The Most Excellent Way
The Christian Solution to Chemical Dependency:
  JESUS Dependency!
Fall 2007 Newsletter
In This eNewsletter 
(Scroll Down)
Launch into Cyberspace ...
Who Are We?
Fall 2007 Newsletter (link)
December Events
Our Motivation
Our Mission
Our Model
Our Method
Join Our Team
TMEW Area Directors
NEW! Support/Fellowship Meetings
Pastor's Perspective
Are There Addicted People
in Your Community?
Thank You ...

December Events

"The Most Excellent Way"
Annual Christmas Parties
Hosted by:
In His Hands Ministry
Jumping Brook Country Club
210 Jumping Brook Road
Neptune, NJ 07753
Thursday  ~ December 6
6:30 PM
$30.00/person in advance
Frank Pino ~ 732-918-0467
Jack ~ 732-744-7807
Bob ~ 732-996-8025
Hosted by:
Marcus Point Baptist
6205 North "W" Street
Pensacola, FL 32505
Thursday ~ December 13th
6:00 PM
Food and beverages
provided ~
bring side dish
or snacks if desired.
Eddie Echarri ~ 850-475-2258
Dave Henke ~ 850-479-8337
Join Our Team
Join Our Mailing List 
Please Update Your Current Meeting
on the website when there are
changes to the day, time, location
and/or meeting leaders,
or call us at 800-548-8854.
TMEW Area Directors

Do you have questions about "The Most Excellent Way"?  Our Area Directors will be pleased to assist and encourage you:

San Diego County  
Ed Day ... 858-549-7353  
Central Coast
Michael Casey ... 831-649-1158
Pastor John Baldwin 

James Bell ... 313-535-0807  

Richard Martin ... 207-636-7911  

Pastor Bernie Wing ... 507-532-3187

Ric Eland ... 207-935-2002
                                                               NEW JERSEY
Jack Corcoran ... 732-741-7807
Pastor Frank Pino ... 732-544-1000  

Pastor Rod Morris ... 828-301-5915  

Paul Graves ... 406-642-6301  

Eddie Echarri ... 850-475-1158  

Dallas/Fort Worth 
Mary Garcia Little ... 817-313-8434  
Eastern Texas  
Pastor Elton Musick ... 936-637-3059 

If you would like to help start
"The Most Excellent Way
in your community,
please contact Glenn Wright.

New TMEW Meetings

Calvary Chapel
Payson, AZ
Chuckawalla State Prison
Blythe, CA
Calvary Chapel
Pico Rivera, CA
Horizon Christian Fellowship
San Diego, CA
Calvary Chapel
San Jose, CA
Joshua Springs Calvary Chapel
Yucca Valley, CA
Calvary Chapel
Aurora, CO
Eastside Baptist Church
Milton, FL
Assembly of God
Pace, FL
US Veterans Rehab Center
Ministry of Calvary Chapel
Pearl Harbor, HI
Our Father's House
Saco, ME
St. Anthony's Church
Red Bank, NJ
Bethany Church,
Wyckoff, NJ
Calvary Chapel
Asheville, NC
Ridgecrest Baptist Church
Sioux Falls, SD
United Methodist Temple
Port Arthur, TX
Calvary Chapel
San Antonio, TX
First Southern Baptist
Bountiful, UT
Lighthouse Community Church
Tooele, UT
Bethel Family Fellowship
Bonney Lake, WA
Contact Us 
"The Most Excellent Way"
1177 Pacifica Place
Encinitas, CA 92024
Fax 760-635-3946
The Most Excellent Way is a
not-for-profit, non-denominational, volunteer organization
~ we have no paid employees.
Gifts are tax deductible.
Gifts may be made by check via
mail, or with a credit card by
telephone or online: see
God bless you for prayerfully considering supporting
this ministry

As we launch into cyberspace with newsletters and announcements via eMail, we hope we'll be able to provide timely and helpful resources for our Ministry Team and others who may be interested in ministering to those in bondage to addictions.  The savings in financial resources will be significant, allowing us to be better stewards of the Lord's provisions.
Everyone who is in our current Outlook Express Address Book will receive, or has received, our first email newsletter, and may choose to (1)
register with us to continue receiving communication from us, or (2)
Safeunsubscribe (below) from our email list immediately .  We will notify (by via snail mail or telephone) those whose emails return to us as undeliverable with the option to sign up or opt out. 
We have secured additional domain names and will create  three more websites when this email campaign is in place and operating satisfactorily.  We'll be  posting articles, testimonies, photos, Bible studies, resource links and more in .pdf format on the websites for easy access and printing. 
We've entered unfamiliar territory, but know the Lord will bless the effort if we are indeed within His will.   We hope "The Most Excellent Way" internet presence will increase, providing many more opportunities to reach those interested in Christian alternatives to secular rehab and recovery.Your input is very important. 

Launching into cyberspace provides us with the means to connect TMEW ministries with one another. We'll be able to easily assist Meeting Leaders to reach others in their communities with email announcements of special events.  You can help us broaden our exposure and encouragement by:
(1) forwarding emails from TMEW to your friends and those you believe may be interested in attending your meetings or starting "The Most Excellent Way" in their church;
(2) sending us email announcements, praise reports, testimonies, prayer requests; 
(3) forwarding photos of your Ministry Team and special events; 
(4) recommending internet sites you believe will benefit others; and
(5) updating your testimony online.
Let us meet together in cyberspace to encourage and minister to one another, and glorify God!  
Who Are We?
"The Most Excellent Way" began in early 1986 as a small prayer group desiring to minister to people addicted to drugs and alcohol, and their families, within our church. Today, regularly scheduled Fellowship/Support Meetings continue to spread across America, and around the world.
"The Most Excellent Way" Christian solution to drug and pleasure dependency (addiction) is to become GOD-dependent. Our principles for a changed life are based entirely upon God's Word.
"For [we are] not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ,
because it is the power of God unto salvation
to everyone that believeth."
Romans 1:16 KJV
As we remain committed to making ourselves and the Fellowship/ Support Meetings available, we are privileged to see Him bring the hurting people and to witness the healing power of the Holy Spirit. God receives all the glory!
Our Motivation:
It's all about Jesus!bible and cross
"At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another.
"But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, HE SAVED US, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by His grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.
"This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone."  Titus 3:3-8 NIV
Our Mission:
"And now I will show you
The Most Excellent Way" ... 
1 Corinthians 12:31 NIV
We believe an addicted person can be totally freed from bondage by HOPE and FAITH in Jesus Christ,  by the  POWER and LOVE of God's indwelling Holy Spirit, by KNOWING God, and by LIVING Biblical principles.  Our  purpose is to provide loving environments around the world where sinners may receive LOVE, ACCEPTANCE and FORGIVENESS, and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  "The Most Excellent Way" is a non-profit organization. Your gifts are tax deductibele, and are used sole to:
WIN people to Jesus!
      DISCIPLE people in Jesus!
            MEND people with Jesus!
                   SEND people for Jesus!     
Read more
Our Model:
"Ten Attitudes of Victorious Living"
"The Most Excellent Way" ministry is centered upon Christ's Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7, specifically the Beatitudes.  With Christ's Sermon as our foundation, we learn to examine our hearts and attitudes, to be renewed in our minds, and to live the spiritual life by putting off the old man and putting on the new, spiritual man. 
The "Ten Attitudes of Victorious Living" are our model for permanent change and a new way of life.  The Sermon on the Mount does not mention the Holy Spirit, yet the power to live it is provided only by the Holy Spirit.
We use the Beatitudes as our guideline for change because they represent the character of "born again" Christians, freed from bondage to addictions. Whatever addictive sin we address, we understand it is just a symptom of the nature of the natural man.  We are blessed by the change in character God's restoration process brings, and we receive a benefits as a result of the change. 
"Recovery" programs that mix Christ's words with man's philosophies create a "works" program without promises of the Beatitudes, depriving their participants of the full counsel of God. We prefer to celebrate Jesus ... He and His Word restore us!
"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus!"
Philippians 2:5 NIV
It's all about Jesus!
Our Method:
Fellowship/Support Meetings
Hebrews 10:22-25 provides direction for "The Most Excellent Way" Fellowship/Support Meetings, and strengthens our resolve to provide Biblical HOPE for changing lives for the glory of God:
"Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance
of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
"Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing,  but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

We keep "The Most Excellent Way" meetings going because we know to withdraw from the strength of fellowship is to invite disaster, like a soldier in battle who lags behind the rest of his platoon and becomes an easy target.
We encourage one another. These words reveal that Christians are responsible for each other. 
We are not concerned just for our own spiritual well-being; we also encourage others to remain fervent in their love and active in their service to God
How long do we meet together in "The Most Excellent Way"
Support/Fellowship Meetings?  Just long enough to experience freedom from addictions, and gain confidence in the Lord to move on with our lives in Christ.  "The Most Excellent Way" is not a way of life - it is a place to begin new life!
Pastor's Perspective
"In August 1992, several members of Olive Baptist Olive Baptist Church LogoChurch approached me with a burden they had to start an outreach to the drug and alcohol addicted in our area.  As pastor, I began to pray and research different Christian-based material targeted for this ministry.  "The Most Excellent Way" was chosen because of its sound principles and the Scriptural foundation of love, acceptance, and forgiveness through Christ.
"During the last [fifteen] years, it has been our privilege to watch God use this program to bring many to salvation, build personal relationships with Him, and begin to mentor others in their spiritual walk.  We currently employ people on the OBC staff who have come to us through TMEW, and are great bondservants for Christ.  In addition to the good work being done here, [ten] churches in the region now include the program as part of their community outreach.
"I am grateful for the chance to have "The Most Excellent Way" as an arm of Olive's ministry.  It has opened doors and introduced us to people needing Christ that we might have missed otherwise. It has made the difference in the hearts and minds of hundreds of men and women in the Pensacola area."
Dr. Ted Traylor, Pastor
Olive Baptist Church
Pensacola, FL
Are There Addicted People
in Your Community?
Will you start an addiction
alternative ministry?
Will you begin the ministry in your church or Christian ministry?  All you need are a room, a few chairs, Bibles and, maybe, hot coffee. Our Leader's Ministry Manual  provides step-by-step guidelines for the how to begin and sustain the ministry.  It includes Bible study helps for the meeting leader and attendees.  Please review our Ministry ResourcesYour satisfaction is guaranteed.
We thank God for everyone of you ...
... pastors, meeting leaders, team members, and prayer warriors, for being willing vessels of the Holy Spirit in "The Most Excellent Way" ministry.  You, your families and your ministries are in our prayers.
"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,
always in every prayer of mine making request for
you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel
from the first day until now, being confident of this
very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you
 will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;..."
Philippians 1:3-7 NKJV
May the Lord continue to richly bless your commitment to Him, His Word, and to those He brings to you for hope, help and encouragement.
In His Service,
Glenn & Judy Wright