Mary D. Midkiff's Women & Horses Newseltter
Newsle    Newsletter ~ January 2012~ Issue No. 113
In This Issue
The Focused Horse DVD
The InBalance Horse Oil Blend
Tip of the Month: Look Your Horse In the Eye
Meet My Friend Jimmy
Letters from You

By Mary D. Midkiff

DVD cover
All the steps you need to use The InBalance Horse oil blend, mouth massage and acupressure!
5 steps to maximizing preparing, training and enjoying horses.

"The Focused Horse" 26 minute DVD includes demonstrations showing steps on how to apply and use "The InBalance Horse" essential oil blend aromatherapy, massage and acupressure techniques to calm and focus your horse, and English and Western saddle fit specific to the female equestrian.
$10 plus shipping and handling 
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Fitness, Performance & the Female Equestrian

Fitness, Performance and the Female Equestrian 

She Flies Without Wings

She Flies Without Wings       
Take the Emotional Stress Out of Your Horse's Life!!!
The InBalance Horse Essential Oil Blend for Horses
We have added Sweet Almond Oil to the blend speeding up the absorption rate; and it resists freezing!
InBalance HorseCalming the Anxious Horse...
with aromatherapy and the analgesic affects of this essential oil blend.

Time after time, horse after horse, horse owners and handlers are experiencing the magic results of The InBalance Horse essential blend for horses.  

Links to Helpful Websites:


Go to Saddles for Women on the website to get a free DVD in saddle fit information!



Clinics by Mary Midkiff:
Inquiries - please contact me at or call 502-552-1195 and we can tailor a clinic to fit your needs.

I'd love to come work with you and your horses and find out what we can create to build your partnerships.
 Galloping horse animation
Welcome to 2012! 
I hope you are as excited about the New Year as I am! This year I have already begun to explore my lifelong dream of creating a holistic horse center here in the Bluegrass region providing services for starting young horses toward their performance and race careers, rehabilitating injured horses and "re-wiring" problem horses. I have 6 stalls available now as I launch this endeavor. Watch my website as I will have information on a new page very soon!
My second project for the year is to bring a few representatives of the national Brazilian horse, the Mangalarga, to the Kentucky Horse Park and to my facility. Since my trip in Brazil last Spring where I was introduced to the breed, I want Americans to have a chance to see, ride and learn about their special qualities. There are only a very few in the U.S. today, mainly located in the western states. We are working with several breeders and their national association to send a few horses in 2012.

Special March Ride in Brazil!! 
I am putting together a special ride in Brazil arriving in Sao Paulo on March 29 for one week. We will be staying in a beautiful lodge in the rolling mountains and riding the Mangalarga horses each day. If you are interested in joining me send me an email or call me and I can give all the fabulous details. It's a horse lovers dream!
If you would like to be involved with or learn more about my initiatives please email me or give me a call. What actions are you taking this year to make your dreams come true?  I'd love to hear what you are up to. You never know what our collective efforts can accomplish!



I hope you will follow from newsletter to newsletter insights, observations, questions and solutions to numerous inquiries around horses and the world they live in. The resources, web links, experts, books and articles listed here will give you lots of options to pursue.


The Women & Horses newsletter stands for all horse and pony breeds, as well as donkeys and mules, all disciplines and uses of the horse and wild horses.


Past newsletters have been archived on the web site for you to check out anytime and I'm always open to receiving your inquires via email.



Mary D. Midkiff

Equestrian Resources 

Tip of the Month: Look Your Horse In The Eye 

Whenever I am asked to look at a horse either for sale or because the horse has a problem I always start with facing their head. I mean stand in front of them, put your hands on either side of their face and look at the symmetry or lack of it in every aspect. 


Ask yourself these questions: Are the nostrils level and exactly the same or are there differences? Are the bony structures exactly the same on either side? Are there any dips, dents, or scars down the length of the head? Is the muscling around the eyes, the forehead and on the cheeks the same? Are the eyes level, the same size and shape? How about the ears and the distance between them? Notice, how does the horse hold his/her head from the neck? Is it tilted, twisted, leaning in one direction, jammed?


And finally, check the mouth, smell the breath. Are the teeth level, matched and top and bottom meeting evenly?


There is so much this exam can tell us from this observation and feel. Ideally you would like everything to be equal side to side and for the head to be set on the neck evenly and straight. This is rarely the case especially with horses that are in training. They have learned to compensate and twist their bodies in hard work with maybe not-so-forgiving hands of the rider.


Any imbalance in the head can affect their vision, their sense of balance, their proprioception (where their limbs are in space and time), their thinking and their reflexes. This includes parrot mouth and other conformation flaws of the jaw and teeth. 


You would also like to see large eyes without seeing much or any of the white around them, a wide flat forehead, with even muscle development throughout. Horses that have small or partially closed eyes (or eye) have built up defenses and are either toxic, hyper-nervous or very shut down and can be explosive. This can also indicate neurological issues such as EPM.


Along with an application of The InBalance Horse oil blend, I can generally do enough myo-fascial, endorphin, trigger point releases, acupressure and stretches with oppositional energy exercises to get the horse leveled and straight in their head set as well as opening up the distance between the head and neck.  There are a few cases however where I will call in a chiropractor.


You will also be able to tell a great deal about the horse's dental health and immunity by feeling the bones and glands from the chin upward toward the throat latch. If you feel lots of lumps the size of grapes or marbles or larger the horse probably could use immune system support such as Iosol (Iodine) and an immune booster.


I use Livimmune from Blue Ridge Distribution as all their products are certified organic and made to order. If you feel hard or hot bumps along the bony structures then you are probably feeling tooth eruptions and may lead you to understand some of your horse's reasons for being head shy or having behavioral issues. These eruptions can be very painful and last for weeks.  Watch where you put your nosebands and keep them fairly loose or at least use a fleece cover.


Go check your horse's head and let me know if you have any questions. I would be glad to help you out over the phone.

Meet My Friend Jimmy


Swift Taylor's half brother "My Friend Jimmy" arrived at my stable in late September as a yearling. He was a very big colt already just under 16 hands. But just as beautifully put together as his sister. We agreed to geld him a few weeks after he had settled in. 


He is a two-year-old now and has been under saddle and doing ground work for about 45 days. He is similar to Swift Taylor (Rita) in his display of affection by curling his head around you and holding you against his chest and by the way he looks to me to lead and guide him through his training. As long as I show him once that he's safe he will trust and go ahead. Over time I will need to do less and less but for now in his development he is gaining his confidence in his surroundings and belief in himself.


I approach Jimmy as I do with all my horses by wiping out the nostrils and applying The InBalance Horse oil blend inside his nostrils, around his muzzle and do massage on the corners of his mouth and around the gums. This settles him and gets him to learn to let go of any tension or stress before we start our exercises.


Jimmy acts out occsionally in-hand and wants to play like he's a stallion. I know he is a young male and he is in a paddock by himself surrounded by other horses and misses his boxing matches with his buddies. So I do not punish him for wanting to play as long as he respects my boundaries and stays within himself. If he is aggressive, biting or pawing I might pinch him on the shoulder with my hand like his mother would do, then ask him to do some work on the line and he quickly stops and behaves like a gentleman. He continues to settle more each week and loves our long walks together.


Under saddle, however, he is a perfect gentleman and behaves like a well schooled hunter. His natural balance and ability to carry the rider's weight is remarkable for such a young horse. He looks at new things but does not spook or get flighty and trusts his rider to send him forward. He has been a joy to bring along.  Because of his size and development we are going slow. He is ridden 4 times per week and has one day of ground work with me. We walk all over the farm both under saddle and in-hand, jog in the arenas, walk around the racetrack, and practice going over and around multiple objects.


Here are some early photos of him back in October 2011 as a yearling and a couple of videos showing him being started under saddle in December. Notice how willing and balanced he is right from the start. Click here to watch the video

Oct2011 Jim in paddock

Oct2011 Jim body

Oct2011 Jim headshot

Letters from You: Experiences with The InBalance Horse oil blend


I have had the opportunity to use the oil and did see a dramatic result on a powerful sixteen hand, six year old quarter/appendix gelding. He cautiously accepted the oils but I noticed a quicker response to relaxation and trust with with me while trying to rid his mind/body of anxiety and impatience. Over a four day period, this gelding found a more quiet and balanced place to be. This horse has a beautiful spirit and the potential to be something special in the right hands but this hurried trainer is advising the owner to man thru the process. I am feeling troubled watching this rider accept the trainer's advice. 

T. Greenstreet



I purchased the essential oils & video (which I continue to watch to refresh my memory). It's awesome to see the horses get so relaxed, & now that I've applied it a few times they're relaxing more & more. Both horses lower their heads, lick their lips & get sleepy eyes.  The other day I got 2 big yawns out of my mare & some deep breaths. My husband's gelding really likes it too & let out several deep breaths. I will continue to use the oils & accupressure - what a nice way to be able to thank our horses for all they give us.



Diane & Dennis, Tucson, AZ



Thank you Mary! I look forward to receiving the DVD along with the oil! Used the oil awhile ago and my horse loved it! I thought it calmed him down immensely! Saw you on Rick's show and have been trying some of your pressure point release tips as well and Red Carousel loves our time together and so do I!


J. McIver, Lutz, FL


I just spent my very first session doing aromatherapy with your special blend on my two horses, Blue and Gi. They loved it! Gi, my Icelandic, put his head to the ground and stayed there, he was in heaven! Then he followed me around for more! Blue, my TWH, enjoyed it also and he is a tough character to calm. I actually made lots of progress getting Blue to lower his head and then he let me brush him all over without being haltered or tied!


I had such a wonderful experience doing this and can't wait to do it again. It's most relaxing for me too! I also did the mouth massage and the acupressure you demonstrate on the DVD. I just felt so good doing this for the "boys" and I know they appreciated it.


Thank you so much for sharing this special focusing session with the "world". I feel so good about it, I just can't express enough!


- C. Bloss, Narvon, PA



Best wishes of joy and peace with your horses in the New Year!
 Mary D. Midkiff
Mary D. Midkiff
Equestrian Resources, Inc.