The Dilemma... Focus!
10 Tips to get Focus... 
DiscoveryWORKS! Coaching
Four Dimensions of Success
FOCUS! I mean you! Summer is upon us and with the great weather we have been experiencing, it's tough to knuckle down and focus on business. Here's a tip - pretend that you are working for a boss, you are being paid to work 8 hours a day and PRODUCE! Your salary and promotions depend upon it - yikes! Guess what? whether you are self employed or working for someone else - YOU ARE THE BOSS! It's about choice. Choose to be your best self -and get some R&R this summer - you deserve it, no you need it! Follow me on facebook this summer as I take the trip of a lifetime... see you in September!

10 TIPS to harness FOCUS


 Develop New Habits 
In my role as Compass Coach, I am learning to be an 'observer' in my life. Taking a new look at everything I do, every choice I make - just being curious about  - why do I do/say that? Up to 90% of our day to day behaviour is based on habit - routine, safe behaviour that we have learned works for us. We have preferred behaviours that we gravitate to again and again - can you re-wire?
YES! From my experience of teaching Personality Type, people are generally relieved when they have the 'AHA' moment that allows them to say. "It's OK to be me." Yes, I support that and applaud it - heck, in fact I encourage it. HOWEVER... in the immortal words of Dr Phil "How's that working for ya!"
 It's great to value YOU, I spend most of my coaching with clients getting them to a place where they really value who they are and what they value. Until you get to that point through Self Discovery, I would suggest that you are not ready to move on the next stage of choosing to move out of that comfort zone. Choosing to flex the least preferred muscles in the brain, choosing new habits.
I promised in my last email to give you some insight into why each Personality Style could grapple with FOCUS.
GOLD: - Yes, even the organized types can hvae problems with focus - too much of it, they can become obsessed with detail and become immobilzed, unable to move ahead. Relax! 
GREEN: - Knowledge is critical to these types, a feeling of lack of knowledge and not feeling competent can prevent them from moving forward. Lighten up!
BLUE:- Always focussed on the relationship and connection, they may miss out on opportunities because they are afraid to hurt, offend or be hurt. Ask for the sale!
ORANGE:- It's all about the possibilities - so many! They may have difficulty moving ahead beacuse they have too many balls in the air! Choose one thing to finish! 
Do any of these sound like you - practice being the observer and see where FOCUS is an issue. Go easy on yourself change takes courage. ;-)
Your Coach...
Irene Anderson Coach
 Irene Anderson
 Follow Me!
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 As your coach/facilitator,I am committed to enabling your success. I encourage results by working with you on Personal Leadership, and working toward a better understanding of yourself.
I look forward to working with you connecting and having some FUN!
What Colour is your FOCUS?
What is it you want to accomplish but think you can't? Are you holding yourself back? Do you need to work with a coach to help guide you?   I am offering an incredible deal on a one on one Personality Style Assessment for September - just $47.00 - that's the assessment and a 30m one on one coaching session! Will you invest in you?
Call me for your 30m complimentary session! 416-291-4461 - or