Mary D. Midkiff's Women & Horses Newseltter
Newsle    Newsletter ~ July 2011~ Issue No. 110
In This Issue
The Focused Horse DVD
The InBalance Horse Oil Blend
Special Bond with Horses is Unconditional
Tip of the Month: Mineral Deficiencies Can Be at the Bottom of Many Issues
Swift Taylor Takes a Big Step

By Mary D. Midkiff

DVD cover
All the steps you need to use The InBalance Horse oil blend, mouth massage and acupressure!
5 steps to maximizing preparing, training and enjoying horses. 


"Fly Lite absolutely LOVES your oil blend- in fact, most days, she looks for the oils. It certainly calms her down and relieves her tension (which she has quite often as she is a typical chestnut mare). We used it before we schooled cross country and it made all the

difference between the normal "jiggy, crazy" Fly and the one that WALKED around the course!  M. DeCarlo, Lexington, KY"

 Buy Now
-  -   -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
Fitness, Performance & the Female Equestrian

Fitness, Performance and the Female Equestrian
Buy Now

She Flies Without Wings

She Flies Without Wings
Buy Now


"The Focused Horse" 26 minute DVD includes demonstrations showing steps on how to apply and use "The InBalance Horse" essential oil blend aromatherapy, massage and acupressure techniques to calm and focus your horse, and English and Western saddle fit specific to the female equestrian.

$10 plus shipping and handling
Take the Emotional Stress Out of Your Horse's Life!!!
The InBalance Horse Essential Oil Blend for Horses
We have added Sweet Almond Oil to the blend speeding up the absorption rate; and it resists freezing!
InBalance HorseCalming the Anxious Horse...
with aromatherapy and the analgesic affects of this essential oil blend.

Time after time, horse after horse, horse owners and handlers are experiencing the magic results of The InBalance Horse essential blend for horses.  

Links to Helpful Websites:


Go to Saddles for Women on the website to get a free DVD in saddle fit information!



Clinics by Mary Midkiff:
Inquiries - please contact me at or call 502-552-1195 and we can tailor a clinic to fit your needs.

I'd love to come work with you and your horses and find out what we can create to build your partnerships.
 Galloping horse animation

Special Bond with Horses Is Unconditional


A question for all of us comes from Denmark.

"When trying to create a strong bond with your horse, how important is riding him? Does riding add something special to the relationship for the horse?  Or could the bond be just as strong just caring for him, training him and spending time with him, without riding him? I have been thinking about this for a very long time and I would just love to hear your opinion.


Again, thank you for a fantastic book!"



Merete Milling (Denmark (Scandinavia)


Dear Merete: Thank you for your letter.  I'm sure many people have wondered the same thing. Developing a bond with a horse can be accomplished with or without riding.  If you choose not to ride make sure you substitute ground work, long walks, tricks, free lunge skills or have someone else you trust ride or drive your horse.  Your horse partner unless he/she is permanently injured or infirmed or aged, needs mental and physical exercise at least 3 days per week.

You can create a bond through grooming, massages, various therapies, talking to them, singing, reading, hanging out with them, giving baths and teaching them manners and lessons.  But you also need to exercise together in some way.  The exercise sessions deepen the bond, respect, trust and partnership.

Please don't rely on "treats" (as we women love to do) to bond with your horse.  When you do give treats feed organic treats in the feed tub not from your hand.  They will love the treats and they will acknowledge you for the fact that you provide them. We certainly don't want our horses to take on bad habits and get pushy and mouthy from hand feeding.

Best wishes, Mary

I hope you will follow from newsletter to newsletter insights, observations, questions and solutions to numerous inquiries around horses and the world they live in. The resources, web links, experts, books and articles listed here will give you lots of options to pursue.


The Women & Horses newsletter stands for all horse and pony breeds, as well as donkeys and mules, all disciplines and uses of the horse and wild horses.


Past newsletters have been archived on the web site for you to check out anytime and I'm always open to receiving your inquires via email.



Mary D. Midkiff

Equestrian Resources 

Tip of the Month: Mineral Deficiencies Can Be at the Bottom of Many Issues


Rita (Swift Taylor) began telling me what she needed by digging up grass to get to the dirt below, rooting into mud and eating it and nibbling and licking the dirt in the indoor arena. When I would take her for walks and let her hand graze she would demonstrate these behaviors and it finally dawned on me (the distracted human!) she was asking me to help her find what she needed.


At the same time she had developed skin fungus issues around her girth and neck area which I had attributed to sweat and dirt from daily training. I was using Iodine medicated shampoos, fungus remedies and increasing my tack and equipment cleaning to an obsessive level. I even asked her rider to clean his boots before he got on her as he was riding many other horses at other barns before he came to see us.


A friend and kindred horse spirit, DeDe Jones, suggested that I look into minerals as Rita could be deficient in something. I thought I had covered all the bases with her supplements, good hay, organic grains and her deep-mined salt rocks. But I had not. She was missing one or several minerals.


Thanks to her persistance I went to the farm store and purchased ABC (Advanced Biological Concepts) Rush Creek 1:1 Minerals.  They are free choice minerals that horses eat when they want or need certain minerals.


I gave Rita a couple of cups of the minerals on the ground in her paddock and she ate all of it within minutes. ABC recommends that you not mix the minerals with feed/rations so I created a bowl for her minerals out of an unused automatic waterer. I put 2 cups in per day and the next morning for 4 days running they were all gone the next day. 


At the same time I offered it to my other horses and they were as eager to clean up the minerals as Rita was. So now it is a part of their health regimen. Their desire does decrease as their body is satisfied.


The most amazing result from her mineral intake was an immediate sloughing of her skin and coat. The minerals literally cleared up her fungus issue within 24 hours! I also noticed she became a bit more calm and enjoyed her nap time more peacefully.


She is no longer digging, rooting or trying to eat dirt and mud.  You may want to look at your horse's weaknesses or behavioral issues and consider your horse is looking for minerals they are missing.


*A word of caution: Since this mixture of minerals is so tasty be careful not to overfeed. They may want to eat even when they don't need it. I am feeding 1 cup per horse twice per week for maintenance.


Swift Taylor Takes a Big Step
Rita 7-18-11 3

Swift Taylor (Rita) checks out the photographer on her way to starting gate practice.



Rita 7-18-11 1
Her confidence and presence are evident even at a very young age.
Rita 7-18-11 2
She listens to Eric as he guides her through her daily routines of learning to change leads while galloping and going straight and forward at all times.



RIta 7-18-11 4  

She waits patiently as Eric and I introduce her to the starting gate.


Rita 7-18-11
She trusts her team of committed people even in a claustrophobic situation. 


 Rita 7-19-11 9

She proudly dances showing her beauty and athleticism.


As of July 18, Swift Taylor has made the transition to the racetrack seamlessly.  She is now in the care of Robin and Lon Wiggins at Churchill Downs with John Ward as our race training advisor.  We live 10 minutes from the track and I have been there every morning making sure she continues to be positive in her progress.  So far she is showing everyone how smart and ready for new challenges she really is.  What a joy to watch her blossom!


Thank you DeDe Jones for the beautiful photography.

Happy Riding!
 Mary D. Midkiff
Mary D. Midkiff
Equestrian Resources, Inc.