Transcending Fear Newsletter
Jan 29, 2009
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In This Issue
The Point of Transcending Fear
Keynote Speaking
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We are all on a journey toward enlightenment. Although that means something different for each of us, there are many aspects upon which we will agree.

Let us ponder those things, and see where that leads us.
May this be the best day of your life,
Brian Germain
Transcending Fear
The Point of Transcending Fear
by Brian Germain Jan 19, 2009

When we realize something that we don't want; when we realize something that fuels us with abject terror, or something that repulses us and motivates us and drives us, we can launch ourselves forward with tremendous energy, and that can break us free from situations that are painful and unpleasant and not to our liking. We must use this kind of energy at times, but we must also remember that beyond that feeling there is motivation that is called "inspiration": Not the fear; not the dread that we are going to fall into a reality that we do not like, or worse yet despise. That kind of motivation is not the only thing that can drive human behavior.
            When we as a species realized, independently, and then collectively, that we wanted to leave our planet and set foot on another world, we were not motivated by the fear of avoiding something like running out of money, or being destroyed in war. We decided to explore this possibility, through our connection to a dream that was so deep-seated in our souls; so universal, across culture, that we found ourselves unified in its inception. Throughout the species, humankind looked up toward the moon, and said: "I believe we can go there." We said: "I don't know how we are going to go there, but I believe we can do this." Saturn 5
            When we saw, on television, that massive rocket rumbling on the launch pad, with those three brave people sitting on top of it; when we watched this rocket launch itself up into space, and our hearts were touched. We were touched because this was a brave step towards something novel; towards something far beyond the motivation of avoiding things distasteful. This was motivation toward something that was absolutely beautiful.
            It is this kind of inspirational motivation that we must tap ourselves into, that we must allow to become the fundamental motivating factor that drives us forward. We must have goals that anyone could look at and say: "This is and authentic dream. This is worth investing time and energy in. This is creating something that matters."
            The point of transcending fear, and the reason why it is so essential for our people to survive, is because when we let go of our fear, we have the ability to dream bigger, we have the ability to look beyond "what is" into "what could be?" Whether or not we are able transcend fear is the pivotal factor that decides whether or not we as a species can look beyond where we have been,  beyond where we are, and hope for something more, something so far beyond where we are that only a vision could offer us a new possibility.
lunar landing            There is something in your future that will occur to you, in a moment of calmness, in a moment of silence, in a moment of brilliance; a dream that wakes you in the night, a vision for your personal life. You must connect with this idea. You must write it down. You must speak it to others, and you must speak it to yourself. Your future will change as a result of letting a vision drive you forward, instead of simply working with "what is," building with only that which has been, to take a dream that doesn't seem possible and invest yourself in it, and continue to believe in it, and imagine what it would be like to have it and allow the emotion to develop within you; to bubble up and become more specific, then the dream will become real. This rocket of your dream will launch. Will you be on it?
            For the sake of your future happiness, I beg of you, build bigger rockets.  Once this rocket is launched, please, be on your rocket. Be with your dream. Invest yourself in it, and when it is in your consciousness, allow yourself to feel that beautiful positive emotion that connects you with who you are on the inside. From such experiences you will discover what is inside you. When you do not feel inspired with who you are it is simply because you have not yet realized a dream that shows you who you are. Or you have realized it and you let it go; you simply forgot it and returned to more mundane things.
            All humans have dreams. If we let our dreams be our driving factors in life, we deserve all of the resources that we use. We deserve our footprints in the sand; our mark on this planet. But when we walk an uninspired life, when we use the limited resources that furnish our bodies with fuel, and our lives with energy, we are merely taking up space. We do not need more people on this planet. We need more inspired people.

Keynote Speaking

keynote Brian Germain is available for keynote presentations. Brian relates the topic of transcending fear to fit the needs of nearly any business or organization.

Brian is on a mission.

His goal is to teach the truth about fear, and the means to work with this powerful emotion. Fear diminishes our ability to think clearly, and obscures our capacity to look beyond our initial alarmist perspective to see solutions. As a professional skydiving instructor, Brian has seen the dangerous effects of a negative state of mind, and now offers his secrets to converting unconscious retreat into conscious advance.
       In an age of economic hardship, climate change and the threat of terrorism, our ability to work with fear has become pivotal for our progress as a species. If we do not understand what is occurring within us, we will be unable to alter our trend toward escalation. This will inevitably lead to more poverty, illness and unhappiness. If, however, we cultivate our ability to control our minds and look beyond the current situation to what is possible, we will remain the best version of ourselves. This is the way in which we will create a better future. The positive, fresh perspective that Brian offers can bring out the optimist in anyone.

For more information, visit us on the web:

*Brian may wave his fee for groups such as Kiwanis, Elks, Rotary Clubs and Senior Centers in the Greater Washington DC Area.

Email us for details:
About Transcending Fear
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. I hope that it points you in a positive direction with your life, and that your contributions to life on this planet are beneficial to all, and gratifying to your soul.

Please feel free to email us with your feedback:
11006 Veirs Mill Road
Silver Spring, Maryland 20895
Transcending Fear
(703) 349-2638
(301) 646-0761
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