Mary D. Midkiff's Women & Horses Newseltter
Newsle    Newsletter ~ September 2011~ Issue No. 111
In This Issue
The Focused Horse DVD
The InBalance Horse Oil Blend
Break from the Heat
Tip of the Month: Iodine can help your horse through allergy season
Swift Taylor Goes to the Track
Are you aware of life force energy?

By Mary D. Midkiff

DVD cover
All the steps you need to use The InBalance Horse oil blend, mouth massage and acupressure!
5 steps to maximizing preparing, training and enjoying horses. 


"Fly Lite absolutely LOVES your oil blend- in fact, most days, she looks for the oils. It certainly calms her down and relieves her tension (which she has quite often as she is a typical chestnut mare). We used it before we schooled cross country and it made all the

difference between the normal "jiggy, crazy" Fly and the one that WALKED around the course!  M. DeCarlo, Lexington, KY"

 Buy Now
-  -   -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
Fitness, Performance & the Female Equestrian

Fitness, Performance and the Female Equestrian
Buy Now

She Flies Without Wings

She Flies Without Wings
Buy Now


"The Focused Horse" 26 minute DVD includes demonstrations showing steps on how to apply and use "The InBalance Horse" essential oil blend aromatherapy, massage and acupressure techniques to calm and focus your horse, and English and Western saddle fit specific to the female equestrian.

$10 plus shipping and handling
Take the Emotional Stress Out of Your Horse's Life!!!
The InBalance Horse Essential Oil Blend for Horses
We have added Sweet Almond Oil to the blend speeding up the absorption rate; and it resists freezing!
InBalance HorseCalming the Anxious Horse...
with aromatherapy and the analgesic affects of this essential oil blend.

Time after time, horse after horse, horse owners and handlers are experiencing the magic results of The InBalance Horse essential blend for horses.  

Links to Helpful Websites:


Go to Saddles for Women on the website to get a free DVD in saddle fit information!



Clinics by Mary Midkiff:
Inquiries - please contact me at [email protected] or call 502-552-1195 and we can tailor a clinic to fit your needs.

I'd love to come work with you and your horses and find out what we can create to build your partnerships.
 Galloping horse animation
Break from the Heat!

Nationally we seem to have broken through our record heat Summer.  My footfalls, our dog's walking pace and all of the horse's strides have greatly increased this week!  As I experience a lift of energy and clarity with the cooler crisp climate, I feel a sense of urgency toward so many things I want to accomplish.

Paulo Junqueira Arantes and I are creating a riding tour in Brazil in March featuring the Mangalarga breed of horse and visits to a few choice breeders and their fazendas (ranches/plantations). If you are interested please email me and I will send you all the details.

Also in the works is a Festival of the Brazilian Horse 2012 to be featured at the Kentucky Horse Park next Summer. More on this project as it develops.

Besides overseeing Swift Taylor's performance career, I also plan to be bringing along a couple of yearlings toward racing careers. I am open to work with your youngsters or horses with issues too; all holistically and with a "horse first" approach. A few months with this approach as a foundation leads to a lifetime of soundness, mental focus, emotional balance and trust.  And I will teach you how to carry it forward.

And then there are writing projects always in the background.
I hope you will follow from newsletter to newsletter insights, observations, questions and solutions to numerous inquiries around horses and the world they live in. The resources, web links, experts, books and articles listed here will give you lots of options to pursue.


The Women & Horses newsletter stands for all horse and pony breeds, as well as donkeys and mules, all disciplines and uses of the horse and wild horses.


Past newsletters have been archived on the web site for you to check out anytime and I'm always open to receiving your inquires via email.



Mary D. Midkiff

Equestrian Resources 

Tip of the Month: Iodine can help your horse through allergy season 


During this heightened time of pollination, weed growth, mold formation and windy weather many horses will experience swollen parotid salivary glands, overworked thyroid and adrenal glands, mucous production and drainage, congestion and a thickening through the throat latch.


You can give your horse relief through this time by drenching daily with iodine. Use Iosol or a pure iodine, 1 drop of iodine to 1 oz. of water. I place 16 drops in a 16 oz. water bottle, shake and use a syringe to orally drench my horse twice daily. Once in the morning and in the afternoon when he comes in from grazing. My horse is 1300 lbs. and I give him 15ccs twice per day for maintenance or on bad days 20-30 ccs twice per day. 


You can adjust according to your horse's weight and sensitivity.  Generally 10-15 ccs twice per day will work. Once we have hard frosts you may not need to give the iodine drench at all or you may want to continue once per day for seasonal changes. You can also use this for support during viruses, travel, environmental changes and high stress situations.

Swift Taylor Goes to the Track


Swift Taylor has been at Churchill Downs racetrack since July 18 and is coming along like a pro. I am there almost every morning giving her support and whatever she needs to be healthy, happy, growing and performing. Here are some photos demonstrating her training education.

Alex walking Rita
Alex, Swift Taylor's groom and caretaker at the track, walks her before her workout.


Rita and AJ hit the track
She walks on to the hallowed Churchill Downs track and gets a big vista of the clubhouse.
SHe checks out the action
She sizse up all the action around her; unfazed.
Standing trackside
Every morning she is asked to stop, wait and observe quietly before she trains.
Happy and interested in her training.
Our training at home pays off as she gets her first racetrack bath and she stands quietly.
bathing head
Remember last Summer no one could touch her head!
Mary's kiss
I'm so proud of her and still have to give her motherly kisses!

Are You Aware of Life Force Energy? writes, "The energy field can be thought of as a grid of fine lines which run criss-cross throughout the whole universe and through every living being, thereby connecting every part of creation to each other. An energy field (or aura) is the electromagnetic field surrounding an object. It's believed by many from the scientific and spiritual communities, that energy fields surround all living things such as people, plants and animals as well as non-living things such as rocks. These fields change with time, sometimes without warning, due to various positive and more often negative influences. This field surrounds and runs through the body, holding within it information which reflects the current physical mental and emotional condition of the individual. It also contains the original "blueprint" of health.


The human energy field is part of the life force energy field and is like a template or network of energy points with which the physical molecules of the body are aligned. (The term life force means the energy which vibrates through all living things and is also known as the aura or electro-magnetic field.) The field, within and outside of our bodies stores information including our thoughts, past and present. This energetic system is comprised of several layers, a light body, aura, chakras and meridians.


Our personal energy field is in constant contact with the outside world because it is part of it, absorbing slow frequencies from electrical equipment, collecting other people's negative energies, storing the memory of upsetting interactions with others, and most importantly, carrying the memory of our past illness, distress and life experience.  


Each of us is a unique being, encompassing the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social. These different aspects of being human cannot be separated, because they are all linked and powered by the underlying Life Force Energy. While the flow of energy through the body is smooth and continuous, we remain in good health. However, when pain, trauma or stress arise in our lives, the flow can be disrupted and this may then lead to ill-health.  


Negative emotions can build up within the field, and if left uncleared, may lead to physical illness and emotional and mental imbalance. By clearing uncomfortable energies out of the field, blockages are released, and fresh universal energy is able to resume its vital flow, strengthening your whole being."



Beautiful Life Force Energy


Your horse's life force energy is affected just like yours on a daily basis. They are so much more attuned to shifts in energy fields than we are. Listen, observe, watch their eyes, smell their breath. When they are being affected by a negative influence you will know it. It is your job to clear a space for them, release endorphins replacing toxins through massage and acupressure, use essential oil blends to heal and protect and talk to them. If you are clear within yourself they are receptive to your clearing and can move on without harm to fully enjoy their existence.



Happy Riding!
 Mary D. Midkiff
Mary D. Midkiff
Equestrian Resources, Inc.