Volume 11
Jon Burras
Wellness Newsletter

hawaiijon Jon Burras

21 Points of Health
       1. Relaxation

       2. Nutrition
       3. Expansive                             Movement    
       4. Willingness to                     change
       5. Attitude

       6. Rest

       7. Cleansing
       8. Supplements
       9. Breathing
     10. Emotions
     11. Recovery from                     Addiction
     12. Balance
     13. Lymphatics
     14. Circulation
     15. Tone
     16. Flexibility
     17. Sexuality
     18. Body Electric System
     19. Body Work
     20. Spiritual Connection
     21. Hydration

Workshops and Retreats

The Focused Mind
(Part One)
July 27, 2008
Yoga Works,
Mission Viejo, Ca.
1:30-4:30 pm.

Emotional Yoga
August 24, 2008
Yoga Works,
Mission Viejo, Ca.
1:30-4:30 pm.

yoga works logo
(Click here for more information)



Whatever you are seeking
is seeking you.
Pay Attention!

Intuitive Face Sculpting
A Natural Face Lift

ruth face

    Are you feeling rather worn in the face? Are you experiencing those endless wrinkles that make you look older than you actually are?
      Perhaps there is a better answer than cosmetic surgery, Botox or endless waves of moisturizers.
Intuitive Face Sculpting is a bodywork technique that tends to remove years of tension from the face. Using just light finger-tip touch the practitioner will smooth out wrinkles, uneven areas, and discolorations. Recipients often report feeling lighter and freer in the face than ever before.
    We often wish to blame the sun, poor diet and our age on the the fact that we have developed wrinkles and decay in the face. While these can be
minor influences in why the face seems to age, they are not the major influence. The primary reason why faces age is due to energy that has been frozen in the connective tissue between the muscles. Intuitive Face Sculpting will free up this energy and allow the natural vibrancy of the face to return.


Intuitive Connective Tissue Bodywork

                        Before                           After

      Have you felt your body stiffening and tightening and   have you begun to feel old? Do your joints ache? Have you been diagnosed with an ailment like frozen shoulder or arthritis? Do you feel as if you have shrunk in stature with each day?
     One does not have to shrink, stiffen or shorten as one ages. Arthritis pain does not have to happen and can easily be reversed. Mobility can be restored and pain can be eliminated without drugs or surgery.
     One of the best ways to achieve this is by receiving Intuitive Connective Tissue Bodywork sessions from a qualified practitioner. Through each session you will begin to peel away layers of hardened tissue and your body will begin to transform. Your body will be renewed with life and vitality. Old stories that have been held in the body will be released only to be replaced with a new and supportive body story.

Click here for more information

 Health or Gymnastics

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    Ah, yes, the yoga experience. A remarkable thing in and of itself. Lives are changed and bodies transformed through regular and consistent practice. What a gift from the East.
     As yoga came to the shores of the Western world though, it was adopted by a Western mind. Often this Western mind is shrouded in competition and driven by ego. As yoga began to merge with Western thinking the fundamental concepts of yoga have often times been lost behind the drive to perform. For many, the yoga practice has become nothing more than another performance.
     Yoga can be a dynamic model for life. We are taught ways to move through our world and interact with others. Yoga is much more than a bunch of gymnastic-like moves linked together. Yoga can be a fantastic way to maintain optimal health and a positive and affirming lifestyle.
Click here for more information

Spiritual Cinema Circle

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    We all like to watch movies. We enjoy being entertained and like having our fantasies portrayed on screen. Are you tired of action thriller dramas that have become so very popular? Are you disillusioned with unscripted television shows, pitting one person or group against another? How would you like to be entertained and inspired at the same time.
    Your thoughts also create your reality. The movies that you watch have a strong influence on your belief patterns. Over and over viewing of negative and fear-based movies and television shows will definately have a negative effect on your attitudes.
    Spiritual Cinema Circle is a company that delivers to you 4 inspirational dvds each month for you to keep. Many of these films are short stories or come from outside the mainstream Hollywood film industry. Most never make it to the theaters because they do not have the classic selling points of most modern films, (sex, violence,vulgar language and a little nudity thrown in for stimulation).
    From the comfort of your own home, enjoy spiritual and uplifting films that give you hope and inspiration. Human interest and spiritual topics are the norm.Isn't it time to stop dumbing yourself down with the average American film or television show?
Click here to learn more

Earth Cinema Circle

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   Are you concerned about the environment, energy, nature, and climate change? Join this inspirational club of nature films sent right to your door and for you to keep. Earth Cinema Circle is a brand new organization dedicated to bringing you the best in Earth-related films.
    Every three months you will receive a dvd with 4 new films, many of them short subjects. Completely commercial free and able to be viewed on your own time table, enjoy these films and become educated at the same time.
    Topics include organic farming, renewable energy sources, global warming and more. You will delight in the things you can learn and relax at home at the same time.
The Future of Food

The Future of Food

    Do you have any idea what is happening to your food supply? Do you know that most seed companies have been purchased by mega chemical companies like Monsanto and Dow. This allows these companies to genetically alter these seeds and farmers have no other option than to buy tainted seeds.
    Ever wonder why a modern commercially grown tomato no longer has any flavor to it? Have you forgotten that peaches used to have fuzz on them and used to taste incredibly sweet and delicious? Have you bitten into a genetically altered strawberry lately and have been extremely disappointed in its flavor.
    This amazing dvd will alarm you at what is going on in the farming culture. From politics to gene science, global distribution to government corruption, it is all here in this dvd. With knowledge comes power. Become informed about current farming trends.

Ionix Supreme

Ionix Supreme

     Did you know that you must eat at least 3 apples today to get the same amount of nutrients that were in an apple just 50 years ago. Due to high-tech industrialized farming practices using pesticides and herbicides, many of the nutrients have been lost in present day non-organic fruits and vegetables. One might consider adding a supplement to make up for these lost minerals.
     Isagenix has created a wonderful product called Ionix Supreme. Taking just one ounce a day will replenish the body with what
was once provided by nature in our food supply.
