The Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee 





August 07, 2012

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A special edition of E-NEWS, the  Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee's weekly electronic newsletter. 
Christian Churches to observe
Day of Prayer for Sikh Community
on August 13 



Bishop Steven Miller has asked that the following information, provided by the Wisconsin Conference of Churches (WCC), be circulated to all clergy and parishes in the Diocese of Milwaukee. 


In the wake of the tragic shootings at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, the Wisconsin Council of Churches is calling for Day of Prayer for the Sikh Community in Christian congregations throughout the state next Sunday, August 13.  Download a bulletin for your church. 


It is hoped that next Sunday will provide an opportunity for Christians to pray for the victims, their families, and for the Sikh community, which has experienced much tragedy and hardship in this country since the Sept. 11 attacks (Sikhs are at times mistaken for Muslims).  It is also hoped that next Sunday will be an occasion  for Christians in Wisconsin to learn more about the Sikh religion. For more information, see



In the coming days and weeks there will be opportunities for Christians to stand in solidarity with the Sikh community.  Two vigils were held Sunday night, in Madison and Milwaukee, and more are planned.  The WCC will assist in getting the word out as events and other opportunities for support are planned; please check their website for updates.   



The Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee has partnered with the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin to make possible your show of support for the victims of this tragic event.

To make a donation to the Victim Memorial Fund, please visit to pay securely online via PayPal. All contributions less any processing fee will be deposited into the official Victim Memorial Fund for the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin.

Those uncomfortable making a donation online may send offerings directly to the temple.

Victim Memorial Fund c/o Sikh Temple of Wisconsin
7512 S. Howell Ave.
Oak Creek, WI 53154

Please pass this information on to your parish and others who may be interested. 

Clergy and parishes:  Please forward this special edition of the E-NEWS to your parishioners and others who may find it helpful.  Thank you.  

Barbara Klauber
Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee