Volume 3, Issue 36
| May/June 2011
Happy Summer!
The warm weather here in Atlanta, GA, USA has inspired this month's focus on fitness.
In this sharing and giveaway post you'll find out what the Wall Street Journal, executive fitness and leadership training have in common.
"True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are united."--- A.Humboldt  | Cardio Coach Creator Sean O'Malley |
AND - for the 'price' of a comment and you will be entered in the drawing for Cardio Coach Workout - a great fitness Audio MP3 . There will be two lucky winners! Enter by sharing, here.
Also, don't miss this funny video of guys grooving on treadmills. (How do they keep from falling?!)
As a tribute to all past, present and future soldiers, don't miss this inspiring video .

Thank you for being a Wake Up Eager Newsletter subscriber. I look forward to reading your workout tips & challenges, AND announcing the Cardio Coach winners, next month! All the Best, and More! Suzie Price Professional Facilitator & Publisher of WakeUpEager.com |
My Best Exercise Routine
Tips & Resources
Can you relate to this cartoon? --> I can!
If it were easy for busy leaders to stay fit, everyone would be trim, feeling good and at goal weight!
And often we're not.
These are some of the tools & resources I use for workout motivation & inspiration. I hope they help you "talk yourself into" working out more, too!
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Just for Fun & Inspiring Videos:
Just for Fun Video: This video will have you tapping your feet, moving to the beat, and wondering---how did they do that?!?!
Click Here For All the Fun
 Inspiring Video: A reminder and tribute to the men and women who have and are now serving in the military.Listen and Watch Here, Now
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Wake Up Eager Manifesto Download

This Manifesto is a collection of statements to live by. It's for highly influential and energized leaders (and their teams) who want to create more Wake Up Eager days.
It represents the heart and soul of the
Wake Up Eager Website & Community.
If this resonates with you please share it, blog it, print it out AND stick it on your wall or put it on your iPhone!
Click Here to See & Print/Download