Keynote Speaking and Workshops with Brian Germain
"I have attended many courses and seminars over
the last 21years with my employer and I must tell you, never have I
witnessed a more passionate and dynamic speaker."
-Michael Taber, Federal Aviation Administration |
Thought of the Week:
Fear is nothing. It creates nothing. It only destroys. Realizations that come from fear, on the other hand, this we cannot do without. When we experience the negative emotion, we must let the feeling go and dig deeper, to find out what the feeling was pointing us towards. In this way we can use fear, rather than being limited by it.
-Brian Germain
By Brian Germain
When we experience
challenge, we either rise to meet the needs of the situation, or we fall short
of what we need to be at the time. When the danger level is high enough,
however, we have no choice. We must pay attention and become our best. It is in
these moments that we touch the inner self with all of its wisdom.
When we are in profound danger, either physical or
otherwise, we experience wise moments. We get a glimpse of the truth. We hear
core messages that ring true for everything in our lives. We hear: "Slow Down."
We hear: "breathe slowly and completely." We hear: "Stay focused." We here: "Remember
to have fun and be happy." It is these messages, sprung from our challenges,
which we must remember and take with us.
I went rock climbing last night. I do that a lot. I hiked
out to the rocks near the river, doing yoga and exploring. This is who I am.
When I do this, I reconnect with my inner child and my inner sage at the same
time. My thoughts begin to slow down and I become focused on what I am doing.
If I do not, I will fall. In this way, danger brings me to wisdom.
For the most part, when I climb, I let my thoughts go so I
can be in full awareness of my surroundings. As my mind gets quieter, I pay
attention to the thoughts that matter, and I repeat the thoughts that feel
good. If a thought feels good, I have realized, it relates to everything. It
brings me back to my wisdom.
When I do not challenge myself to do things that are
dangerous, I fall into complacency. I begin to think that I can drift into
mundane consciousness, because I think that what I am doing is not dangerous.
This is not so. Everything I do matters for my future. If I pay attention, as I
do in danger, I will be my best. I have taken a vow to do my best in everything
I do, and this vow compels me to bring my standards for awareness to a higher
My focus has consequences. My thoughts have consequences.
My health has consequences. My joy has consequences. I choose to awaken to these
facts and be the person I am when I am on the cliff. Do you have that person
inside you? Are you a focuser? Of course you are. We all have this inside us,
this inner wisdom. We just drift into complacency and boredom because we get
tired of focusing. When you get tired of focusing when you are in danger, what
do you do? You take a deep breath. You relax and remember your intention to pay
attention. Then, without remorse or suffering, you joyously feast on the next
thing that comes into your attention. When you remember to do this with
everything that comes into your life, there is no challenge that you cannot
overcome, no barrier that you cannot transcend.
Take risks. Physical
risks are the easiest to find deeper truths, but anything that has obvious
consequences will lead us to the deep end of thought. Advance through the gates
of fear, with eyes open wide, slowly and in balance. When you take on
challenge, you will open the door for your higher wisdom to flow in, and you
and your higher self will become one.
Transcending Fear Keynote
Brian Germain addressed the Rotary Club of Bethesda this week, inspiring people about the topic of fear. Brian continues to offer his services for similar talks. If you are interested in bringing Brian in to speak about fear, email us here: bookbrian@transcending " It was a real treat to see you in action. You
were entertaining and yet had a very compelling message that you got across
wonderfully. They were engaged and interacting with
you. Obviously, it was very well received. Thank you for doing it." Bhavesh Naik, AMBICA Training: "Twice
the Profits, for Two Generations";
Office: 301-916-4015 Ext 12, Cell: 240-481-2794,
5 Choke Cherry Road, Suite 380,
Rockville, MD 20850
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Thank your so much for being part of the transcending fear movement. It is people like you who will change the world, through your fearless, compassionate action.
Brian Germain
Transcending Fear