"True happiness is the process of fearlessly expanding yourself."
-Brian Germain
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Fearlessly Opening Up by Brian Germain
We have been living in a very dark time, from a certain perspective, a chapter of history in which our people have allowed fear to control our actions more than we realize. Terrible things have happened to change us from brave souls fearlessly exploring the world, into meeker versions of ourselves, reaching for safety at all costs. The cost of safety, it seems, is much too high. In our fear, we have become selfish and cold to the people around us, and we have not been investing in new ideas to expand our economy with the same kind of heroism and vision that once led our actions. This is beginning to change. Many of you have chosen a different path than the narrow road that fear leads us down. There are a great many who have lived within the constraints of trepidation, over-protection, and close-heartedness, and have finally had enough. You have tasted freedom through the pursuit of the wide but dangerous path suggested by your heart, and you have benefited from your choice to never again allow fear to be a determining factor in your life. In matters of business, friendship and family, nothing yields greater returns than the choice to bravely do what feels right for you, and for the people around you. The choice to live unhindered by fear leads us to become our real selves, unashamed of our true nature. The process of becoming more of who we really are and expressing it without concern for ridicule is very much like a flower unfolding from a bud. I remember a profound moment I had in a little surf-town in Australia. I was sitting outside with my notebook, writing what later would become a book called Transcending Fear. Next to me was a beautiful flowering bush, some of the flowers open, others waiting for their moment in the sun. I was struck by the great many flower buds that had fallen to the ground, unopened. I realized in that moment how many people live out their entire lives without every truly expressing what they had within them. The sinking feeling I got led me into a new emotion, a feeling of hope that more of these blossoms could be urged into bravely expanding into their full potential. That is why I do what I do. Far from the people who crossed great oceans and landed on the moon, a large portion of humanity has become spectators of reality more than participants, and this does not suit us. We are brave explorers on the inside, and living any other way will always lead us to feel an emptiness inside that leads to depression with spurts of displaced aggression, and ultimately physical illness and premature death. Our bodies cannot live without inspiration, because the life force that sustains us requires our continued expansion. Although sitting on the couch watching TV may seem safe, it is by far a more dangerous option than taking life head-on. We must grow into new realms and become more than we have been in the past, or we will never be truly happy. When we take life on as a heart-driven fearless adventure, our resolve leads us to open new aspects of ourselves that require even more heroic bravery: compassion, charity, and daring to care for one another. Nothing is scarier than allowing ourselves to feel and show love, and nothing is more worthy of the risk than walking the path of openhearted compassion. That is the real reason for being brave. Adventure merely trains us to be brave enough to truly be ourselves, and to share our love without letting fear mute our true feelings. There is a story of a man at a funeral. He stood weeping at the gravesite long after all the others had gone. The Rabbi slowly walked up and stood next to the man. Taking a deep breath to soften his emotion enough to speak, the man said: "I loved that woman. I almost told her once." Let your blossom open. Cool Head, Warm Heart. -BSG- |
Brian Wants Your Feedback!
 If you have thoughts about this issue, or ideas about future topics, I would love to hear from you! Please email me at the following address:
Transcending Fear Video!
"Advice for a Happy Marriage"
The new video is definitely worth watching. It is guaranteed to make you smile, and maybe even think a bit! The music was an improvisation by Dr. John Meisel and yours truly, as we read through a children's book. Enjoy!
Listen Now to this week's show!
Brian Germain's Skydiving Radio Show! As many of you know, Brian has been doing a spot of Skydive Radio called "Safety First". The show has met with rave reviews, and has been helping skydivers all over the world maximize their joy in the sky.
About Transcending Fear
Transcending Fear is an educational organization devoted to teaching
the truth about fear, and the most potent methods for coping with acute
stress and negative thought-patterns. We offer books, articles, radio
and TV interviews, videos and inspirational talks all with the goal of
helping people turn their fear into power. In the context of economic
crisis, war and climate change, fear management is the most important
topic of our time.
In his worldwide speaking
tour, Fear Specialist and Keynote Speaker Brian Germain skillfully
relates the topic of transcending fear to every aspect of life, from
business success to holistic health and wellness, making his inspiring
and motivational presentation a perfect fit for nearly any event. From
large corporate conferences to small company lunches, from radio and TV
interviews to his inspiring videos, Brian's charismatic and
entertaining discussion of this profound and meaningful topic
consistently upholds our organization's mission statement:
help humanity extricate ourselves from the fear-based mentality to one
of compassionate motivation, open-minded wisdom and interpersonal
11006 Veirs Mill Road
Silver Spring, Maryland 20895
Transcending Fear
(301) 646-0761
"Fear limits the expansion of the human heart, and the degree to which its intensions are carried out. I am therefore against it."--Brian Stuart Germain
 Brian Germain in Denmark