Transcending Fear Newsletter
Halloween Issue
Brian's Upcoming Book:

Happy Halloween!
As you ponder the significance of this day, remember how important it is for all of us to work with our fear. Although there will always be reasons to experience fear, we much not allow it to rule our lives. We can notice it, assess the validity of the emotion, and get back to the task of living our lives uninhibited by contraction.
If we all do this, there will be nothing to fear.
Brian Germain
Transcending Fear
Fear and the Global Economy
Contraction on the Grand Scale
A few weeks ago the world was rocked by the news of a world
financial crisis. Ironically, the daily lives of most of us were mostly unaffected.
Yes, stock prices changed for the time being, but we still had to go to work,
feed our children and take care of the other details of our lives. That will
never change.
In fact, we all know that this "crisis" is created more by expectation
than anything else, and that if we all simply stop focusing on the way things
are today, we will alter the outcome for tomorrow. The market is a volatile
thing if you listen to the news. If you believe everything you hear, you will
find yourself paralyzed by fear of what is to come. The media, we must realize,
is creating the current conditions as much as it is reporting the news.
We must let go of our fixation on "what is" and what that means for
the future if we are to change the future. There have been numerous phases in
the human journey that have pointed toward grim conclusions. Those who worked
to create a positive outcome did not fixate on worry. They did not fixate on
what could be if things go badly. They simply focused upon what they wanted to
see happen and made it so.
You can be part of the problem, or part of the solution. Thinking and talking
about what you are afraid of will not help you avoid its occurrence. You must
create an alternative set of possibilities. The only way to do that is to
envision where you would like to see things go. In this case, that means going
to work with a smile on your face.
If you do well in your own personal life, if you radiate abundance and shed your fear and
negativity, you are helping the world in ways that you cannot fullly grasp.
In a time when many have lost their connection to the feeling of abundance and well-being,
those who can conjure this feeling have a responsibility to spread it
wherever they can.
True, it is wise to plan for the worst. Having candles and water and food for
hard times is always prudent. But there is a difference between fear and
caution. Fear overcompensates. Fear is neurotic. Fear carries a loaded gun.
What are you going to do when you run out of bullets?
Caution simply suggests that we keep creating abundance in every way, and we do
that first by maintaining a good feeling about our lives. We consider our basic
needs and those of the people around us, and we prepare for the bumps in the
road that come as a result of global neurotic contraction. Hoarding is not
caution; it is fear-driven selfishness.
Sanity is always a balance between sane fear and neurotic fear. When we allow
ourselves to be driven by neurotic fear, we lose connection to the things that
matter most: compassion, love and cooperation with other human beings. Those
things, above all others, are the reason for fearlessness.
Brian Germain
About Transcending Fear
Transcending Fear is an educational organization devoted to teaching
the truth about fear, and the most potent methods for coping with acute
stress. We offer books, articles, radio interviews, videos and
inspirational talks all with the specific goal of helping people turn
their fear into power.
Author and International Speaker Brian Germain is available for speaking engagements. To book Brian for a personal appearance, contact us at: bookbrian@transcendingfear.com
or visit us on the web at: www.TranscendingFear.org
11006 Veirs Mill Road
Silver Spring, Maryland 20895
Transcending Fear
(703) 349-2638
Help Spread the Message!
Grass-roots Support is Necessary
If you are a supporter of the Transcending Fear message, you can help us spread the word.
Here are some ideas:
1) Go to Amazon.com and write a nice review of Transcending Fear.
2) Order the book from a major bookstore so they know that there is a demand. It isn't easy to get on the shelves of the major stores, but ultimately if the demand is there, they will stock the book!
3) Send us a personal testimonial about the book. We welcome your feedback! You can email us at: brian@transcendingfear.com
4) If your company has a lunch or conference coming up, consider bringing Brian in as the Keynote Speaker! If you are part of a beneficial organization, Brian will often waive his fee!
The product of a lifetime of research and reflection,
Transcending Fear is Brian Germain's most important work.
The book addresses the most significant challenge of human
kind to date: the process of recognizing and moving beyond
fear. In an age in which fear has literally brought our
world to the brink of destruction, understanding why we
contract in fear and how we can go beyond this instinctive
reaction is essential for our survival as a species.
As a professional skydiver, test pilot and psychology researcher,
Brian Germain offers a unique personalized perspective on
the phenomenon of fear. Reflecting on his many intense experiences
with fear, Brian sorts through the most current psychology
research on fear, and presents the ways to de-escalate the
emotional response in provocative situations.
The fundamental premise of the book is simple: Fear makes
us stupid. If we are to transcend the limitations imposed
by a contracted perspective, we must develop our ability
to remain calm. Specific methods for relaxing in dangerous
situations are covered in detail, as well as scientific
evidence to support the reasons for this unusual and powerful
approach to dealing with fear.
Available at a bookstore near you, or through Amazon.com or at www.transcendingfear.org