our Legal Resource Centre on our website include:

Employment Law
Alistair Macpherson presented a paper on Fair Work implications for Churches and Non Profits at the CMA Conference last year. Read More...

Contact Alistair for practical solution focused Employment Law advice.

Corney & Lind News

As part of our growth strategy, we have co-located our Gold Coast operations back into an enlarged Brisbane office. Andrew Lind is now based full time in the Brisbane office. He and his family are planning a move back to Brisbane in the near future.


We remain committed to our Gold Coast clients and our lawyers will happily and regularly travel to our clients in that region as we do all around Australia and overseas.


Jessily Webb (Lawyer) has returned from Maternity leave. We welcome Jessily back.


Contact Us

Phone: (07) 3252 0011


Email:  Email Us 


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