Mary D. Midkiff's Women & Horses Newseltter
Newsle    Newsletter ~ Summer 2012~ Issue No. 115
In This Issue
The Focused Horse DVD
The InBalance Horse Oil Blend
Aging Can Bring Freedom
Tip of the Season: Salts for Horses
Letters from You
Summer Benefits of The InBalance Horse oil blend

The InBalance Horse

By Mary D. Midkiff

DVD cover
All the steps you need to use The InBalance Horse
oil blend, mouth massage and acupressure!

5 steps to maximizing, preparing, training and enjoying horses.

"The Focused Horse" 26 minute DVD includes demonstrations showing steps on how to apply and use "The InBalance Horse" essential oil blend aromatherapy, massage and acupressure techniques to calm and focus your horse, and English and Western saddle fit specific to the female equestrian.
$10 plus shipping and handling 
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Fitness, Performance & the Female Equestrian

Fitness, Performance and the Female Equestrian 

She Flies Without Wings

She Flies Without Wings       
Take the Emotional Stress Out of Your Horse's Life!!!
The InBalance Horse Essential Oil Blend for Horses
We have added Sweet Almond Oil to the blend speeding up the absorption rate; and it resists freezing!
InBalance HorseCalming the Anxious Horse...
with aromatherapy and the analgesic affects of this essential oil blend.

Time after time, horse after horse, horse owners and handlers are experiencing the magic results of The InBalance Horse essential blend for horses.  

Links to Helpful Websites:


Go to Saddles for Women on the website to get a free DVD in saddle fit information!



Clinics by Mary Midkiff:
Inquiries - please contact me at or call 502-552-1195 and we can tailor a clinic to fit your needs.

I'd love to come work with you and your horses and find out what we can create to build your partnerships.
 Galloping horse animation
Aging Can Bring Freedom


I was just in Maine and reading a book about farming in the 1800s.  Most of the farmers talked about how much they loved the cool Fall air, the long winters and fragrant Springs. But none of them looked forward to the Summer because of the heavy work such as haying and storing 24/7.


Summer is a busy season for horse people.


So many of us have had to deal with several weeks of unusual 100 degree temperatures. I have been grateful for a cooler barn with good circulation and fans. The barn where I work everyday is made out of concrete block and even though it is not forgiving when a horse kicks it, it is a wonderful insulator against extreme temperatures.


Every day by 11 AM, horses were at the gates begging to come in! I couldn't blame them one bit.


I have learned more about horses' need for salts and minerals this summer than ever before and have shared my findings in this newsletter.


As always, horses teach me what works for them from season to season, region to region, and year to year. The older I get the more empathic and connected to horses I become. I forget about what I might look or sound like to people when I am communicating or working with them. Experience and aging can indeed bring freedom! 


I enjoy passing along observations and hopefully helpful resources and information.


I hope you will follow from newsletter to newsletter insights, observations, questions and solutions to numerous inquiries around horses and the world they live in. The resources, web links, experts, books and articles listed here will give you lots of options to pursue.


The Women & Horses newsletter stands for all horse and pony breeds, as well as donkeys and mules, all disciplines and uses of the horse and wild horses.


Past newsletters have been archived on the web site for you to check out anytime and I'm always open to receiving your inquires via email.



Mary D. Midkiff 

Mary D. Midkiff

Equestrian Resources 


Redmond Salt Block 
Tip of the Season:
Salts for Horses

Like some people, some horses do not enjoy or thrive in hot weather. The closer your horse is to being an Arabian the easier and more tolerant Summertime riding will be. The warm and cold bloods would just as soon stay quiet to keep cool. Horses have a thick hide and coat plus a base temperature around 101 degrees. The more thin skinned and thin coated your horse the easier they can dissipate heat and cool off quickly.


Salt is crucial to your horse's health in these hot months, and free choice salt needs to be available to all horses year round. Even if they are not exercising they may still need additional salt and electrolyte support. Here are some options for you to consider. You may combine them, try one at a time to see what works best for your horse, or switch between salts as your horse finishes one type.


Redmond Rock  


My favorite year round, got-to-have-it-all-the-time salt source. These rocks are deep-mined from the Rocky Mountains and contain natural rock salts and minerals. My horses love them! I leave one in the stall and one in the paddock or field for free choice licking. Redmond has granular versions and detoxifying minerals for further health support.


Epsom Salts: At any grocery or pharmacy


Start with 1 tablespoon of Epsom Salts daily in your horse's feed or water to supply much needed magnesium. This is especially helpful with horses that have metabolism issues such as thick crested necks and turn cranky to the point of anger or aggression. (Unusual aggression and anger issues can also indicate EPM or Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis. Call your vet if you suspect EPM.)  Epsom Salts will also help sooth and smooth the lining in the small intestine where the horse gets a great deal of nutritional absorption.


Keep the horse on the 1 tablespoon per day dose for 2 weeks. For heavier horses you may need to give 2 tablespoons daily, 1 in the morning and 1 in evening. After 2 weeks if the horse seems better try moving him or her up to the 2 tablespoons per day dosage. Wait another 2 weeks and if the horse seems to be in balance discontinue use until you see the need to supplement again. Use it as you see your horse is benefiting from it.


Lite Salt: Any grocery store in the salt section


This product provides more potassium over sodium. Sodium is beneficial as a salt source but can be hard on the kidneys and the horse may eliminate it's benefits. The potassium balances the salt intake and assists in stabilizing the horse's need for sodium.


Electrolytes: Many sources  


Electrolytes are an absolute necessity if your horse is working or performing in heat. Talk to your holistic vet or therapist about what they recommend. Many times vitamin and mineral supplements will have electrolytes included so check the labels of your products. I use Blue Ridge Distribution for my electrolyte supplement. You will find them at 


White Salt and Trace Mineral Salt Blocks: Your local farm supplier


For many years the salt blocks were all anyone used. They still have a place in large fields for many horses as they tend not to melt away too quickly. Also the white salt blocks are a nice addition if your horse enjoys several sources of salt. Remember these salt blocks are processed salt so there may be some chemicals involved for binding it into block form. The rock salt is totally natural rock from the earth.


Trace Minerals: Rush Creek 1:1 Minerals  


Horses in the wild are always searching to satisfy their salt and mineral needs. I like to offer horses granulated trace minerals and let them tell me if they need something. Some nibble a bit, some ignore it, some lick the tub clean! Be careful and do not overfeed these minerals. To some horses it's like chocolate and they will overindulge. I like to offer it to my horses once per week in a one cup measure and see how it goes.


So far this has been the right amount for horses under my care. But I feed organically, I supplement, I provide salt choices and hay choices.  Your horse may be on a different feed and grazing program.


Try 1 cup in a tub or even on the ground and see how they like it. If they knock you over for more give them one more cup that day. Spread your mineral offerings out to 3 times per week, then down to once per week for maintenance. Don't waste the minerals on horses that don't want it.  Let them tell you what they need!

mail icon 
Letters from You:
 Experiences with The InBalance Horse Oil Blend


"That oil is wonderful. My high headed mare has continued to like it.  Especially in this heat, I wash her face with baby shampoo, having to carry a jug of water to do that, water is low here, 15 triple digits heat days in Oklahoma. She's IR, in a dry lot, gets a dirty face.


I got all sorts of dirt out of her nose last night. Dust in the air, fire danger, heat climate we live in, she is really appreciating the extra attention and comfort, lowering, shaking her head a little, like she's trying to get her nose to drain some moisture out. She acts like it makes her feel so much better to get this little bit of comfort given to her in this crazy heat.


She licks and chews, shakes her head, lowers her head. I never thought she would be so into oils rubbed on her nose, she is now. The first few weeks she was a little resistant. She lays her head against my chest, it's amazing. I call it the 'nose oil' posture, she's done it several times now.  


Now,  a whole new world opened, I can wash her nose easy, she lets me wash her face with baby shampoo and use the hose, pistol grip guadge  set on mist, right on her face, rinse the dirt and shampoo off. The best thing is the sunscreen. She has a white nose, it burns, Oklahoma is blistering hot. I've tried before, with some success, not like this, though. 


After I finish with the oil, I take some sun screen and rub it around the flare of her nostrils and nose. She's always burned, peeled, had red skin in that area, no hair to cover that area, just skin. I've been trying for a long time to get her to let me put sunscreen on her nose, without a fight. Now, she's fine with it.


I have a question, has anyone ever said the product helped with runny eyes? It seems her eyes are a lot less runny this year. It hasn't been a good year, either, windy. Sometimes I notice some clear drainage from her nose after the oil, she will blow, sometimes, too."


-Wanda Cardella, Oklahoma


From Mary:  


Well, has anyone had a similar experience with their horse's eyes clearing up by using the oil blend? We/I would love to know!


"I finally finished using my first bottle, have another one, but will order a back up soon. Thank you so much for sharing the oil with people like me, it's wonderful."


Hello Mary,


This is actually my 2nd order & includes a bottle I'm giving to a friend.  I'm certified in equine massage and, altho I mainly work with my own horses, I like the relaxation this imparts, not only on the horse, but also on me!



Debra Stephenson

Plum Lake Dressage, Wisconsin


The InBalance Horse Oil Blend
  • Helps them mentally and emotionally relax and cool off before and after work
  • Works as an insecticide around the face and ears
  • Aids in clearing and opening up irritated nasal passages
  • Focuses horse's mind on you and your training
  • Keeps muzzle and nostrils soft when using grazing muzzle
clean nostrils
Massage oil blend into nostrils, around the muzzle and over upper gums.