The Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee 




  February 17, 2012

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In This Issue
Called to be salt and light in the world by The Rev. Terry McGugan
Important Message...regarding...upcoming Vestry Leadership School!!...
Episcopal Church Scholarships
Safeguarding God's People
Cathedral Movie Night features "Ladyhawke" on February 25th
Living Water for Haiti...
Julian Gathering Celebrates Fourth Year
Lay Pastoral Care Seminar
Couples St. James', Milwaukee
Outstanding Service Award goes to Hospitality Center
Cooking School Ministry with...Deacon REGS
Kairos Prison Ministry is starting in Wisconsin
LENTEN QUIET DAY at Trinity Episcopal Church in Janesville
Trinity's Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper...February 21, 2012
Taize Prayer Service set for March 4th
Attention Clergy:...More Info on Small Group Clergy Days
St. Luke's, Madison...Presents:...SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER
March Highlights at The DeKoven Center
"In a Moment"...Sensitivity & Awareness - Overcoming Adversity


Welcome to the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee's weekly electronic newsletter! Readers are encouraged to send articles and photos regarding upcoming events, ministries, and other matters of interest to members of the diocese to so that we may include them in the upcoming issues of E-NEWS.
Called to be salt and light in the world . . .

by The Rev. Terry McGugan and reprinted from February 14, 2012 edition of

"Staying in the Loop," the St. Michael's, Racine electronic newsletter


This past weekend was my kids' high school winter formal. Unfortunately I was out of town but I got constant updates of changed plans and who was falling in and out of favor.


Formal is always an exciting time in the life of teenagers and their parents. Zech, my eldest child, went to a local restaurant with his date for dinner, just the two of them. I can imagine them sitting at a table for two -- Zech in his dark blue striped suit and a boutonniere pinned to his lapel, and his date in a beautiful dress basking in all his attention. Near the end of the meal, my son asked for the check and the waitress informed him that an older couple had paid their check. Zech was shocked. He asked which couple. The waitress said they had already left and she recommended Zech and his date should order desert because it was all taken care of. How wonderful is that? And it made a huge impact on my son, that a stranger who chose to stay anonymous acted with such thoughtful grace. Zech was quick to say that when he is older and sees a young couple out for a prom or formal, he is going to do the same. I thought to myself, so am I.


I don't know who those folks were but they reminded me and my family of the power of grace. That one-way love that is unearned, unmerited and undeserved, poured out only for the pleasure of the giver for the benefit of someone else.


We as Christians are called to be salt and light in the world. Now that doesn't mean we have to do extraordinary things. All we really have to do is commit random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty, and in doing so, we will show the world that goodness overcomes evil, grace triumphs over law, and love and kindness are the most powerful things in the world.


Important Message regarding  upcoming Vestry Leadership School!!


On behalf of the Commission on Mission and Development (COMD) of the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee, I want to thank all of you for registering for the Vestry Leadership School on February 25th at St. Luke's, Madison.  We are looking forward to being with you as we learn about this thing we call a vestry, or bishop's committee, as the case may be.


If you have not already done so and have dietary restrictions, please contact me and let me know as soon as possible.  I can be reached at or at 262.749.1168.


Due to the overwhelming interest in Vestry leadership School, our group on February 25th will be very large and we had to stop taking registrations several days ago.  Please advise anyone from your respective churches that is planning on being a 'walk-in" on the day of the event that there will be a $30.00 registration fee, due to the very large number of folks who have already registered.


In addition, due to the large number of folks who missed the cut-off date, we will be offering another Vestry Leadership School on Saturday, March 24th, at Zion Episcopal Church in Oconomowoc.  If you would prefer that location and date, please contact me and I will be happy to transfer your registration to that session.


A reminder that check-in on February 25th will be between 8:30 and 9:00am.  We are looking forward to seeing all of you!


God's peace,

Fr. Dave Huxley (Registration Chair)

Episcopal Church Scholarships


Applications are now being accepted for over 60 scholarships available through the Episcopal Church! 


For a list of scholarships, an application form and directions on how to apply, click on the link below. 


List of Scholarships and Application 


Safeguarding God's People:

Preventing Sexual Exploitation in Communities of Faith and

Preventing Sexual Harassment of Church Workers

"Safeguarding God's People" is the training program which is for protection of adults with regard to sexual exploitation and sexual harassment. All clergy who have not taken this course within the last five years are strongly encouraged to attend this one day training. Lay persons may also sign up if they are on the list of required attendees. A complete listing of required attendees can be found at This will be the only spring training opportunity. If you are unable to attend on this date, watch for other opportunities in fall 2012.


Date and Time: Friday, March 23rd: We will begin promptly at 9:00 am - 3:00 pm.

Place: St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church, 6205 University Avenue, Madison, WI. 

To Register: Call Office of Christian Formation, The Rev. Carla McCook, 414-277-3028 ext 116 or send an email to by Monday, March 19.

Cathedral Movie Night features "Ladyhawke" on February 25th

All Saints' Cathedral's Movie Night will be on Saturday, February 25, and the third Saturday of most months - mark this regular event in your social agenda! Dinner is at 6:00 p.m. ($6 per person covers the costs), followed by the movie at 7:00 p.m.(no charge).  ALL are welcome!


In February, we will show Ladyhawke, starring Matthew Broderick, Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer. The scene is medieval Europe, where a thief (Broderick), known as "The Mouse," escapes the dungeons of Aquila, setting in motion a chain of events that may save or destroy a beautiful woman and a brave captain. The two lovers are doomed to lifelong separation by a demonic curse invoked by the corrupt and jealous Bishop of Aquila: by day Isabeau (Pfeiffer) is transformed into a hawk, while at night Captain Navarre (Hauer) becomes a black wolf. Imperius, the monk who drunkenly betrayed their love to the Bishop, has found a way to break the curse, but only if he and the Mouse can get them back into Aquila to face the Bishop.

All Saints' Cathedral is located at 818 East Juneau Avenue, Milwaukee.

Living Water for Haiti
Christ Church Whitefish Bay, through the Milwaukee Diocese has participated in the 25 year relationship in support of Jeannette Parish School and clinic, 55 miles into the mountains from Port au Prince.  The 2010 earthquake destroyed 3 of 5 water cisterns and damaged the other two.
We invite you to join us as we kick off our Lenten Project: Living Water for Haiti on Ash Wednesday.  Come to our 5:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday Family Service, on February 22, where we are pleased to welcome our guest gospel choir from All People's Lutheran Church.  After our service, a simple Haitian meal will follow to help us begin our Lenten Focus of 'Turning to God, Serving Others.'  Our Lenten project: Living Water for Haiti will be helping St Marc's Jeannette recover an adequate supply of drinking water.
Christ Church, Whiteifh Bay is located at 5655 North Lake Drive. No reservations are necessary to attend the service and dinner. 
The gifts gathered in the water bank for the Living Water for Haiti  project throughout lent will fund purchase of emergency water, and will research rebuilding the water supply.  With God's help and ours, rebuilding will happen.                         


M�si pou dlo!

Thank you for water!

Julian Gathering Celebrates Fourth Year

The Madison-area Julian Gathering is beginning our fourth year; a number of people have come to see what we're about and some have become 'regulars.' We welcome everyone who is interested in learning more about contemplative spirituality in the Christian tradition. We meet monthly for contemplative prayer for twenty-five minutes, after which we discuss a reading from Julian of Norwich, a 14th Century English mystic. These gatherings are supported by the Order of Julian of Norwich, a contemplative monastic order in the Episcopal Church.


We meet the second Wednesday of each month at 7:15 PM at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church, 6205 University Ave., Madison, WI. We end promptly at 9 PM. We would love to have you join us. Our next meeting is March 14. For further information, contact Susan Fiore, AOJN at (608) 845-2413 or

Lay Pastoral Care Seminar

Do you ever wonder where God might be calling you? Encouragement, prayer, healing, hospitality, listening with the ear of the heart - are these among your personal gifts? Are you fulfilled when you can share your journey with others and help them in their quest for God?

Then perhaps God's call and your heart's desire could be leading you to lay pastoral caregiving. We invite you to spend a Saturday morning considering the possibility, as we explore how to grow personally and integrate Benedictine spirituality into our lives.


The Madison area Community of Hope team invites you to attend a half-day Lenten seminar on Foundations of Lay Pastoral Care Ministry: Exploring Your Spiritual Life and Calling.   The seminar takes place Saturday March 17 from 8:30-12:30 at St. Luke's, Madison (4011 Major Avenue, Madison WI 53716). 

For more information or to register please see flyer or contact Diane Brown  608-444-6707.



Couples Retreat
at St. James', Milwaukee


The Romance of Our Hearts and Souls with God: A Couples Retreat will be held Saturday, March 3rd (9am-4pm) at St. James' Episcopal Church, 833 West Wisconsin Avenue in Milwaukee.  The retreat is for "any and all couples looking to broaden and deepen their relationship with Jesus and with each other."  For more information please see flyer or contact the parish office at 414-271-1340 or .


Outstanding Service Award goes to Hospitality Center 
Hospitality Center staff and volunteers receive service award

The Hospitality Center, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee, was presented with an Outstanding Service Award by the Racine Interfaith Coalition on Saturday, February 11, 2012.More specifically, the Hospitality Center's award was in recognition for sharing vision, life skills and service to the homeless and near homeless, transforming lives and offering hope.


Along with the Hospitality Center, Merritt Adams, Racine County Jail Chaplain and the Conflict Resolution Crew (Case High School Drama Class - Racine) were recognized and presented with awards. All three were chosen for their role in making a difference in the Racine community


As stated by the Reverend Michael Mueller, Racine Interfaith Coalition organizer, "we want to lift up those individuals and organizations that are working for justice and doing things to build the strength and health of our community,"


The Racine Interfaith Coalition is an organization of diverse Racine churches and faith communities formed to promote social justice, fairness and quality of life in Racine. The Racine Interfaith Coalition's mission is to address the root causes of social problems and lead to new ways of thinking and acting


Cooking School Ministry with  Deacon REGS
The Rev. Deacon Regs Scheeler is available to visit and help your parish. He has been a deacon of this diocese many years, serving us in many different ways. He is always willing to share his journey with you. Throughout his time, his passion and focus on formation and education for youth and their leaders has not changed. REGS is a non-stipendiary staff person who is available to help congregations move through transition, assist them in discernment or challenge them as they move forward. He can make visits on Sundays and some weekdays. If you think a visit from him would be of use to you, don't hesitate to call and discover the ways in which he might help your parish. He has a gift and call for cooking ministry which he tries to incorporate into all he does. He can be reached at or 262-827-9378  There are some weekday visits available. The summer and fall schedule is very open right now. read more

Kairos Prison Ministry is starting in Wisconsin.  Kairos is very similar to Cursillo, except that it is held inside a prison.  It is a special walk with Christ for incarcerated men and women.


An official chapter has been formed with the Dept. of Corrections to begin entering Wisconsin prisons this year, both men's and women's.  It is hoped that the weekends will begin this fall. While no definite prison or dates have been selected yet, volunteers are needed now!  Men and women willing to commit to serving on teams when the program is ready to begin. Teams of 24-36 peopel are needed for each prison.  Training is provided prior to each weekend. 


Consider getting involved . . . and please pray for the success of Kairos in Wisconsin. More information is available at or by contacting Pat Pellechia at or 262-853-4053.

DeKoven Center's Second Tuesday series features Sudan mission trip 


The Second Tuesday series at The DeKoven Center, 600 21st Street, Racine, announces an exciting and thought provoking presentation for its "nearly spring" gathering on March 13. in historic Taylor Hall on the west side of campus. This popular morning of fellowship and reflection begins at 10:00 with coffee and conversation in historic Taylor Hall on the west side of campus, with the program following in the Library.   Everyone is cordially invited!      

A church in the Sudan

Featured speaker willbe the Rev. Kevin Goodman, Associate Dean of the Episcopal Cathedral of St. James in Chicago, who will share 3 video clips from his recent trip to the Sudan, a venture led by Bishop Jeff Lee of Chicago in order to support and uphold the burgeoning church in that area.  

Photos taken on the recent mission trip to the Sudan





Fr. Goodman was coordinator of a media team which recorded the astonishing witness of these Sudanese Christians who have lived their faith in the midst of violence and persecution. His own theological reflections will accompany the video recordings of their stories which in so many ways reflect the mystery of the Passion and Resurrection.  The presentation will afford a unique experience for those who come: hearing and seeing contemporary Christians whose life of faith has emerged "out of the great tribulation." We hope many will join us.



Trinity Episcopal Church in Janesville

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

9:00am to 4:00pm


Trinity begins its Lenten season with a traditional retreat day to help us focus on the journey of our Lord and His journey to Jerusalem and the cross. How does that journey get lived in the 'day to day' of schedules, interruptions, family and personal needs? The scriptures give the example of Jesus slipping away in the dark to pray, often unknown to the disciples. To help us on this journey of Lent, the meaning of which is "spring", our friends Catherine and Ken Jacobson will assist us to find our path in the midst of bumpy roads. They bring a unique background of being practicing Quakers with an Episcopal history. Ken recently earned his PhD. in New Testament studies and is adjunct professor at Chicago Divinity School. This richness and diversity is a gift to all. Trinity is located at 409 E Court Street, Janesville WI, 53545. Contact the office at 608-754-3402 for more information.


Trinity's Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

February 21, 2012 5:00-7:00 PM

Come and enjoy pancakes, sausage, applesauce and beverage

along with the following entertainment:

Thelma Wilcox will perform her special brand

of Jazz from 5:00 - 5:30pm and

Lynette Calhoon, Pianist/Vocalist will perform from 6:15 - 7:00pm


Supper will be served from 5:00-7:00pm at Ortmayer Hall 



Tickets are $5.50 each or (5) for $25.00

Children under the age of 4 are free!


 Trinity Episcopal Church

419 E Court Street, Janesville WI 53545

Taize Prayer Service set for March 4th
The next Taize prayer service will be held at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Waukesha. 


Musicians of St. Matthias Episcopal,  St. Joesph's Roman Catholic and other churches will combine to lead this service.Sunday, March 4, at 6 p.m, St. Joe's is located at 818 N. East Ave in Waukesha.  Interested choir members or musicians who wish to assist in the musical leadership should be to the church by 4:30 for the musician rehearsal. A light reception is planned after the service.
Taiz� is an international, ecumenical movement of prayer.  Taiz� services are contemplative in nature and consist of music, readings, and periods of silence.The intention is to still the soul in order to invite the presence of God into our lives to bring peace and unity.  Please help spread the word about this event.


Questions?  Please contact Craig Bodoh, Director of Music at St. Matthias at  414-460-3253 or 


Attention Clergy:
More Info on Small Group
Clergy Days . . .

On February 13/14 and 27/28 diocesan clergy will be gathering for Clergy Day in smaller groups based upon Convocational structure. Following up on the bishop's Diocesan Convention sermon and address, each meeting will feature a facilitated conversation on the topic of Evangelism, Growth, and Renewal. Meetings will begin with the Bishop leading clergy in worship and Bible study. Clergy who have not yet had an opportunity to review the fact sheet and convocation structure  listing e-mailed to clergy earlier this week are invited to do so now.


  St. Luke's, Madison Presents:


February 21, 2012  5:15-6:45 PM      

Did you know that Shrove Tuesday dates back to Ireland where Lent meant abstaining from eggs and all dairy products? So the practical Irish ate pancakes on Tuesday to use up all the goods before Ash Wednesday!

Don't miss this chance to indulge yourself before Lent commences on Ash Wednesday!  Join us for the traditional "Fat Tuesday" pancake supper on February 21.  Enjoy pancakes, sausage, applesauce, and beverage at the lowest price in town.

Supper will be served from 5:15-6:45 in the Parish Hall. 


Helpers are needed! Call Diane Brown at 444-6707 to volunteer.


Pricing: 16+ = $4.00   Ages 6-15 and over 65 = $3.00   Ages 5-2 = $1.00


St. Luke's Episcopal Church      4011 Major Avenue, Madison, WI 53716


 March Highlights at The DeKoven Center



with the Rev. Margaret Guenther, beloved spiritual writer and retreat leader; professor emeritus of Aescetical Theology, General Theological Seminary; and associate priest, St. Columba's, Washington D.C. Title of this Retreat is "Seeking Jesus in Silence and Simplicity."  Suggested donation: $200.00. Scholarship assistance and commuter rates available.    




 to be celebrated on Sunday afternoon with Evensong at 5:00 in St. John's Chapel, the Rev. Travis DuPriest officiating. Keeping this festival day has been one of DeKoven's longest and most popular traditions.  A festive dinner follows in Taylor Hall, for which reservations are necessary.  Suggested donation is $20.00. (Reservations are not needed for Evensong.)


For Reservation, email

For information on the Retreat, email

  Click for flyer with more information on both events


  The DeKoven Center

600 - 21st Street, Racine, WI 53403

"In a Moment"
Sensitivity & Awareness - Overcoming Adversity

Everybody fights some kind of stereotype, and people with disabilities are no exception. Often, barriers that people with disabilities face begin with people's attitudes - attitudes often rooted in misinformation and misunderstandings about whatit's like to live with a disability.


Wednesday, March 7th 

6:00 - 6:30 pm Supper / 6:30-8:00 pm Guest Speaker  


Guest Speaker Theresa Gilliland, author of

                         "In a Moment"


     RSVP: Phone: 262-728-5292   Fax: 262-728-5213       


Hosted and Held at Christ Episcopal Church

503 E. Walworth Ave.Delavan, WI 53115

shares her positive attitude and how it helped her survive three life changing events: going blind, her husband's traumatic brain injury, and her son's brain cancer. 



One more time . . . THANK YOU for forwarding this newsletter to parishioners and others who may be  interested and for sending YOUR news/events / photos to !
See you next week!

Barbara Klauber
Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee